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Pag-aaral sa Bibliya ng Corinto - Talata sa talata

Building upon the Foundation
Building upon the Foundation

1 Corinthian 3:11-17 Building upon the Foundation of Jesus. Every believer is accountable to Jesus

Knop IntroductionIntroduction  Button 1 Corinthian 11  Button 1 Corinthian 22  Button 1 Corinthian 33  Button 1 Corinthians 3:11-171Cor 3:11-17  Button 1 Corinthian 44  Button 1 Corinthian 55  Button 1 Corinthian 66  Button 1 Corinthians 6:19-201Cor 6:19-20  Button 1 Corinthian 77  Button 1 Corinthian 88  Button 1 Corinthian 99  Button 1 Corinthian 1010  Button 1 Corinthian 1111  Button 1 Corinthians 1212  Button 1 Corinthians 1313  Button 1 Corinthians 1414  Button 1 Corinthians 1515  Button 1 Corinthians 1616

Button 2 Corinthians 12 Cor. 1  Button 2 Corinthians 22 Cor. 2  Button 2 Corinthians 32 Cor. 3

Panimula ng Corinto

Map of GreeceThe Greek Peloponnese is connected to the Greek continent by a land length of six to eight kilometres wide. The city Corinth was built on this isthmus. A bulged rock Acrocorinthus rising 600 meters (2000 feet) above sea level. And was sufficiently wide to build an imposing city. On the east side, the Aegean Sea with its numerous islands were overlooked. On the west side lay the Ionian Sea. To the north, the Attica mountains and to the northeast one could see the Acropolis in the city of Athens at a distance of 78 kilometres (48 miles). Corinth (/ kɒrɪnθ /; Greek: Κόρινθος, Kórinthos) was an important city. Military because it had a view at the two seas. The city had two ports that formed the commercial center between Asia and Europe. It was a city governed by wealth, splendour, literature, art and luxury. The city was notorious for its debauchery, full of idolatry and immorality (famous for prostitution in the temple of Afrodite). In 120 BC. the city was destroyed by the Roman Mummius. To be rebuilt a century later by Julius Caesar, who recognized the military and commercial value of the city. In Acts 18:12-18, the proconsul Lucius Júnio Gallio governed Achaia when Paul arrived there during his second missionary journey. The city attracted Greeks and Jews. The population of Corinth, estimated at about 600,000 people at that time, includes merchants, sailors, retired Roman soldiers and a very large proportion of slaves (about 400,000). Eratus, Phoebe and Sosthenes are Greek names. Gaius, Quintus, Fortunates, Crispus, Justus are of Roman origin.

Photo of Corinth
Photo of Corinth The city had a strategic position because it formed a link between Attika with Athens and the Peloponnese, including Sparta. The trade of the city also flourished because of this favourable position. The Romans destroyed the city after a siege in 146 BC. In 44 BC. the city was rebuilt by Julius Caesar and soon Corinth became the most prosperous city in southern Greece. It was also the capital of the Roman province of Achaea. The city was famous during this period because of the Isthmic Games, which were held once every two years and in this period were only surpassed by the Olympic Games. Around the year 50 AD, a Christian church was founded, to which Paul wrote letters, Paul's First letter to the Corinthians and Paul's Second letter to the Corinthians. On February 21, 1858, the old city was completely destroyed by an earthquake with a force of 6.5 on the Richter scale. The new city of New Corinth is founded on the coast of the Corinthian Gulf. This city was also destroyed by an earthquake on 23 April 1928 but rebuilt into modern Corinth. The archaeological site, ancient Corinth (Archaía Kórinthos, ie Greek for Antiques Corinth) is located outside the newly built, modern city of Corinth.

Roman Corinth
This letter was written AD 53-57 in Ephesians (1 Cor. 16: 8) in Turkey, about 270 km from Corinthians. According to Acts 18:1-17, Paul founded the church in Corinthians and he spent about three years in Ephesians (Acts 19:8, 10, 20:31).
The possession of this letter of Paul is widely accepted, although it was not the first letter Paul wrote to the people of Corinthians (see 1 Corinthians 5:9), however, this letter did not survive. Paul lived in the house of Aquila, a Jew from Rome, as a result of Claudius giving orders that all Jews should leave Rome. Paul Sermoned every Sabbath in the synagogue. In the time of Paul, the city was governed by the governor Gallio, an honest and mild person. He refused to accept the false accusations of the Jews against Paul (Acts 18:12-16). Afterwards Paul lived with Crispus, the superior of the synagogue, who came to faith in Jesus Christ. Through the Sermoning of Paul many Jews and non-Jews came to faith. Paul spent a year and a half in Corinth. The Greeks were known for their vanity and love for pleasure, refined pagan customs, surrounded by all the stimuli to indulgence, philosophers and false teachers.
Source: The first letter from Paul to the Corinthians (Dutch). ISBN 90 266 0756 3

1 Corinto 1 Espirituwal na kabaligtaran ng mundo

Verse 1 Paul rightly should be pointing the church members in Corinth because of their disorder. That is why he begins his letter with: Paul, a called apostle by Christ Jesus. He is not just someone, NO, he is on equal level of the other 11 apostles. He has taken the place of the traitor apostle Judas. Not through the appointment of the other 11 apostles. No, he is personally appointed and called by Christ Jesus Himself. After the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus who died on the cross for the sin of man. And Paul was a great sinner because he persecuted and murdered the believers in Jesus Christ. Christ Who had conquered death and rose from the dead. After His Resurrection and the death of the traitor Judas, Christ Jesus personally called the persecutor Paul and appointed him as a substitute for Judas. With that, all authority was given to Paul by Christ Jesus. There was no talk of contradiction. It was God's Will.
Paul had not asked for apostleship, it was imposed on him by God Himself (Acts 9), which he could not escape. This is also confirmed by the brother Sosthenes. With that, the matter was fixed. 2 Cor. 13:1 Any charge must be sustained by the evidence of two or three witnesses. Sosthenes was a person who enjoyed considerable authority in Corinth, possibly a superior in the synagogue.

Verses 2-3 Paul addresses to those sanctified in Christ Jesus. So not to the person who says I belong to Apollos, to Paul, to Cephas or to any other person. No, Paul begins directing his letter directly to those who are the property of the only LORD, Jesus Christ. Those who have come from paganism to faith of forgiveness of sins and now recognize Jesus Christ as Lord. Those who lived riotously and were now gifted with many gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The term sanctified in Christ Jesus is a New Testament version of the Old Testament version on Israel. The Israeli priests were holy. The New Testament believers are of a royal priesthood. They too are HOLY. This sanctification is through the blood of Jesus. But it is up to each believer individually to work out this sanctification and to put it into practice daily. If not, he or she loses access to Heaven, because he or she denies the calling and faith.

Verses 4-8 Paul is grateful to God for opening their eyes of their licentious lives and having given faith in the Lord Jesus Christ with rich spiritual gifts. It is the apostle Paul who gives thanks to God for this. The elders and pastor must continually bring the members of the congregation before the Lord Jesus Christ in their prayers. Continually teaching the church members in the Word of God, teaching in thanks and prayer, with admonitions and, if necessary, with chastisement.
Paul, when he was in Corinth, had lavishly taught the congregation for 1 1/2 years in the Word of God and all the knowledge he had received from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. They had enjoyed the privilege of a long stay of Paul in their congregation. The church cannot complain, because they had received many spiritual gifts through God's mercy, there was no shortcoming. These gifts must be used to build up the believers and the church as a unit, without division. Without a split of I belong to that person or to that person. There may be diversity, different thoughts, but there must be UNITY. For the body of Christ consists of many members, each with its own task, but there is only ONE head, ONE that the church has purchased with His blood, Christ Jesus. The spiritual gifts are meant as an incentive for personal development and the church. Not as bragging to rise above others.
Who (God the Father) will sustain you to the end. It is the work of God that provides. But the condition is that the believer allows the Holy Spirit to do His work in the believer. To the end: the end of the life of the believer or broader given the work in all believers from the age of Paul until the Rapture of the Church.
It is God's faithfulness that works it all out. The believer sins daily. But God the Father sees the believer in Jesus Christ. Jesus has bought the believer with His blood and His blood cleanses the believer from all (confessed) sins. It is the Son of God Who has made all this true. But the condition is:

  1. The (daily) recognition of sins,
  2. The (immediate) confession of sin by name,
  3. Living a holy life that is to keep God's commandments,
  4. To be a witness of Jesus, through the open display of love and love in word and deed.

Verse 10 After the thanksgiving, unfortunately the apostle Paul must go to exhortation because of the conditions in the congregation. A schism in the church, raising oneself above the other. There must be unity, there is only 1 Jesus Christ. In the Lord Jesus Christ, the church MUST be 1. There may be 12 apostles, but their heads is Jesus Christ. There are many spiritual gifts, but one gift cannot exist without the other gifts. Every believer has his or her own task. One task is no more and no less than the other task. The Holy Spirit distributes, aptly to His Insight. And this gift is not above capability. One receives 5 talents which falls within the ability. The other, two talents. Another, one talent. But from EVERY ONE an account is asked what he or she has done with the given talent(s). From a pastor or elder a higher account will be required than a simple worker, who gives the tenth. But a father and mother have a heavy responsibility to account for the upbringing of their children in the Christian faith and their children keeping God's commandments.
The apostle does not intend to resign himself to this division. As an apostle it is his DUTY to admonish and to punish, if necessary. A pastor cannot apologize for division within his congregation or for the public sin of a church member. Unbelievers are not allowed to point to open sin of believers who remain unpunished. At quarrels within a church. In division. There must be no reproach on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
"I appeal to you" is not a good translation. The verb katartizoo means "to put things right", for example of fishing nets, "to restore to the original state". Paul asks the congregation to return to the beginning of the origin of the church when there was unity.

Verses 11-12 There is still 1 congregation in Corinth, there is no separation yet. Everything still takes place within 1 church. But the disagreements appear public and have come to the ears of the apostle Paul, who is far away in another city. A shameful thing: there are disputes in the congregation. There are dissensions: I belong to Paul, I belong to Apollos, I belong to Cephas, etc. The reporting source is reliable, they are community members. There is no doubt, not communicated to Paul by unreliable persons, but by church members themselves.

Verse 13 Who has accomplished the Work of Salvation? Who died for sin? Not Paul, not Apollos, not Cephas, nor any other person. The ONLY ONE who died for sin is Jesus Christ. Only His blood cleanses from sin. There is only one baptism in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is no baptism in Paul, in Apollos, in Cephas, or any other name, only the baptism in the Trinity.

Verses 14-16 Paul is grateful that he baptized only two persons and a family, so that people cannot boast of being baptized by Paul. And thus to belong to him. The baptism is only an instrument, the baptism is from God, NOT from a human being. The baptism of (by) a person has no value whatsoever. It is the confession of guilt by man who brings him or her to the Trinity. To be a recognition of sinner and to need forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

Verse 17 Paul was not sent to baptize, but to Sermon the gospel. From this, it cannot be concluded that baptism is a minor issue. Jesus also left baptism to His disciples during His life on earth. Also the Apostle Peter did not baptize Cornelius and his companions himself, but gave the order to others to baptize them. Thus the later practice that others baptize, to legitimize the case and stimulate it. It is also an incentive to team work. For one person, the task is too heavy. For Moses, the task was too heavy to do the work alone. His father-in-law advised him to appoint staff to relieve him. In a large congregation, the tasks are too numerous to be carried out by one pastor alone. That is why evangelists, elders and deacons are needed. Each has his or her own talent and spiritual gift. The body of Christ has many members. The sum of the many workers is greater than the work of an individual! The commission to Paul by Christ is proclamation of the gospel (to Gentiles), not to occupy himself with secondary work. He has been asked to lay the foundation, the stem. It is up to others to build upon this foundation. Christ is the foundation, the believer has to grow from milk to solid food. Paul left the church at Corinth, Apollos and Cephas built on the work of Paul, they were the ones who continued to educate the church.
"Be emptied of its power" (Kenóoo): emptying, robbing its content or value. The core of Paul's evangelism was the proclamation of the crucified Jesus, His resurrection from the dead, the victory over satan, the forgiveness of sin. He had laid this foundation in Corinth. His own name could neither be put next to it, that would be a emptying of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Verse 18 The word of the Cross is not a great news, as the Jews expect a king who would deliver them from the Roman yoke. A news of plans to improve the world with heart-catching insights. The word of the Cross is not someone who was out to make himself a big name. Not a powerful political or socio-cultural plan.
The word of the Cross was that God left his place in Heaven, leaving all his power behind, and was born into a manger like a poor man. Exposed to many temptations of satan and resistive. Experiencing the misery of man on earth, obeying until the end. With flogging by the Roman soldiers and at the request of the Jewish leaders, by the Roman governor innocent sentenced to a death at the Cross. Thereby as servant of God, to take the punishment of the sin of man.
That is the foundation for the believer, but a ridiculous foolishness, fantasy and myth for the unbeliever.

Verse 19 is a quote from Isaiah 29:14. In Isaiah the prophet turns against the wise statesmen who thought that only an alliance with Egypt could save them from Assyria. As a result, their country came to the edge of the abyss. By God's intervention, their "wise" plans could not go ahead and the land was saved. This is typically God. He must destroy the wisdom of the wise to save them from destruction. Man thinks he is wise, rich and able to develop his human abilities in technology, art, politics and philosophy. In the hope of saving himself. As if they themselves have created earth and life. That is much easier to believe than the gospel. The difficult, unbelievable and humiliating of a man being a sinner and unable to save himself. Recognizing that there is a high power with a much higher wisdom than man. That man works his own demise (despite the fact that the effects of man-made environmental pollution are clear today. The animals and fish die because of the plastic which people throw away and thus destroyed their own food, partly because of all other poisonings).

Verse 20 "Where is the wise man" from Isaiah 19:11 describes how the famous wise men in Egypt completely failed. "Where is the scribe" from Isa. 33:18, the scribe was the Assyrian writer who had to register the obtained spoils on the enemy. However, they could not do their work because God had given the Jewish people His salvation. "God made the wisdom of the world folly" from Isa. 44:25 relates to the conqueror Cyrus, who discovered that the Babylonian wise men had a completely wrong view of history. The fortune-tellers turn out to be fools.
Today, too, scientists praise their knowledge, the knowledge of the planets in our solar system. What folly, because they have no possibilities at all to obtain knowledge outside of our solar system. With robots they try to imitate man, but man is too complex so that no single robot is able to do everything that a human being can. Scholars try to make people wise with artificial intelligence. But artificial intelligence remains stupid, for it can only contain what he has learned before, it has no mind. Just know what is in his database (knowledge provided by man) and does not know anything beyond the database. What is beyond the learned, it canNOT solve. While man is capable of that. In short, wisdom, foolishness is seen from the Omniscient God and Creator.

Verse 21 The wise man, in his own eyes, does not wish to acknowledge God. Do not want to know God's Creation. The universe was created by a BIG BANG and evolution. But despite the fact that according to them man has existed for millions of years, there is no new evolution after the millions of human existence. That is why their theory is not right!
Man tries to save and heal himself through yoga, Buddhism, spiritism, etc. Nevertheless, man dies, it does not bring eternal and healthy life.
The foolishness in human eyes of believing in Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY, eternal life in a new SINLESS and FOREVER HEALTHY body. This is only reserved for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and then living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Verse 22 During the life of Jesus on earth, the people and the Jewish scribes continually demanding proof from HEAVEN (for example, letting manna rain down from heaven), in order to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. They were foolish and did not recognize the many miracles and healings of Jesus. Acknowledged the enormous writing knowledge (Old Testament) of Jesus with his explanations of scripture.
The Greeks (not Jews) want proof through wisdom. In dangerous times the person had to manage to control himself, in situations where every other person would lose his head. That was as proof of wisdom.
Both groups, Jew and Greek, wanted to believe that his authority, his authority over people, situations and events had to be evident. Only to such a man, did one entrust the guidance of the world and society. Note, all this is purely focused on the earthly life, and not on life after death.

Verse 23 A crucified Jesus is a dangerous trap for the Jew. For him the Messiah is a world ruler, the King, who speaks justice. He puts an end to evil. A Messiah who dies at the cursed wood is by definition a false prophet and false Messiah. That is why a Jew cannot believe this story, it is a dangerous trap.
For the Greek a ridiculous folly that someone at the cross dies and then rises from the dead. The rules of life, the way of life of Jesus are a threat to the governors of the country. Jesus was a servant, even though He was God's Son. His teaching was foolishness, for power was the magic word for rulers.

Verse 24 "But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks". Is translated less correctly. Godet gives: But they, the same Jews and Gentiles, once become believers. Grosheide: Just those who are called, they may be Jewish or Greek.
Called ones (klètoi) is a New Testament title for people whom the call of God, through the Sermoning of the gospels, has proved effective and accepted Jesus as their Saviour. This also explains what election means: to respond to the call of God to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Verse 25 Godet: "Wiser than the people with all their wisdom, stronger than the people with all their strength". The truth will appear at the end of the Great Tribulation. Then everyone on earth will see Jesus, then people will have to recognize that Jesus Christ died at the Cross and rose from the dead. Then every person on earth will have to acknowledge that He is the Only Director. Then every man will be judged by Him.

Verse 26 Possibly the church in Corinth did not consist of many men with a civil power position and influential. But from people of a lower population group. The 11 apostles were possibly all illiterate people. With the exception of the tax collector Matthew, who was influential and well educated. The Apostle Paul had an excellent education as a Pharisee at the feet of Gamaliel. The Gospel of Luke and Acts are written by the physician Lucas. Many rich people relied more on their wealth.
Today, people trust their wealth, yoga meditation, worshiping Buddhism and their technical knowledge. Even intellectuals, precisely because of their study and knowledge, come to the realization that there must be a higher power. And they go looking for and come out with the God of the Bible and end with their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verses 27-28 God has chosen the lower educated people to shame the higher educated. Unless the higher educated person recognizes that God is a High Omniscient Power and their own knowledge is small, he or she will be impeded to come to faith. Do not misunderstand this, God loves everyone, with God there is no preference. But a rejection of people who estimate themselves highly. They rely more on their own strength and insight than the recognition of an Almighty God and Creator. The humble of heart will recognize his human limitations. Recognize being fully dependent in the daily life of the Holy Spirit to live clean (and sinless, continual confession of sins) and by the Wisdom and Power of the Holy Spirit to be able to do the work of God (evangelization, mission, etc.). That as a person one is completely dependently on God for his or her daily (healthy) existence, housing, eating and drinking. God chastises the believer who is going to boast about the gifts of God, who will be less dependent on God. The apostle Paul had a thorn in the flesh to keep him dependent on God, for he was blessed with many spiritual gifts. He had the privilege of being personally instructed by Jesus for three years. He was a learned man at the feet of Gamaliel. He had been in the third heaven (paradise). God had revealed to him many mysteries (such as the Rapture of the Church) to inform the church. So he had every reason to estimate himself.

Verse 29 When man appears before God, there is no place to praise their knowledge, their science, their leadership capacities, their wealth, their ability and being. Everything is God's grace. Sin has come into the world through a wrong choice of Adam. Every day the believer has to choose whether or not to sin, to obey God's commandments and laws, to live in dependence on Him.
The world believes today that they no longer need God. Deny with a penis born, is a man. Denying to be born with female genital organs, is a woman. One wants to take the law into their own hands with gender changes. Gender changes result in no being able to conceive children. Sexually impotent with all sexual frustration. And many end because of this frustration in suicide. See the work of satan there. The woman has an abortion to decide to have a child or to end the life of the child. Governments go so far as denying the power of God and to pass laws that put believers in prison if they respect and Sermon God's laws. In some countries, one can determine to have neutral or animal in the passport as gender. However, the Great Tribulation is imminent. The Anti-Christ will further promote wickedness and force people to worship satan. Then one must fully trust in God and make the choice for God and receive eternal life with God. Or the choice for satan and consequently receive an eternal life in the lake of fire. At the end of the Great Tribulation, God will pour out His wrath upon mankind. Man will seek death but will not find it. And the dreadful disasters and sicknesses will be shed upon him, caused by God's wrath.

Verses 30-31 He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus. Through Him the indwelling of the Holy Spirit became possible in the believer, Who gives power and wisdom to the believer. Through the blood of Jesus, the believer is clean and justified. Through Him the believer has redemption of sins and eternal life in Heaven (provided one puts his or her life under the control of the Holy Spirit). In his own strength the believer is unable to fight against the fallen angels (demons) the fallen archangel satan. Therefore no man, believer, can boast. EVERYTHING IS ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD. ONLY IN HIM WE CAN BOAST!

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1 Corinto 2 Ang pagsiyasat ng Banal na Espiritu sa tao

Verse 1 The Apostle Paul has brought the gospel in Corinth perfectly, as given to him by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Corinthians cannot contradict that. They themselves are witnesses to that. His action was not a teaching of how one might be able to lead a better life or gain prosperity. No, his Sermoning was that man is a sinner, separated from God and his destiny was the punishment of God: an eternal death in the lake of fire. But that God Himself had provided salvation, to which no SINGLE man was capable. Death at the Cross of the Son of God, Who took the penalty for sin. It is only by faith that man can relieve from this punishment and have eternal life in Heaven with God. Paul had spoken none of his own opinions. He Sermoned a depressing story. His message was a King, the Son of God, who had voluntarily been whipped and crucified on the orders of a cowardly Roman ruler. This Roman had condemned Jesus innocently to death at the Cross. But out of love for man, Jesus had taken the penalty for sin and died. However, after three days of the days he raised out of dead. This work was and IS the only power factor by faith to attain eternal life in Heaven with a body without sin.
A foolish Sermoning in the eyes of the Jews and Greeks in Corinth, but he has testified of this message of God.

Verse 2 "Know nothing among you except Jesus Christ!" can be explained as follows:

  1. Only to live for Jesus and for no one else
  2. No one is beyond Jesus
  3. Be fully engaged with the work for Jesus
  4. Doing everything to please the Lord Jesus Christ
  5. Having no other desire than to make Jesus Christ public
  6. So that others also get to know and follow Him.

The accent of Paul is on "Him crucified". Not a Sermoning of the prophetic action of Jesus, the many miracles and healings of Jesus, the power of Jesus over demons. The core of Paul's message was to obtain forgiveness of sins through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus asked nothing for Himself, but was completely submissive to the will of His Father in Heaven. He was the SERVANT who gave His life. Prepared to suffer. He gave the example how man should live. He had deposited His glory and POWER in Heaven and had come to earth as a human.

Verse 3 Paul had come to Corinth from Athens where he had been heavily persecuted. What fate was awaiting him in Corinth? In Corinth he laboured heavily (making of tents) to provide for his living. He came as a Jew in a predominantly Greek-inhabited city. He came as a loner without a smooth tongue.

Verse 4 Paul did not Sermon with compelling words, working on people's emotions. No compelling argument to convey his ideology to the masses. Emotions with Full of applause, Amen and Hallelujah shoutings. He told a story of what had happened, a story of an UNKNOWN God to the Greeks. A God according to Paul Who was above all gods. That he nevertheless managed to win people was not due to his personality, but to the power of the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit who convinced people of sin and brought to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That was not the work of the apostle Paul, but of the Spirit.

Verse 5 Resting is not in the Greek basic text, but the Greek verb has a dynamic character of "living from" or "springing out" or "finding its education from". The faith of the Corinthians is not based on human opinions, but based on the wisdom of God in Heaven. It was a personal intervention by God to the lost of man. A lost human life and world view, leading to eternal death. Through God's intervention, new life is possible.

Verse 6 "Among the mature we do impart wisdom" (τέλειοι) those who are perfect without lack (as with a sacrificial animal), acceptable to God. The teleioi are the believers who accept the Word of God without objection. They live in faith, hope and love, obedience to God.
The wisdom of God, the gospel proclamation is not a wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age. It was a decree of God before the foundation of the earth and continues until the Second Coming of Christ. The power of satan, demons, satanists and world rulers in that century and our century will be completely destroyed. Their powers come to a definitive end and all power will be giving to the Lord Jesus Christ (by God the Father).

Verse 7 The powers that are destroyed in verse 6 use goals and means that are contrary to God's love and means. These powers are out of their own power and not the well-fare of human. They see God's Love and redemption as a great threat to their own power and cannot possibly allow God to rule. For what would then end up of the human society of rich and poor, of powerlessness and power? God's mystery was already known to God before Creation and Fall. His first Plan was that the Jewish and Israeli people would be completely devoted to God and represent Him on earth. Unfortunately they failed in this and went after idols. God had foreseen this in His Wisdom, and in Jesus Christ He would call a new people, the Church. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, now it is up to the Church to act as a representative of God and to proclaim the Redemption plan of Salvation through the blood of the Risen Lord. It is now up to each individual believer to live to the glory of God, clean and under the control of the Holy Spirit. Man is weak, but through the power of the Holy Spirit it is possible to live without sin. Through That Power, man is able to understand and Sermon the gospel. This mystery was known to God before the Fall and during the Old Testament.

Verse 8 The rulers, especially the Jewish leaders (Sanhedrin), scribes, but also Pilate and satan, did not see through this plan of God. They crucified Jesus in their foolishness and power. With that they thought they got rid of Jesus and they retained their power. Folly what it was God's Plan that Jesus would die at the Cross. At the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Jesus. Jesus took the punishment for sin upon Himself. Thus, every believer was delivered from sin, redeemed from power-rulers. At the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus Christ will return to earth from Heaven. Then every man on earth will see Him (Zech 12:10, John 19:37). Then it is DEFINITIVE past of the worldly rulers and satan.
Had they known that this was God's Plan, they would have foiled God's Plan and NOT crucified Jesus. They did not know that God would give Jesus name above all name and all power. And still they are blind. Do they not see that their wisdom (but in fact foolishness) has no future. Governments can adopt laws that go right against God's commandments. However, within a decade, Jesus returns from Heaven and every knee on earth will bow before Him. Then these sages in their own eyes will be judged. Then their power will come to an definitive end.

Verse 9 This quote can be seen as taken from:
Isaiah 52:15 So shall he startle many nations; kings shall shut their mouths because of him; for that which has not been told them they shall see, and that which they have not heard they shall understand.
Isaiah 64:4 From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides thee, who works for those who wait for him.
Isaiah 65:17 For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
Jeremiah 3:17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the LORD, and all nations shall gather to it, to the presence of the LORD in Jerusalem, and they shall no more stubbornly follow their own evil heart.
The sages have seen the miracles of Jesus, they have heard the wisdom of Jesus. They have heard about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The veil in the Temple, the priests saw tearing from top to bottom (no work of man from beneath). Man has heard the gospel. Man can take knowledge (free on the Internet) of the Bible. Knowledge of the Gospel and God's Plans with man. But the eyes are blind, the ears are deaf. Only those who accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord are given the Salvation. Their eyes and ears are opened. Seeing and understanding the Plan of God. This is given to the Church who loves God and keeps His commandments. Who no longer participate in worldly life, but live to the honour of God. However, the believer who continues to live in the world will lose his or her life. Will experience the consequences in the Great Tribulation and stay behind at the first Coming of Christ (Matthew 24: 38-42).

Verse 10 TO US can refer to the apostles, the apostles to whom Jesus explained the parabols and informed about God's Plan. TO US can also refer to all believers who through the Bible (Old and New Testament, including Revelation) receive knowledge about the Plans of God. In his letters, Paul has written about the many plans of God. The Will and Knowledge of God include:

  1. The life of the believer under the direction of the Holy Spirit
  2. The judgment about the believer and building on the foundation (1 Cor. 3:10-15)
  3. The believer is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16)
  4. The Will of God involving marriage (1 Cor. 7, 2 Cor. 6:14)
  5. Many gifts, many members (1 Cor. 12)
  6. The Rapture of the Church (1 Cor. 15:50-54, 1 Thes. 4:13-18) and the new body
  7. The condition to be allowed to work in the service of Jesus (1 Timothy 2 and 3)

It is the Holy Spirit who searches everything of God and reveals them to the believer, provided that he opens himself and does not grieve and extinguish the Holy Spirit.

Verse 11 Only man himself knows his mind, his plans, secret thoughts, personal feelings, hidden feelings, hatred and love, the true motives to do or not do something. Only when a person utters it, others can share in it. HOWEVER God's Spirit knows the human spirit, NOTHING is hidden for Him. The Holy Spirit knows how and why the believer uses his or her spiritual gifts and talents. Know the hidden life of a believer. A pastor who secretly commits adultery, commits pedophilia. The healing pastor who is out on his own fame. The believer, elders, pastor who mistreated his wife and children at home, commits incest, does not know how to manage his finances. Nothing is hidden from God. Every believer will have to account before Him (Mat. 7:22-23, 2 Cor. 5:10).
If the human spirit is not already public, how much more does this apply to the Spirit of God. God lives in Heaven, where to date no man has access (The dead ones in Jesus live in paradise). So how can any man have knowledge of God then revealed by the Spirit and the Bible.

Verse 12 Man has the conscience that appeals to him or her for good and evil. The believer has the Bible, the pastor, the Holy Spirit who lives in him or her, to teach. If the believer allows to do their work through them, then we will know the Will of God. We know that man is a sinner, lost forever. We know the grace that by acknowledging being a sinner, through faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour, the believer receives grace of God. It is the grace of God that reconciliation with God has become possible through His Son Jesus Christ.

Verse 13 For translators, the Greek original text is difficult to translate. Therefore three possible descriptions.

  1. In this letter, Paul tries to make clear to the congregation that according to worldly standards, the gospel proclamation is a dangerous and foolish thing. Measured by God's standard is the only way.
  2. Paul thanks the Spirit that this mystery has been revealed to him. That is why he is not a dreamer, but a publisher of the good news and wisdom of God.
  3. Not every member of the Church has eyes to see and understand what the apostle tells. Some believers are completely open to the work of the Spirit and grow in knowledge. Other believers persevere in their worldly way of life, remaining unspiritual and living in the flesh. These believers oppose the teachings of Paul and the Bible ("This is not of our time"). They elevate themselves with their spiritual gifts above the other church members, which is the opposite of divine wisdom. Only those believers who fully live by the grace of God, keeping God's commandments, accepting what the apostle presents them as the wisdom of God. They accept what the Bible and the Spirit tells them and teaches them. Putting this into practice in their daily lives.

Verse 14 An unspiritual man does not have the Holy Spirit. After all, the Holy Spirit only makes a living after the man has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her personal Saviour. This unspiritual person can rise to great heights through study and research in science, technology, philosophy and culture. His thinking and doing is governed by human thoughts (sometimes by demons), human theory and assumptions. He tries to find his own proof, which we find in the investigation of the universe and the BIG BANG theory. He refuses to acknowledge God, avoids or rejects God's laws (marriage between equal sex, abortion, euthanasia, yoga, etc.).
He does not understand that God has the best for man. His mind is human, focused on his own welfare and power. Being sinful, he does not wish to know anything about. That is contrary to common sense. But practically also a danger for the own maintenance of own position and existence. It is his mental inability.

Verse 15 The spiritual man knows due to the Word of God to distinguish between right and wrong. He can judge what is correct and what is wrong. He tests everything that is offered to him or her. Rejects pornography. Does not look at tempting things on television and on the internet. Does not look at violence and sex. He knows how to keep the good (1 Thess. 5:21) and to approve what is excellent (Phil. 1:10).
The believer under the guidance of the Holy Spirit knows how to judge himself. Know his or her own heart. He believes in unusual things (Salvation through Jesus, people possessed by demons, people under the power of satan). He expects unusual things and healings in faith. He is capable of unusual things. He can explain things revealed by the Holy Spirit. The world does not know what to do with him, for them he is a fool.

Verse 16 For who has known the mind of the Lord? God works in mysterious ways. No one has assisted God with counsel during Creation. That was and is ONLY God's wisdom. God has an Omniscient knowledge. Has knowledge of the past and the future. He knows the heart of man. No man is able to be counsellor to God.
The believer must have the sense of Christ: SERVANT. Jesus served man, washed the feet of his disciples. Gave His life with a terrible death at the Cross. Out of love for the fellow-creature, for the sinful hostile man, He took the penalty of sin upon Himself.
Spiritual believers must follow the example of the servant Jesus. Spiritual believers may NOT raise themselves above other believers, above criticism and reprimand. One must respect other insights of other believers, but may correct them with love using the Bible.

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1 Corinto 3 Ang tao maka-laman, ang Kristiyano ay nagtatayo sa pundasyon ni Hesukristo

Verse 1 During his stay in Corinth, Paul could only have Sermoned the Corinthians the gospel. They had received the Spirit, but there was no true conversion from worldly life to a spiritual life. In spite of his stay of one and a half years, Paul was compelled to proclaim the basic principles of the gospel, it had remained with the milk. He could not Sermon solid food (Hebrews 5:12). Paul could only speak as to immature and fleshly children. Yes, they were his brothers in Christ. But through the quarrelling in the church, they remained in their carnal nature, considering themselves being superior to the other brother (sister) in Christ, was a stumbling block to their spiritual growth. Therefore, in Christian love, Paul has to crack hard nuts. There had to come a definite end to their carnal way of Christian living. If not, the Holy Spirit would be extinguished.
The Corinthians had they really abstracted Jesus Christ as their Saviour? Was it penetrated deep into their hearts? Their division and childlike behaviour contradicted this. There was no real conversion and letting go of the worldly. They were still completely controlled by their sinful flesh. Outwardly, this manifested itself in self-preservation. Little difference with their lives before the Sermoning of Paul. When they had come to faith and baptized, they had not suddenly turned from carnal people into spiritual people. Certainly the Holy Spirit had made indwelling, but they did not allow the Holy Spirit to change their lives. Their whole behaviour, thinking, doing and acting, was worldly. Therein they showed themselves immature (nèpioi). They were still babes in Christ Jesus.
Unfortunately today it is not much different with believers. Many are just visitors of church, only on a Sunday. Throughout the week it is a fleshly life. No reading of the Bible, no prayer. In fact, their spiritual growth is completely dead. The Holy Spirit is utterly extinguished and there is absolutely no sense of guilt and confession of sin. They belong to the five foolish virgins of Matthew 25, whose oil had finished at the coming of the bridegroom (the Coming of Christ, Rapture of the Church). They stayed behind and the door to the wedding hall was closed for them. They did not join the Rapture of the Church, but remain behind on earth to pass through the Great Tribulation. Let Paul's letter be a serious warning to believers who think they can live freely in the world. Think that everything falls under forgiveness of sin. That you can live as a Christian of the flesh in the world. Matthew 24 and 25 testify to the contrary. The Christian must live as a spiritual man under the control of the Holy Spirit if one wants to be one of the five wise virgins. And have access to the wedding hall (Heaven).

Verse 2 Milk is the gospel announcement, the death of Jesus at the Cross. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus Christ. Without bloodshed, no forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22). For a year and a half, Paul and his associates could only teach this elementary education. Necessary to remain to the first classes of primary education. The Corinthians had not arrived at higher education. A left in the classroom, without transition to the next class (school year). Paul is disappointed that even in his long absent from Corinth, the Corinthians are still not ready for solid food.
How is the believer? A religious life of church life, a visit to the church, and visiting everything that the church organizes? But is there spiritual growth? Is there a personal relationship with God, with Jesus Christ? Does your behaviour change from the flesh into the spiritual? Does the world and fellow believers see a change in your behaviour? Do you read the Bible daily and does God speak to you from the Bible? Or does the Bible remain a dark book for you? Does the Holy Spirit have control over your life? Does the Holy Spirit speak to you (and I do NOT mean speaking in tongues)? Are the fruits of the Holy Spirit from Galatians 5:22 visible in your daily life?

Verse 3 Paul reproaches that they are still in the flesh after many years after their conversion. Galatians 5:16-21 fully applies to them. They live as unchanged people. Equal to people in the world. Yes, worse than that, some unconverted worldly people give a better example. Think more of their poor fellow man than a born-again believer. Where is the social help of the churches? The support and mission on the mission field? Support to the evangelical children's institutions in the third world countries? The (financial) support for gospel and mission. The lack of this shows an unspiritual lifestyle.

Verse 4 When people say that they belong to that man or that person, that is purely human. Human motives such as those in business, politics and culture. In Jesus Christ, EVERYONE is EQUAL, there is no distinction. No man is more than any other person. Paul has no higher values than Apollos. Everyone has his own place under Jesus.
Note the rhetorical question: Are you not merely men? Paul speaks very carefully pastoral here. Not to hurt and to lose believers. That shows more clearly how fleshly these believers still were. Paul cannot speak openly and POWERFULLY as to mature people. No, he has to speak to babes to win the little child and not to be rejected. A small child wants his father to treat him with love, that his father understands him or her. Paul also has to deal with the babes within the church in Corinth.

Verse 5 Who is Apollos or Paul? Both are no more than servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have been called by the Lord to Sermon the gospel and to build the believers in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Through their Sermoning, you have received the gospel. Assigned to each relates to Apollos and Paul. Jesus has given His specific calling and gift to each.

Verses 6-7 The difference is: Paul laid the foundation, he was the first to proclaim the Word of God. Apollos built on this foundation and continued to teach the congregation after Paul had left Corinth. However, that they had come to faith was not the work of Paul nor of Apollos, THAT was and is the work of God, the work of the Holy Spirit. That is why there is no reason to highly regard Paul or Apollos, for it is the work of God. They will die, but God's work is eternal. He gives the growth, the maturation.

Verses 8-9 Both are in the service of God. One is not more than the other. People may not regard one more than the other. Through both, the Holy Spirit does His work and uses everyone in his own way. Not the standard which a church member admits to one, is the standard of God. The standard is how God judges the servant. God looks into the heart of the servant, according to his or her motives and willingness. Everyone's work will be judged in front of the judgment seat of Christ.
God's field is not static but is dynamic. A field is intended to bear fruit year after year. God's field needs to grow, to bear continuously fruit. A field that is not planted and does not bear fruit is a dead field and useless. The church of God (and also every individual believer) that does not grow is dead and useless. The field needs to be watered, provided with seed and plants, and then there is growth. Because when the field is not watered after sowing and planting, the crop dies. God has planted in Corinth, that foundation are you. But if you do not grow, do not leave your life in the flesh and do not exchange for spiritual life, then spiritual death follows. You are God's building, you have received God's grace, do not reject this!

1 Corinto 3:11-17 Pagtatayo sa pundasyon ni Hesus. Ang bawat mananampalataya ay magbibigay ng pananagutan kay Hesus

For no other foundation can any one lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any one builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man's work will become manifest; for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work which any man has built on thefoundation survives, he will receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. Do you not know that you are God's temple (1 Corinthians 6:19) and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If any one destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and that temple you are.

2 Corinthians 5 :10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.
Romans 14:10
Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God.

What does this mean?

Every believer (Christian) will appear for Christ after the Rapture of the Church and he/she must account for the deeds in his/her life. Then all believers shall receive judgment from Christ. Then shall turn out if the believer has built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ or not. In Matthew 25 we already read what the good works of a believer can be.
If the believer has lived to the honour and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, the believer will receive a reward (1 Corinthians 3:11-17). For Jesus raised to Heaven to prepare our places in Heaven.
On the Day of Judgment will be revealed how every believer individually has propagated the Christian life. Has he/she built upon Christ's foundation, then he/she receives a reward. Has the believer neglected his believe and slumbered, then he/she will not be lost (because through faith in Jesus Christ he/she is saved). But all the work is burned up, he/she will suffer loss, though he/she will be saved, but only as through fire. Thus only receiving a place in Heaven.
Let this be a severe warning. It is not sufficiently to attend church every week. What do you do with the message which was giving during the service? Do you life accordingly? Will a pagan, an unbeliever see through your way of living that you are a Christian? Do you practice neighbourly love? Are you ready to help?
Do you maintain the traffic rules, do not you walk/drive through red lights, do you maintain the maximum speed? Do you not steel (making no illegal copies, or using illegal software)? Do you dare when people are asking, why you behave in this manner, that you act in this way because you believe in Jesus Christ?
In the minute things, a believer can show that he/she believes in Jesus Christ. And that takes a lot of effort, because as long as we are living on a sinful earth, the believer lives in a sinful body. So the believer daily stumbles. But there is comfort, the Lord wishes to help you on this difficult and taffy road to life the Christian life. However, when you live a life like everybody else, like an unbeliever, then your way of life will be reveal after the Rapture of the Church and you will be saved as through fire, without a reward!

After this introduction, let us proceed to a verse by verse explanation.


Fundament 2Verses 10-11 Without a solid and well-founded foundation, every house and (flat) building collapses. If the foundation is on sand, then a solid foundation is useless. The foundation must rest on a solid base, on the rock. If not, than collapses the building. The foundation of the believer is the finished work of Jesus Christ. He died at the Cross. He has risen from the dead. He has purchased the Redemption of sin. He has appointed the 12 apostles. ONLY Jesus Christ is THE FOUNDATION. Upon no other foundation can be built. The 12 apostles continued to build on this foundation of Salvation. The pastors and missionaries build on this foundation. Every individual believer has to build upon this foundation. From the start of the foundation, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, millions have come to faith to date. They are the growth of a high building. Together this tall building forms the church of Jesus Christ.
But not only the church all together is the tall building. It goes profounder in the next verses, and then it relates to each individual believer. Will it stay with the foundation? Or does it grow up to a single-family home? Does it grow up to a flat? Or grows it up to an Empire State Building?
Paul builds upon this foundation, the foundation of Jesus Christ. As a knowledgeable master builder he proclaims and explains the gospel. After him others, such as Apollos, come to build upon it. After him comes Timothy, and many others through the ages that build on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the 12 apostles, upon the letters of the 12 apostles. The foundation has been laid firmly, now the church has to build upon this. Anyone who builds upon this has to see how he or she builds. With the truth as given in the Bible, or with false teachings! Paul has proclaimed the pure gospel, as he has heard from Jesus' direct mouth (his three-year teaching through Jesus, Galatians 1:12 and 18). This ensures an excellent quality of the superstructure.
Man builds a house, a single-family house, a flat, a tall building on the foundation. On the foundation of Christ this is NOT built, on it is BUILT the TEMPLE of believers. A very beautiful and high building. A building of believers who will be blameless with a perfect body. There is only one foundation. The believer must see to it, to build upon this. No one can build on two foundations. When building on two foundations, the building will tear or slump and come slanting. The believers cannot live in the world and live a spiritual life. It is either one or the other. Or live in the world (with a life ending in the lake of fire) or a spiritual life (which ends in Heaven).

Verses 11-15 The workers who build the house or building should pay close attention to the building material and construction. Lesser quality construction materials will damage the building. When the proper mixing of sand, cement and water is not taken into account during construction, the structure will weaken and the building may collapse later. If economized on the reinforcement steel (or is of lower quality), this has its consequences.
Likewise, every worker must pay attention that is well built. That is his or her responsibility.
The temple of Solomon was built with gold, silver and precious stones. This building is an example for the construction of the temple of believers. The church (temple) of believers should become likewise as beautiful. Unfortunately, the temple of believers does not shine in the world, the light of the believer is shamefully weak, it is not the reflecting light of a temple nor lighthouse. It is a deaf light. Gold amply reflects light, especially in the sun (And Jesus is like the Sun).
Gold, silver and precious stones might indicate the loyalty, effort, purity, care, expertise and time that the builders (individual believer) spends on building the temple, building on the foundation of Christ.
The apostle Paul gives no explanation, of which the reward will exist, that is reserved exclusively by Jesus Christ.
Let each believer realize that before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10), everyone's work will come to light. Every individual believer will be judged by Jesus Christ. Then it will become clear whether the believer has acted during his or her life on earth in accordance with the Will of God and Jesus. Has lived under the control and power of the Holy Spirit. Whether the work was for own fame or in honour of God.
Fire is an image of judgement. Fire burns everything that is combustible, such as wood, hay and straw. After combustion, there is hardly anything left but ash. The image of ash: the believer as saved by fire. After burning there is nothing left of the deeds of the believer on earth. Only ashes, his or her life of salvation.
The disqualification is an embarrassment because of God's disapproval of the life of the believer on earth. It is a disqualification from the believer that he or she has not lost his/her salvation. Not left behind at the Rapture of the Church. The difficulty here is, which classification applies? On what grounds is the believer saved as through fire? On what grounds does the believer stay behind at the Rapture of the Church? Unfortunately, I have to owe you an answer. But let it be a serious warning. Let each one thoroughly examine oneself, to which class he or she belongs!

Building upon the fundation of Christ. Duration: 70 seconds.

High PriestJeansVerse 16 God's temple is a very holy place where God dwells. It began that God dwelt in the tent the TABERNACLE in the part the Holy of Holies where the HIGH PRIEST was only allowed to come once a year. Thereafter the temple was built by King Solomon with the Holy of Holies. Again, the high priest could only enter once a year. God dwelt in the temple at Jerusalem, among His people. The church as a whole is the Temple of God, but here the apostle Paul is very clear: GOD'S SPIRIT LIVES IN YOU. YOU ARE GOD'S TEMPLE. That is not so surprising. Man (Adam and Eve) were created in God's image. The spirit was taken away by sin. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, sin was taken away and immediately after the acceptance of Jesus Christ, the believer receives the removed Spirit. And the spirit comes to live in the born-again believer. The trinity, spirit, soul and body of man is restored in Christ Jesus. That is great HOLINESS that the believer should not underestimate. Unfortunately, the churches hardly mention this. Some visitor of the church enters the church in torn jeans, entering without any respect in clothing. The high priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies in his high priestly garment once a year after special cleansing. Today some believers enter the church in their daily clothes. The church is more like a disco club with lighting than a Holy of Holies, the church where God lives.

Verse 17 The believer is a temple of God. The apostle Paul warns whoever violates God's temple, God will destroy him. Destroy (phtheiroo) has the meaning of "crashing", "annulling", "wrecking". God will certainly destroy man who violates his sanctuary. Anyone who thinks he can commit an offense against the Spirit of God will deal with God. Possibly not directly at the time of life on earth, but surely does not remain unpunished in life after death. Consider carefully the story of the wedding guest who refused the wedding garment and entered the wedding hall in his own clothing, Matthew 22:10-14. What happened to him? Precisely, he was bound and cast into the outer darkness (lake of fire). God does not let Himself mock.

Verse 18 Precisely because God takes it so high as what happens in the church, or how each individual believer acts, it is time to come to understanding and repentance in time. After death or after the Rapture, it is too late. Let no one deceive himself. If one thinks to be able to participate as a believer in the world, then one deceives oneself. The believer ought not to belong anymore to the world, he or she is bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and turned into a temple of God. If you despise the temple of God, you despise salvation and redemption, and you become like an infidel with all these consequences. Jesus denied Himself and became like a man. Jesus became a SERVANT and died for the sin of man. The Christian who denies his or her heritage, Jesus will deny before God the Father, and he or she will receive equal treatment as an unbeliever, but a heavier one. See Ezekiel 33:11-13 and 18:

Say to them, As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel? And you, son of man, say to your people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him when he transgresses; and as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall by it when he turns from his wickedness; and the righteous shall not be able to live by his righteousness when he sins. Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness and commits iniquity, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered; but in the iniquity that he has committed he shall die. When the righteous turns from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, he shall die for it.

Verses 19-20 Are free quotes from Job 5:13 and Psalms 94:11.

Verses 21-23 People in a church may not be central nor high placed. Everyone within a church has its own task. That is why he or she is no more than another. The Corinthians were so focused on their spiritual leaders that there was a threat of schism within the congregation. Paul points out that he, Apollos and Cephas have been called by GOD to SERVE the congregation. They are only SERVANTS OF GOD. It is the Spirit of God that gives wisdom and insight to Paul, Apollos, and Cephas. Nobody belongs to a spiritual leader. The believer belongs ONLY to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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1 Corinto 4 Si apostol Pablo bilang isang halimbawa

Verse 1 Paul wishes to make it very clear to the Corinthians that they should abstain from (dis)qualifications. No respect for Paul, Apollos or Cephas, and no personality cult at all, to consider one person more excellent than the other. By "us" he means all who have received the Lord's command to serve Christ, including himself, but also all others who build on the foundation of Jesus Christ. They are only servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no distinction in rank, all are equal. The Holy Spirit is the source and power of the work. It is the Lord that gave them the order to come into His service, and they are not appointed by the church. That is why it is not man who judges their work, but the Lord who will judge their work. Christ is the only One to whom they are accountable as His servants, but this also applies to each individual believer.
To whom the stewards (oikonomoi) of the mysteries of God have been entrusted. The oikonomos was often a slave in Greece, who was in charge of the possession of his master. The mystery among other things that the Messiah was not only for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles. The disclosure of that the Messiah not only came as King, but in the first place to die for the sin of man and give access to eternal life. Receiving life in Heaven with a sinless body. The steward of these mysteries was known to the apostles and they had the task to make this public. God's plans to make known to the whole world what will happen to sinful man. The future of the world in sin, the disobedience of man and governments. The events in the Great Tribulation, the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and the final judgment of every individual man and satan.

Verse 2 Which requirement is imposed on a steward? That one is found reliable. What the Lord Jesus Christ seeks in his stewards, his trustees, is that they proclaim the truth. Not a false explanation, but an explanation in truth. No liberal Sermoning, not a "that is not of our time", not "that it is not in the original text". No, a pure explanation, based on explanation using other similar Bible texts. An explanation by the Holy Spirit. Woe to those who give their own interpretations and prophecies, they will have to answer to the judge, the Lord Jesus Christ. What people think is unimportant. Whether people oppose the proclamation, the truth is important. The mission to the stewards is to proclaim truthfully. Even if this means suffering and being thrown into prison or put to death.

Verse 3 This statement does not imply that Paul was insensitive about what church members thought about him. His letters are full of misunderstandings about him. Sometimes he was encouraged by church members how they thought about him, but he also often became sad about their thoughts. Yet he loved the congregations and thereby their attitude. With this text, he wants to make it clear to them that the only one who can and will judge him is his Lord Jesus Christ. How they thought about him does not affect him very much, because the Lord Jesus Christ is the only judge who is competent to judge. Even how Paul considers himself is of no value, only the value that the Lord assigns.

Verse 4 Of course, Paul examined himself whether he is doing his job properly. Every servant of Jesus must from time to time investigate himself whether his or her spiritual life is still in order. He or she is on the road of the Lord. If the Holy Spirit leads him or her and proclaims the truth. Whether he or she is engaged in the work of God and not for their own fame. 1 Thes. 2: 1-12 clearly shows how Paul took his own examination to heart. Paul is not aware that he is guilty of anything. But that does not make him free, although his conscience does not accuse him. The only judge is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse 5 The judgment about Paul, Apollos or Cephas and every believer will only take place before the judgment seat of Christ, after the Rapture of the Church. Then everyone's work will become public. Then what happened in the darkness, which was in everyone's heart, will be revealed. Which was unconscious and the actual thoughts of the heart, will come fully into light. Then it will become clear whether it was worth gold, silver or precious stones. Or wood, straw or hay, and burned by fire. Then he or she will receive praise on that day or not. But BEFORE that day there will be no judgment and no man may judge.

Verse 6 The Greek text is difficult to translate, therefore some descriptions. What I have raised about myself and Apollos is to be understood as a form of exhortation or education intended for your church for your sake. I did so that you might learn from us (our examples) not to go beyond which is written. Benefit: what Paul and Apollos taught. The quoted texts from the Old Testament (the New Testament did not exist yet), which have predicted the revelation and work of Jesus Christ and have been executed by Him.
One is not allowed to sit already on the judgment seat. Church members may not raise one (Paul) and regard the other (Apollos) less. Both are servants of the Lord. Jesus alone can and is able judge. Believers should not think that they have the right to judge other believers. Only the Lord knows motives and what lives in the heart.

Verse 7 Who gave you the authority to anticipate the judgment of the judgment seat of Christ? No Corinthians (nor believer) have the right to take the place of the judge Jesus Christ. No one knows the judgment about the work of the servants of Jesus. They may have received spiritual gifts. But that is a gift from the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:11). You have nothing to boast about that. Everything that the Corinthians (believer) have received of knowledge, love, joy, peace and spiritual gifts is from God. On this basis you can not raise yourself above the other. Maximum they can only praise God. It would be completely wrong to boast for their spiritual gifts. As if their lives had already reached the final goal of a perfect (sinless) life. That they are guilty of this wrong reaction, the apostle lets this feel very good in the following verses.

Verse 8 The contrasts saturated and hunger (Matthew 5:6), rich and poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3). They already consider themselves kings. As if the millennial kingdom of Christ had already arrived. Judging the stewards of the Lord and fellow believers is proof of this. They act as people who have already reached their destination. This clearly shows their foolish display, their fleshly childlike behaviour.
If it only were true that they already were Kings. That this was really true. It would be worth much to Paul to be a king. Delivered from all the troubles and humiliation that characterizes his existence. What a feast that would be. However, the opposite is true. Paul suffering is a fact. The Coming of Christ has not happened yet. You are terribly haughty and childish in their behavior.

Verse 9 You judge us. Like a ruler in the arena. The convict in the arena who must fight against the lions but will find death. The entire crowd in the arena welcomes the victory of the lions. The apostles are in the arena (become a spectacle), in the arena of satan and people who wish to kill them (Peter in Acts 12, Paul in Perge, Antioch (Acts 14:19), Iconium and Athens). There is no question of a kingship of the apostles. They are more like a Jesus, exposed to mockery, flogging and the Cross. Many times in prison, flogged and stoned. They are a spectacle to the world. Satan and demons (fallen angels) watching with great pleasure of their suffering and abuse.

Verse 10 Here three contradictions

  1. We, apostles, are fools. But you are wise. The apostles are fools because they suffer for Christ's sake. Foolishness to the worldly man. You are wise, you have accepted the gospel. You have come to faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. We are weak. Paul is not an impressive person (2:3-4). He is not very considerable. His captivity and sufferings are shameful. You are strong. You are cheering from joy, exalting yourself.
  3. You are in honour. You who meant little in social terms (1:26), are taken seriously today. You speak about the gospel with wisdom. We are in disrepute. Paul, the apostles and their associates are despised and abused by the people and world leaders, thirsty and hungry. Our labour is outstanding heavy.

Verses 11-13 Paul is giving a record of being servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a service that consists of suffering as Jesus has suffered on earth. Paul is in a continual hopeless situation of hunger, thirst and torment. With no prospect of improvement and end. He walks as a beggar in rags. Is maltreated as a master mistreated his slave, a useless object, without any value. A wandering existence, without permanent residence (homeless) and existence. Necessary to heavy manual labour during the day (9:6-7, 2 Corinthians 11:8, 1 Thes.2:9) and in the evening and night the proclamation of the gospel.
We are being reviled and prosecuted. On outsiders this makes an impression of weakness, lack of fighting spirit. We suffer like Jesus, the deep contempt of people (Who struck your face? Come down from the cross. He cannot save Himself). Apparently they do not know to stand up for their rights (Paul was a Roman, see Acts 16: 19-40).
Refuse literally what is removed as garbage at a thorough cleaning but it can also mean a sacrifice. Paul is actually saying that he is the man who gets the blows, always the victim. This in extreme contradiction of the Corinthians with their alleged royal glory.

Verse 14 Paul wishes to take them from their supposed high place as judge and king. But he is not satisfied with that. His goal is not to make them ashamed. He is not a judge, but a father who rightly points out his children and wants to bring them back on the right path. His intentions are positive criticism for the building up of the church of Christ, not for its destruction. He loves them as a father who loves his children. The goal of the father is to educate his children and that can be accompanied by chastisement.

Verse 15 No one loves the believers in Corinth as much as the apostle Paul. He was the first to bring the gospel in Corinth. Many have come to faith through the work of the Holy Spirit. He laid the foundation, the base. He is the father. Although there may be many guides (a lord had many slaves who raised the children, nannies), the father is the only one who really loves his children.

Verse 16 Conclusion becomes imitators of me. I am an imitator of the Lord Jesus Christ. Follow me in serving, a servant of Jesus Christ. Children may be expected to follow the good examples of their father. The Corinthians must learn to be a church under the Cross. Getting rid of their pedestal and living in humility.

Verse 17 Timothy is sent by Paul to Corinth. 16:10 states that this letter arrives first at Corinth and that Timothy was on his way from Macedonia.
Timothy (1 Timothy 1:2) is, like the Corinthians, a beloved child. Through the Sermoning of Paul, he had come to faith. He had shown himself to be a true imitator of Paul and is highly esteemed by him. Fully qualified to further teach and educate the Corinthians in the Christian faith. He is the teacher, he has the knowledge of Paul's teaching. As Paul teaches in every church.
My ways in Christ: the Christian way of life. Walking in the commandments of Jesus Christ. This way of life must be performed by EVERY believer. The reproofs of the apostle Paul are clear, leave the life in the world, serve Jesus Christ and put your life under the control of the Holy Spirit. Show in your life that you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Show the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

Verses 18-19 Some are arrogant, that if Paul would be afraid to come himself and therefore sends Timothy. Do not be mistaken as soon as the Lord sends me, and I do not have that permission at the moment, I shall personally come to you. Do not make yourself wise. Make no mistake. I wish to come as soon as the Lord allows me.
The arrogant people in Corinth may now prove a lot, but their vanity will appear when Paul stands in power in front of them.

Verse 20 The kingdom of God consists of recognition of guilt, of sin and humility. A conversion and abandonment of worldly life, full of pride and own ability, into a humble life of a sinner and recognition that only through Jesus Christ is forgiveness of sin possible. That man is weak, in his own ability is capable of nothing. The believer is completely dependent on the power of the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit.

Verse 21 It will depend on the church how I come. With heavy punishment (the rod of striking) or with love? If they persevere in their current way of life, he will be forced to speak his hard words and to make them ashamed when he comes in person. Let them warn themselves by Timothy, then Paul can come with love and build them up with solid food. The meeting must be a party and not an encounter with an angry punitive father. No pleasant prospect for any of the parties. Chastisement is not a pleasant thing. The greater the love, the more painful the punishment for both parties.
With this finish, Paul precisely indicates the situation between the believer and the judge Lord Jesus Christ. How will the believer's encounter be with Jesus in Heaven? Will the believer be shameful before the judgment seat of Christ and He will have to speak in a chastising manner? Or will it be a festival meeting between the believer and the Lord, with praising words because is built with gold, silver or precious stones?

Tribunal of Christ
Tribunal of Christ

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1 Corinto 5 Malaking kasalanan

Verse 1 Paul points to the gross second-degree sin allowed by the Corinthians in their church. A second degree sin because this sin is directly related to the body of the believer, the temple of the Holy Spirit. The first degree of sin is the sin against the Holy Spirit in Acts 5: 1-10, which was punished directly with the death of the believer.
To Paul is reported that a believer in the congregation of Corinth is living with his father's wife. And he rightly points out that this is forbidden according to the Old Testament. This proves all the more that a believer can no longer put aside Old Testament precepts. In Leviticus this is called blood shame and must be exterminated from the church (in Leviticus: the Jewish people) by the Israelites themselves, that is, this offender of God's law must be put to death.

Lev. 18: 6 None of you shall approach any one near of kin to him to uncover nakedness. I am the LORD. 8 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's wife; it is your father's nakedness. 17 They are your near kinswomen; it is wickedness. 29 For whoever shall do any of these abominations, the persons that do them shall be cut off from among their people.

Paul takes it very high, because even the Roman law did not allow a marriage between these two, so these two lived together with the knowledge and therefore the permission of the church in Corinth. Therefore what was not permitted and found even among the Gentiles. The congregation in Corinth makes itself a disgrace of Christ through this tolerance. It allows this second-degree sin to continue as if nothing is the matter. Although the Corinthians were not entitled to the death penalty, this was reserved for the Roman ruler, they do not take measures of discipline.
Let this be a lesson for the pastor and elders of a congregation. Second-degree sin such as cohabitation, sex before marriage and any sin related to the body should be taken seriously and immediately punished by the leaders. If discipline does not help, exclusion and access to the church follow, see verse 5.

Verse 2 The arrogance that Paul had already denounced in the previous chapters is contrary to the gospel of the crucified Messiah. A denial of faith in Jesus Christ. A denial of a repentance of sin, removing of worldly living and moving onto the new life in Christ Jesus. The congregation should have immediately punished this offender for not conforming to live according to the Christian way of life.
Let him, who has done this, be removed from among you: This is more than a simple cancellation of a member of the church. According to John 15:2, it is God the Father Who takes away the branch that does not bear fruit. The following verses show that this task belongs to the entire congregation, see 1 Kings 21, in particular verses 9 and 10. There was no room for admonition given the seriousness of sin.

Verse 3 I, Paul, although not physically present in Corinth think completely different about your course of action. That Paul is not present cannot be used as an excuse by the Corinthians. As a church, they themselves are responsible for the conditions in their church. Today the churches no longer have the 12 apostles in their midst. Every congregation, every church, has the Old Testament and now also the New Testament. God's commandments are clearly given. No church leader or church member has an excuse of ignorance. Although Jesus Christ is not physically present on earth, He does watch (like Paul remotely) from Heaven on the conduct of His Church.
Paul is present in the spirit and has already judged this offender by reason of God's laws (Leviticus, remember that the OT did not yet exist).

Verse 4 A meeting must be convened. Paul's verdict was already given by him in this letter. Paul in spirit, not in thought but present in knowledge and authority. Where two or three are gathered, there is Jesus in their midst (Matthew 18:20). So Jesus will be present at that meeting. HE will bind HIS POWER to the meeting.

Verse 5 The transfer takes place in the name of Curios Jesus. In the Greek translation of the Old Testament the name Curios was used for YHWH, which means "Lord". So the church acts on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church carries out the will of God. The violator is abondoned, that is transferred to satan, see also 1 Tim. 1:20. Satan can do with this person, as Satan wishes. Paul expects this to be fatal for this person, because satan is after the destruction of man. This person will no longer enjoy God's protection. What this literally means is guessing: a serious physical and/or psychological suffering or a premature death.
What is the goal? That his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Yes, a clear explanation is difficult to give. An explanation is that the body of this offender will perish, but his spirit will be preserved and he will be saved by the fire at the judgment seat of Christ. I shall give a personal explanation that has no Biblical grounds. Only the Lord Jesus Christ knows the explanation and it will become clear in the day of the Lord Jesus. My explanation is that the violator, and therefore anyone who practices second-degree sin, has actually said goodbye to his or her belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. The working of the Holy Spirit has been extinguished and the believer has returned to be a unbeliever. Returned to be a child of satan and denies being a child of Jesus by sinning. The purpose of the surrender to satan is to surrender the "believer" to satan. So that satan (and demons) can do with him or her as they wish. Hopefully this will be a serious suffering, as a result of which the "believer" will think about what awaits him or her in the lake of fire. Hopefully this will lead to repentance and recognition of sin and a break with the serious and conscious sin. Hopefully this will lead to a new recognition of sin and faith in Jesus Christ, thereby saving him or her in the Day of the Lord. And then therefore not being sentenced to the lake of fire.
It is the church's job to exclude this sinner from the church. After all, the death penalty in Leviticus applies, death is being the property of satan. The church may NOT OFFER ASSISTANCE DURING THE SERIOUS SUFFERING to the violator. With this sin, he or she has voluntarily chosen not to respect God's Will and no longer to acknowledge Jesus through serious sin and perseverance. The church leaders and members of the congregation will be accountable to the judge Jesus Christ for their actions (or negligence). They CANNOT wash their hands in innocence.

Verses 6-7 The Corinthians boast of their many spiritual gifts, belonging to an spiritual leader. In the previous chapters, Paul has already denounced their childish behaviour and declared it unfounded.
Little leaven leavens the whole lump by yeast (bread). Only 7 grams of yeast per 500 grams of flour is needed, that is 1.4%. This little yeast is sufficient for the bread to rise and bake. When a known sin is tolerated in a congregation, it leavens the entire congregation. Other church members with their sins will not confess guilt, but refer to the tolerance of tolerated sin. Unbelievers will point to the tolerated sin (adultery, cohabitation, etc.) and will not want to know about recognition of sin.
Old leaven is life in the world, the life of sinning, not recognizing the laws of God, participating in the world. Galatians 5: 19-21 They will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God!
New lump is a child, being a son of the Lord Jesus Christ. Respecting the laws of God. Living to the glory of Jesus and proclaiming Him in word and deed. A life under guidance of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22.
Before the exodus from Egypt by the Israelites, they had to eat unleavened bread and brush the blood of the slaughtered Easter lamb at the doorposts. Then the Angel of Death would pass by the house. Our Easter lamb is the finished sacrifice by Jesus at the cross of Calvary. Through faith in Jesus, the sinner is saved. The Israelite had to have faith and apply the blood on the doorpost of the house. The Israelite who omitted it, his house like the Egyptians, was struck by the Angel of Death. Jesus' sacrifice has been accomplished. If the believer abandons faith, no longer applies the blood of Jesus in daily life, then the Angel of Death strikes. The result is spiritual death (and eternal death in the lake of fire?).

Verse 8 The church can only celebrate by living in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Old leaven ruins the festival. Old leaven is the wickness of sin. That belongs to the past. The unleavened bread is sincerity and truth, the spiritual life as taught by Jesus. A life in which God has the first place and love. A life of charity, a life under the authority of the risen Lord. A life in which one has no tolerance for sin. A continuous saying NO to sin in which no past is found.
Having sex before marriage, while the virgin Mary's conversation with the angel makes it clear that this is not the will of God. If one has sex before marriage, then that means no respect for God or for each other. It is also a lack of self-control. The divorce rate is higher among those who have sex before marriage. A logical consequence of disrespect and lack of self-control. Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Having sex before marriage in fact does not exist, one is married, see Gen. 24:67 and 1 Corinthians 6:16.

Verses 9-10 Paul has already written a letter to them before. However, this letter has not been preserved. Apparently he had already addressed the Corinthians at that time about their behavior and tolerance of adultery, fornication, idolatry and enjoyment of worldly life. One should not tolerate such believers in the church. The believer lives in a sinful world, but that does not mean that one continues to participate in this worldly life.
Immoral or sexual perverts, who practice fornication both sexually and adultery, pedophilia, incest, having sex with the same-sex (known from idol temples), sex with animals. Idolaters like worshiping idols, saints and statues (Catholic Church).
Greedy: greedy for riches, no charity, no help to the poor.
Robbers, people who want to get hold of other people's goods unjustly. People who make a big profit (fuel prices, asking a high price (huge profit) for a software program, consciously full of bugs), asking high interest. People who steal, trade in drugs, those who are too lazy to work for their living.
Idolaters: Representatives of idols. Who put their own well-being first, their own fame. The possession of an idol, a Buddha statue. Practicing yoga, magnetism, Pilate, homeopathy or spiritism.
As a believer one lives in a sinful world, one cannot escape that unless one leaves the world and moves to a desert island or another planet. But that does not mean that people participate in these works. The believer must distinguish himself and clearly show a Christian way of life to the world. A life of purity, devoted to God, of honesty and charity.
If not, and one continues to practice this worldly things, then eternal death follow, they will not inherit the kingdom od God.

Verse 11 Now Paul becomes very clear: A brother or sister who perseveres in the sins of verses 9 and 10, one must NOT deal with them. No friendship, not even received in your house. Do not invite for coffee or for a meal. Reject when this brother or sister invites you for coffee or a meal, do not eneter his or her house. Avoid these types of believers altogether. Fellow-Christians would do them a bad service if they were not actually made it feeling that their trade and walk is rejected.
That this means that one should not have contact with unbelievers, should not be invited for coffee or a meal? No, that is not stated here, this verse relates to fellow-believers. One can express charity to the unbelievers, Sermon the gospel and that is only possible after a friendly attitude. But the believer can clearly show the Christian life, the only way of Jesus Christ.

Verse 12 Paul has no right to judge unbelievers who are outside the church. However, it is his duty and commission from the Lord to correct believers, to judge a worldly life, not a Christian walk, a life which is not to the glory of God. The judgment of the believer will take place after the Rapture of the Church before the judgment seat of Christ. But now the leaders of the church have the observing task of reproving believers who err and correcting them for the good of the believer.

Verse 13 The judgment of the unbeliever is reserved to God the Father. However, the believer who visits the church is a member of the church and who does not walk to the glory of God, to him or her access has to be denied. Do not tolerate unworthy Christian life. They show no respect for the finished work of Jesus at the cross. They deny their salvation through the blood of the Lord.

This comment may seem harsh. With this comment, I am trying to make clear the thoughts of Paul. Do not let us forget that Paul is an apostle who was personally taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and full of the Holy Spirit. He has been personally appointed by Jesus to be an apostle and to Sermon especially among the Gentiles. The goal is not the destruction, but the goal is correction, repentance and abandonment of the sinful way.
I want to give two examples. A child was murdered and the believing parents were instructed to bring a Bible to the murderer. After several attempts, the murderer persisted not to receive a Bible. He did not regret his deed at all. God has given him the opportunity, his judgment on the Lord's day is his own fault.
Another murderer came to faith in prison. He had declared his guilt and shown his regrets to all the relatives. On the day of his death penalty, he openly stated that his death penalty should be PERFORMED, he was completely guilty of the death penalty. A complete repentance and acknowledgment of guilt.
I read a comment about God speaking with us. Sometimes a believer is angry about injustice. This can be very appropriate to take action. Christians think too lightly for God's Holiness: God is ANGRY about sin, sin is NOT tolerated by God. In Jesus Christ the believer is cleansed by the blood. However, the laws of God remain valid, upon violation follows punishment. The believer will have to answer for the judgment seat of Christ. Why he or she has violated God's laws and has shown no repentance, has persisted in sin and did not wish to know about discipline. The church leaders and believers who have not rightly denounced a brother and sister. No one is free from sin, but through the blood of Jesus the way is free to repent and let go of sin.

Now I am going to touch a sensitive subject. Yes, the homosexual has access to the church. But one after coming to faith is immediately free of the urge to have sex with the same sex and the other one is not. There is a group of pastors who investigate the cause. Their attention is now focused on sincerity. The sincerity of recognizing sin. The sincerity to actually want to be free. I would also like to add: homosexuality can be a consequence of occult cursing, a serious sin by family (they may already have died, previous generation(s)). Only through intensive prayer from the church can this kind of sin be revealed by the Holy Spirit. An example of this is a case where a deceased grandfather, with the knowledge of the grandmother who was still alive, had killed someone in jealousy and they had buried in the field. No one but the grandmother had ever known this. After the grandmother's confession, complete liberation from homosexualism and adultery within the family followed.
Yes, we live in a time of freedom. A lot is tolerated, including in the churches. But do not think that if the church allows it, one is FREE. Everyone can read the Bible and ONLY the Bible has absolute AUTHORITY. Church leaders will be called to account before the Tribunal of Christ for their teaching and tolerance. But each individual believer is responsible for his or her own actions.
This brings me to sexual freedom, which does NOT exist. Sex before marriage does not exist, before God one is married. Those who have sex before marriage or who live together, would do well to get married and thereby correct their sinful life. Yes, but my partner has sex with others. That is adultery and with that the marriage is broken. Then END the relationship and have no more sex with this person. Be pure before God and refrain from sex before marriage.

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1 Corinto 6 Mabuhay sa ikaluluwalhati ng Panginoong Hesukristo

Verses 1-2 The church which is so self-opinionated, has another fact that they are below standard. God has given authority to the church to resolve disputes, in contrast the Corinthians seek justice before an earthly court that does not recognize God. They acknowledge the earthly authority and deny the Divine authority. How dare they? The rabbis also learned that the Jews were not allowed to submit their mutual disputes to a pagan judge. The Roman ruler had allowed the Jews to resolve their disputes through the Sanhedrin, but the death penalty remained reserved for the Roman governor.
The motive that they were not allowed to present their cases to a worldly court was well known to the Corinthians: By God you are destined to judge the sinful world (Cosmos) together with Christ.

Verse 3 The word Cosmos can also be seen in more broad way, it includes the judgment of the angels. 2 Peter 2: 4 and Jude verse 6 refer to the angels that did not keep their own position. It is a reference to the fallen angels (demons), which Paul in Ephesians 6:12 calls world rulers of darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. If the believer with Christ will rule as king and will even judge angels in the future, how do the Corinthians get it into their heads to seek justice at an earthly court? Paul does not mention the issue here. That is also not important. Disputes between church members must be settled by church leaders. Better to be dissolved in mutual brotherly love than to seek a worldly power. After all, the believer belongs to a royal priesthood. The believer who wants to get his right at an earthly court is unworthy of this royal priesthood. How in the future can he or she judge as king, if he or she is incapable to resolve the own business on earth?
Yes, we have a problem here in the present. The Romans had given the Jews in Israel permission to resolve their affairs through the Sanhedrin. Now every believer is subject to the courts of the country in which they live. But the believer must be worthy of being a Christian. Already now he or she should resolve the issues with fellow believers independently. Unfortunately, many church leaders are failing here. They call upon unauthorized jurisdiction, the dispute falls under the law, so the worldly court must rule. And they offer no help whatsoever. Let them remember that soon they will have to answer for the judgment seat of Christ, Heb. 13:17.

Verse 4 It is not surprising that there are disputes in the church. After all, the church consists of sinners. But that does not give the right to seek justice in a worldly court. These judges will usually not respect God and God's laws. They adhere (or not even) to the laws of the country. Some of them go directly against God's laws. Therefore, resolve disputes by members themselves or within the church. We can think of thefts, non-repayment of loans, distribution of property in the event of divorce, access arrangements for the children. Yes, but the law regulates divorce. Firstly, divorce is not allowed by Jesus, but exception of adultery and fornication (with the children, incest). In cases of violence, my advice is go to live separately, safely (and far away) from the violent partner.

Verse 5 Surely there must be a wise person within the congregation of Corinth? It is embarrassing that you do not use wise believers. There has to be at least one confidential counsellor who can make a judgement which both parties will accept. The apostle Paul expects that one or more of them will be present in the church.

Verses 6-7 It is a shame that there are lawsuits which you cannot resolve and even worse that you go to a pagan court for a judgment. What a bad witness against the world and the worldly judge. That is already a spiritual defeat as a Christian. Why would you not rather suffer injustice, as Jesus silently endured the scourge and innocent death at the cross. Jesus is your example of suffering injustice. Follow in his footsteps. See Romans 12:14-21 and 1 Peter 2:19-24. Sometimes the believer must suffer injustice if an unbeliever sues him or her and rejects any solution. In some cases, God rewards you if you suffer injustice. And in some cases God intervenes personally. I seriously mean this. In my case, I had a difference with my Christian employer, who did not want to know about a solution. The case was decided by a judge. I do not know whether this judge was a believer. But in his oral statement he said that God will judge and he had no choice but to judge me by the law. I had to accept my resignation. A year later, the entire company went bankrupt, with a value of 100 million euros and a bad name because it could not fulfill an order. The disagreement involved was around 45,000 Euros to be paid by my employer to a mission organization. God does not let Himself be mocked. It is God who sometimes judges during earthly life. You may suffer defeat and receive injustice. The final judgment is up to God!

Verses 8-9 The fact that one brother has done injustice against another brother should not have occurred in a congregation that is so famous for its wisdom and knowledge. You do wrong and defraud to your own brothers. That is a life-threatening matter, because the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God, is indicated by Paul:

  1. Verse 10 lists the people.
  2. Galatians 5:21 Those who do things in Gal. 5: 19-21.
  3. Ephesians 5:5 Fornicator, impure man, or one who is covetous (that is, an idolater).
  4. 1 Thess. 4:6 Who ill-treated or deceived his brother.
  5. Rev. 21:27 Someone who practices abomination or falsehood.

Yes, how to explain this is with 1 Cor. 3:14, unfortunately I have no answer. Or "only as through fire" is not applicable with second-degree sin? In any case, take the words of the apostle Paul seriously, his words are inspired by the Holy Spirit and possibly directly given during his three-year training by Jesus Himself.

Verse 10 Do not be deceived! (verse 9) the apostle shouts in alarm. Be careful not to fall victim to views that take away access to eternal life in Heaven. In the city of Corinth, these things were kept as an ordinary part of daily life. Even now there are believers who regard worldly things as NORMAL. How they deceive themselves. Take care of a clean life, otherwise you will lose eternal life and you will not get a share in the kingdom of God. Perhaps we can explain this when the recognition that Jesus Christ death has fallen away and the believer has with denial and returned into the world, giving his soul and body back to satan.

Verse 11 Some Corinthians know all too well what the apostle Paul wrote in the previous verse. These were this

  1. But they are come to faith through the Gospel Sermoning. They were baptized under confession of sins, and their sins were washed away by baptism. Wash off sin through the death and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Leaving sinful life behind and placing oneself under the blood and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  2. But you are sanctified. They are no longer children of satan, but by faith they are sanctified in Christ Jesus. Their body had become a holy temple through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Now their bodies belong to Jesus Christ.
  3. But you are justified. No more wrath from God the Father on sin. They have declared them dead, they have left behind their old worldly style of life. They were bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. Their sin is no longer imputed to them, they are no longer unrighteous. They became righteous through Jesus Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit it is possible to live a righteous life and not to give in to the world with their sins.

It is a necessity of life to remain in the Lord Jesus Christ and under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. It is perilous to abandon it, with the result that one is excluded from the Kingdom of God.

Verse 12 Jesus died for sin and with that the believer became free from the powers of satan and demons over his or her life. Everything in Jesus Christ is lawful. See Romans 6 what Paul says about the power of sin, the way things need to be done. The Holy Spirit is the power. But that does not mean that everything is useful. The Christian faith is like growing from a baby to adulthood. A baby stumbles, falls and gets up again when it learns to walk. But forcing the baby to walk has a negative effect. The believer still lives in a sinful body and only reaches maturity in Heaven with a sinless body. Not every believer is fit (and has God's command) to evangelize in the prostitution district. That can be a trap by satan, a fall and serious mental injury. Only go where God sends you and wait for God's time. Everything is lawful for Paul. Yet we read in his letters that God does not allow him to visit Corinth and other congregations. Paul too has to wait for God's time to visit certain churches. Although one would expected that it would be a good thing.
The danger is that they will be enslaved again. They want to live free of sin, letting go of certain sin. But that can become an obsession and become a new servant. One has to and be servant of the Holy Spirit, but that is voluntary and without cramps. The 10 commandments are good, but only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Verse 13 The food must be healthy for the stomach. Unhealthy food and poison have an adverse and sometimes death effect. People must therefore be aware of what they eat. The Jewish laws of unclean and clean animals have been nullified (Acts 10). One can freely participate in the meal with an unbeliever. But if the unbeliever makes it known that the flesh has been sacrificed (dedicated) to the idol, then the believer will have to refrain from this sacred sacrificial meat.
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit so you are responsible for proper maintenance of this temple. Eating unhealthy and fatty does not belong to this. Neither a corpulent and fat body that leads to cardiovascular disease. Drunkenness and smoking are also out of the question.
There are many things and healings in the world that the believer is not aware of as being devoted to idols and satan. We think of yoga, magnetism, acupuncture, homeopathy, Pilate, iriscopy, piercing, tattoo, etc. The moment the believer becomes aware of the things dedicated to idols, has to follow confession of guilt, ask for forgiveness of sins and omitting these things.
Food is converted in the stomach to feed the body and to maintain the human body. This food must be healthy, because the believer's body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. The believer is bought and paid for by Jesus and is the property of God. That is why Jewish food laws no longer make valid. Hunger will remind you of the need to eat food.
There is a natural need for sexual intercourse. This need is fulfilled within the marriage. The stomach is for the food to digest. But the prostitute is not to satisfy sexual intercourse. Just as little as free sex, adultery, pornography, sex before marriage, incest and pedophilia, etc. The body is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus clearly said that sexual intercourse is only allowed within the marriage with 1 partner. The body is a holy temple of the Holy Spirit, which must NOT be polluted. Food can be poison and can lead to death. Illegal sexual intercourse can lead to exclusion from the Kingdom of God.

Verse 14 The gospel does not offer any room for the body to be neutral and to be able to do with it what one wishes. It is destined for the resurrection and glorification of God. Jesus was raised from the dead and received a new body. That also applies to the believer. At the Rapture of the Church, the believer is raised from the dead and, together with the believers still alive, receives a NEW SINLESS BODY. Because sinful bodies CANNOT enter Heaven.

Verse 15 A rhetorical question for the Corinthians. They will immediately have answered no. They can only agree with the apostle's "never". Christ and fornication (everything that goes against God and also literally does with the human body) are absolute contradictions. One cannot be from Jesus and from the world (from satan and sin). One belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ and lives to the glory of God. Or one lives in the world, denies the Lord Jesus Christ and belongs to satan.

1 Corinto 6:16 Siya na nakikisama sa isang patutot ay nagiging isang katawan kasama niya

Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, "The two shall become one flesh."


Those who have sex with each other or live together do well as believers to marry each other.

1 Tim. 5:20 As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

A prostitute has sexual intercourse with many men. That means that she gets married time and time again and breaks the marriage through adultery. Here Paul is very clear, whoever attaches himself to a prostitute, who has sexual intercourse, those two will be one flesh, that is, are married according to Genesis 2:24. But Genesis 24:67 is also clear Isaac brought her into the tent and he took Rebecca and SHE BECAME HIS WIFE. The simple act of sexual intercourse closes the marriage. In the case of Isaac without any wedding ceremony. Here Paul simply says having sexual intercourse with a prostitute becomes one body with her. FOR, HE (Jesus Christ) says those two (who have sexual intercourse) will be one flesh. Flesh is sexual intercourse, being husband and wife (are married).
That means that a man who has sexual intercourse with a woman, at that time (in case of not being married) the marriage will be concluded with each other. If one of these two has sexual intercourse with another, then that is adultery and the marriage is broken. What does Jesus say in Matthew 5:32

But I say to you that every one who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, makes her an adulteress; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Fornication is committing adultery, which is having sexual intercourse outside the marriage. If one has sex with multiple partners, then time and time again a marriage is concluded and the marriage is broken by sexual abuse (adultery) as in the case of attaching to a prostitute. That is a heavy second-grade sin, because the body of a believer is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Leading from the previous verses, then one do not have access to the Kingdom of God. And the believer has SOLD himself again to SATAN. A simple sin confession is not enough. One will have to come to recognition of guilt, breaking with sin, AND LIBERATION OF SATAN MUST BE ASK (exorcism), possibly within a group of elders.
Yes, forgiveness is possible after sin confession. But the woman's hymen is broken. Before entering into a marriage with a believing partner, he or she must be informed, and then the choice is for the partner to marry or not. I would like to make a comment: An Old Testament priest was ONLY allowed to marry a virgin, a woman who had never had sexual intercourse before. This priest held an holy office for God. 1 Timothy 3:2 says that anyone who wishes to perform the office for God must be the husband of one wife. On this basis, both who wish to serve the Lord Jesus Christ must both abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage. A believer who wants to enter into the service of the Lord Jesus Christ will have to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage. And NEVER enter into a relationship with a partner who has already had sexual intercourse (both men and women: Virgin)
Yes, but this happened before came to faith. That is a consequence of sin. An office is difficult. How can you teach the Bible and prohibit sexual intercourse if you yourself have violated it? Búuut. Yes, I know there are exceptions such as Nicky Cruz, the former gang leader who has deflowered many young girls and has come to faith and serves Jesus. Nevertheless, I believe that these are special vocations and it is better to take the above into account.

Verse 17 Whoever has united to Jesus Christ as his or her Saviour cannot do this. Who units (becomes 1) to Him, is 1 spirit. In Jesus there is no question of adultery and fornication. He who accepts Jesus enters into a marriage with Him. Jesus is the head of the church, and His Body has many members. A marriage means being 1 in thought, in thinking, 1 in spirit. Remember that the believer's body belongs to Jesus. There is no place for adultery in the mind of Jesus. Jesus is faithful to His Bride, the Church of Christ. He has bought you and the church with His precious blood and His death at the Cross.

Verse 18 Quickly shun immorality. If she comes close to you, walk away quickly. That happens more often than you think: the many temptations and sexual abuse on the internet and television: get away from that internet page, switch the television to another channel, close your eyes, look the other way. Do not watch series with rapes, sexual abuse, adultery and many mouth kissings. Consider what Jesus says about adultery in Matt. 5:27-28

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Give temptations no chance. Do not leave the door ajar for satan. Why would you walk in the dangerous zone? The risk of being excluded from the Kingdom of God. Or are you like that believer who sells her body at parties to rich businessmen? I confess my sins every time and the Bible says that in Jesus I am pure and He forgives. But what happens if the Rapture of the Church take place while she is lying in bed (no time to ask for forgiveness)?
Paul is clear, a believer can commit all kinds of sins, consciously and unconsciously. With his mind, his thoughts, in the heart, through mouth (including malicious speech), hands and feet (beating and kicking), eye and ear. Of all these sins it applies that they deal outside the body. People may sin against God, brothers and sisters, but they will not become one with the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Hence the name second-degree sin.

1 Corinto 6:19-20 Ang iyong katawan ay templo ng Banal na Espiritu

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

What does this mean?

This means that the believer must live to the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, and keep aside from all that displeases God and belongs to the enemies of God: Satan and his fallen angels.

For Jesus Christ has bought and paid the believer with His blood by dying at the Cross for the sins of the believer, and after three days he raised from the death and by doing so He conquered death. And He went up to Heaven in order to prepare (Matthew 21:1-2) a place for the believer. Therefore a believer does not belong any longer to himself/herself, but to Jesus Christ and he/she has received the Holy Spirit to educate the believer in Godly things. Since the Holy Spirit dwells inside the believer, the believer must sanctify his/her body and restrain from all what is unclean and does not belong to God.


Unclean is prostitution (1 Corinthians 6:16), practicing of homosexuality (Romans 1:24-28), idolatry, horoscopes, acupuncture, yoga, sensitivity training, blasphemy. And no doubt, you yourself can sum up many more. Also the Bible provides many more samples.
Every believer has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, and often the Holy Spirit (or our own conscience) makes it clear what is allowed or forbidden. But the believer must open up for the working of the Holy Spirit. If the believer willfully is looking for the evil, then the consequences are for the believer.
And when the believer is going to proclaim the gospel in a dangerous environment (prostitution area, to drug edits, criminal gang), the believer must not go alone, but together with fellow believers and another group who are staying behind in praying for Gods protection. Satan and his fallen angels are watching to attack, seduce and destroy the believer(s), and to let him/her stumble.
But luckily there is always a way back, and the believer can confess his/her sins when he/she stumbled and start over to let him/her guided by the Holy Spirit.

Video Melting goldGold melting duration 2:44 minutes view from 1 minute
The temple was covered with gold on the outside and inside. Liquid gold is required for this. Gold is extracted from stone. The stone is first crushed for this. The gold is melted at a temperature of around 1100º Celsius. All contaminants burn and pure gold remains. Similarly with the believer, all the polluted must be removed by the Holy Spirit, so that the believer comes to a spotless and clean body.
Gold reflects light. The believer must be a mirror of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the LIGHT. The unbelievers should see the reflection of the LIGHT Jesus Christ in your life. A changed life, the reflection of the life of Jesus on earth.

Verse 20 You were purchased by the death of Jesus on the Cross for your sins. He gave His life, He died with a painful and horrible death on the Cross of Calvary, while you deserved that place. He suffered in your place. You are paid for because Jesus took the punishment of God the Father on your sins.
But that means NOT that you are now free to do what you like. You were the property of Satan, whose purpose was to bring you into the eternal lake of fire. Jesus purchased you from Satan's possession for the purpose of giving you eternal life with God the Father, your Creator, in Heaven. So you only changed owners. Satan wants the bad with man. In contrast to Jesus who wants the good with you. That is why there can certainly be a question of appreciation by you. Live to the glory of God. Maintain God's laws. Live by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Be a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ in word and deed. Resist and say NO to sin. Say NO to satan and demons and worldly temptations. See Romans 8:1-17 what Paul writes about saying No to sin. Then glorify God with your body.

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1 Corinto 7 Kristiyanong pag-aasawa at ang walang asawa

Verse 1 Paul continues with the second part of his letter starting chapter 7. Some Corinthians had written a letter to Paul with questions on various subjects. Paul begins in chapter 7 by answering these questions. The first topic are questions about marriage, remaining unmarried, divorce and marriages of daughters. Chapter 7 is entirely devoted to these questions in relation to the Christian faith, the statements of the Lord and the teaching of the Lord to Paul in these matters.
It is well for a man not to touch a woman. Repeated in verses 8 and 26. It will be apparent from the continuation that this relates to pastoral motives for being able to fully dedicate themselves to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The apostle does not recommend abstinence from marriage, but life in an unmarried state to serve the Lord. That is without having to spend time on his own wife and children. They need attention and the education of the children takes quite some time. This time can then be used for the service of the Lord. Paul immediately continues with verse 2.

Verse 2 That this is not a rule is clear from this verse. BUT in view of fornication (that is the compulsion and necessity of a person to have sexual intercourse) it is better that a man has his own wife, and a woman has her own husband. That is very different from the Roman Catholic church with their celibacy of priests, bishops, etc. Most of them cannot control themselves, have sexual intercourse with nuns, same sex (homophilia) and worse with children. They thereby commit the grave second-degree sins and exclusion of the Kingdom of God. For them, verse 2 is better to marry.
We do not have a general statement about marriage here, but with the sober determination of man's compulsion to sexual intercourse and being unable to live alone, able to cope with the stresses of live in an unmarried state.
Pharisees had to be married to perform their duties. The apostle Paul, Pharisee, must have been married, but already a widower at his calling in the service? Now, unmarried in any case. Given the wisdom he writes about marriage, we can conclude that he has a good understanding of marital matters. The apostle Peter was married because Jesus healed his mother-in-law from the high fever. If we look at the life of Paul with the many scourges, shipwreck, it is indeed better that he was unmarried. Paul barely had a permanent residence, he changed city almost every two years. Not really conducive to a good marriage and education of children.
Pay close attention to the 1 on 1 relationship. Everyone has their own unique partner. No multiple wives, think of Islam and Mormons. Not another wife if the wife turns out to be infertile. In our time of many parentless children, child adoption is a good thing.

Verses 3-5 Here is a serious warning. It is not allowed to live within marriage as being unmarried to fully devote yourself to the service of the Lord. The man or woman must meet her marital obligations. That does not only apply to the sexual community. Initially on the marital obligations of paying attention and spending time on one's own husband or wife and children. The education of the children in the Christian faith. Being present in the house and the children seeing the Christian values in practice. A father or mother who continuously stays in the church or evangelizes, can hardly live up to Christian values. The primary task is: being present for the child or children.
The woman's body is of the man. Genesis 2:24 speaks of becoming 1 through the sexual intercourse. Becoming 1 in husband and wife. However, the husband does not rule over his own body, but the wife does. This clearly relates to the sexual intercourse. This unity cannot be denied to each other out of piety and saying that this intercourse is only to bring forth children. Orthodox Jews husband and wife sleep separately. The Jewish woman wears a wig outside the house. The veil within Islam. There ought not to be any temptation.
But apparently Paul thinks DIFFERENTLY about this. The sexual intercourse may NOT be denied to each other. Unless with mutual agreement and permission for a CERTAIN season. The season is therefore limited. We see this with Daniel who had a three-week period of FASTING to devote himself to prayer. But one can also think of mission or evangelism journey. Exodus 19:15 Be ready in three days and do not approach a woman. 1 Samuel 21:5 There is no dealings with women when men are in battle. 2 Samuel 11:3-11 Uriah (husband of Bathsheba) did not go home to have intercourse with his wife.
It must be an agreed-upon time to fully devote yourself to the service of God. Paul observes the fact that people who MISS THE GIFT OF ABSTENTION can be so carried away by their sexual drive that Satan responds fully to this and the believer falls. That is why the season shall not be too long, so that this season of sexual abstinence can be handled with ease. Do not leave the door ajar for satan due to lack of self-control.

Verse 6 Looks back to verse 2 where Paul advocates marriage if the GIFT OF ABSTENTION is missing. It is a recommendation from Paul, not a commandment. Paul approves marriage even in those cases when one wishes to serve the Lord. But the believing man and woman should be aware that then marriage and time for each other come first. And at the second place, the work for the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, we see that this is not always taken to heart and the children of a pastor or missionary do not come to faith in Jesus or turn away from the Christian faith. Yes, going to live in the world.

Verse 7 Paul wishes that all believers who want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ would be like him with the gift of abstention. Because of this gift he is in no danger of falling prey to satan. And he is sexually free from all complications and problems. Which one cannot say about Roman Catholic priests. Paul can therefore dedicate himself wholly and unconditionally to the service of the Lord. If all the Lord's servants were like him, their life would be a lot easier. Consider also persecuted Christians who are tortured in prisons, their daughters are deflowered by Muslims and raped so that the servant says goodbye to the Christian faith.
But the fact is that with the vast majority, this gift is NOT given. It is a gift given by God and it is the Spirit who distributes and to whom He wants. Paul is aware that he is an exception. He speaks of a special gift given by GOD. It is not something from birth, a natural gift. Remember that he was a Pharisee, so he was married. It is a gift given by God.

Verse 8 For the group of widowers (unmarried) and widows, it is a good thing if they remain single in order to serve the Lord fully. This group has already reached an age where the sexual drive no longer plays a role. It does not apply to the group who lost their partner at a young age.

Verse 9 However, for the group from verse 8 too applies, if they cannot control themselves, let them get married. The verb purousthai has the meaning of being consumed by fire. So a fiery desire for the opposite sex. If these widowers and widows can no longer control themselves after the death of their partner (long period of abstinence) then verse 2 also applies here, then it is better to marry. Observe well, with a believing partner in Christ. They must not expose themselves to the temptations of satan in the sexual field.

Verses 10-11 Paul quotes the words of Jesus: A woman should not separate from her husband (of course that also applies to the woman should not separate from her husband). See Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9; Matthew 5:32 19:9, Mark 10:11-12 and Luke 16:18. This is a commandment of Jesus, but Paul gives an addition, if the wife or husband has separated the partner, the believer MUST remain UNMARRIED or reconciles and returns to the original partner, provided that he or she has not committed adultery. In case of adultery, the marriage is broken by adultery and divorce is allowed. Although verse 10 is a word from the Lord Jesus, the author wants to give his opinion. In case of violence, intoxication, drug use, I personally think that the Lord DOES allow this partner to be abandoned. But it remains in force that the marriage cannot be dissolved and no remarriage can take place. The marriage has not been dissolved by adultery. Verse 11 is very clear MUST REMAIN SINGLE.

Verses 12-13 Jesus did not make any statements during his life on earth in the following matters. At least do not appear in the Gospels that we have. Here a statement from Jesus is missing, so Paul proceeds to write his thoughts. This happens on his own apostolic authority, but he is God's authorized representative.
Even today, Christian man and Christian woman are treated in the same way. The initiative to leave the unbelieving partner cannot lie with the believer. We are thinking here of the case that one partner came to faith in Jesus after marriage and the other partner did not. So it is not a conscious choice during a courtship with an unbeliever or mismate in faith (2 Cor. 6:14). That is strictly forbidden! Do not think that these verses applies if a believer consciously marries an unbeliever (or mismate). That was unthinkable in Corinth!
If the unbelieving partner has no objection to Christian education and attending church, in that case the believer may NOT leave the unbelieving partner. Through the Christian style of living and prayer the unbeliever can be won for Jesus.

Verse 14 Why this statement and question? In the Old Testament, a clean object became UNCLEAN after it was touched by an unclean subject. That is why the Corinthians ask about the believer and the unbeliever in marriage and their children. Paul goes back to Acts 10 with the vision to Paul where God declares unclean subjects pure. Peter did NOT become unclean because of his contact with the heathen Cornelius, because God has declared this Roman officer pure through Peter's vision. The partner in marriage who came to faith does not become unclean through contact with her unbelieving partner and children who did not accept. The believing partner can continue to live in the same house with the unbelieving partner's permission. If there are no children yet, children born from this marriage will be pure and holy by virtue of the believing partner. These children may participate in the sacraments (Holy Supper). Their being holy applies until the child can make a conscious choice for Jesus Christ as Saviour. After that age, the sacredness expires if the child consciously does not choose for Jesus. This important task belongs to the believing partner.

Verse 15 The dissolution of the marriage cannot come from the partner who has come to believe. However, if the unbeliever no longer wishes to live together in the same house, then the unbeliever is allowed to leave the house. If the unbeliever wants a divorce, then that is his or her choice. In that case Paul does not object. Apparently Paul assumes that this mixed life can hardly be sustained. The unbeliever consciously chooses against Jesus as Saviour. It is the voluntary choice against God.
Through the gospel, peace has come between the sinful man and God. Paul applies this to mixed marriages. As long as the unbelieving man (woman) does not speak of divorce, the unbelieving woman (man) is not allowed to force a divorce. She (he) must endure the cohabitation, just as the slave must submit to his master (Ephesians 6). However, if the unbelieving man (woman) wishes to break the marriage, then the Christian woman or Christian man may know that God has called her (him) to peace.

Verse 16 Many will appeal, but through intensive prayer and Christian life, my unbelieving partner will come to faith when I stay. The sentence can also be translated as "PERHAPS you, wife, can save your husband". After all, it is ONLY PERHAPS, WOMAN YOU CAN SAVE YOUR MAN. The desire, however good, cannot be a decisive motive for being delivered out of discontent and for letting the opportunity for peace slip into your home. Daily evangelization was among the Corinthians, who put the questions to Paul. The apostle and Corinthians know from experience that evangelism is a means, but not everyone comes to faith. He cannot give faith to the disbelieving partner. One cannot expect revolutionary interventions by God.

Verse 17 Accept the situation you are in, that is how Paul prescribes it in every church. The slave in submission to his master. The wife/husband who has come to believe in living together or in resignation by divorce.
Yes I hear the question that has not been answered. After the divorce can the faithful wife/husband remarry with a faithful man/woman? Unfortunately, Paul writes nothing about this. My opinion is NO. The unbeliever can come to faith in the future (due to severe circumstances, serious illness) and possibly then the marriage can be restored. In my opinion, remarriage is out of the question, since there has been no adultery (sexual intercourse with another man/woman). If the unbeliever commits adultery after the separation, the believer is free to remarry with a believer partner (in case of no self-control).

Verses 18-19 Being circumcised or being uncircumcised has no value; faith in Jesus sets you free from the penalty of sin. The law gives the commandments of God. What has value is keeping God's commandments. However, NO ONE is able to FULLY fulfill the 10 commandments, therefore the 10 commandments bring death. Faith in Jesus removes the penalty for sin and through the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit, the sinful believer is able to keep the commandments of God. When you came to faith, God accepted you circumcised or uncircumcised. God did not make the condition that the uncircumcised man had to be circumcised first. After all, there were also uncircumcised Jews: If children in a Jewish family had died due to circumcision, later born children were allowed to remain uncircumcised. But those Jews would never deny that circumcision had no meaning. Every person is called by God and obliged to keep God's commandments, both circumcised and uncircumcised. In short: Love God first and your neighbour as yourself.

Verses 20-24 Let everyone remain faithful to the state when they came to believe in Jesus Christ. There is no need to change. One must showing being a Christian in all circumstances. A person who has come to faith cannot leave the unbelieving partner upon his own initiative. The slave (employee) may not leave the master (employer). Not: and now I am going to evangelize, serve Jesus full time. Serve Jesus in the situation where you were when you came to faith.
If you are a slave, better serve your master through a Christian testimony. Jesus was submissive to His Father. He washed the feet of His disciples. But if the master gives you your freedom, make use of it. Unless you voluntarily choose to continue serving your master.
Jesus died for your sins. You are no longer a slave to satan, but now you are a slave to Jesus Christ. He has paid the price of sin for you. Now you are Jesus Christ property.

Verse 25 Apparently the Corinthians have asked a question about the marriage of young daughters. Also in the four gospels we find no word spoken by Jesus about this. That is why Paul will give his opinion as a personally by Jesus Christ appointed apostle. So it has apostolic authority. His opinion is based on a judgment, which consists of sound knowledge. There is no uncertainty, however expertise. One should take her as seriously as an order from Jesus himself.
This concerns marriageable girls (women, but also applies to boys and men) who have not yet had sexual intercourse. Nowadays it is almost unthinkable that a father (parents) marries off his child. Still we can think of giving permission for a marriage.

Verse 26 The impressive word anangke has something ominous and inescapable. It relates to the last days, the period just before the Coming of Christ, which will be a time of great lawlessness and persecution. We can safely say that we live in this period. Consider the torture and persecution in the communist and Islam countries. Under these circumstances, it is certainly better not to marry, as Paul wrote earlier in this chapter. In this period, there is a struggle against satan and demonic powers. It is a time when it is well to devote yourself completely to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. And to be completely under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, including self-control (to have no sexual intercourse).
During this period, everything is more complicated and the temptations are heavier (killing a partner and/or children if the Christian faith is not denied). An unmarried has it less heavy than a married person, because he or she only needs to think about himself and not about his family. In that period it is "it is well for a person to remain as he is":

  1. To be and stay as when people came to faith
  2. Stay unmarried
  3. To be like this as the following verses

Verse 27 Married couples are NOT allowed to draw the conclusion to get a divorce, they remain in the (married) state as they were. However, if one is a widower or a widow, it is good not to remarry. Thereby verse 2 remains valid, if they cannot control themselves, it follows that verse 28 is better to get married.

Verse 28 Doing no harm (hamartanoo) stands for "sinning" in the sense of "missing the goal". Paul wants to say, if you get married - there may be serious reasons for that such as verse 2 - you do not have to feel guilty about that. For these reasons you can safely get married. However, bear in mind that this has consequences and can make life harder (repressions of the flesh, choice to save the life of the family or not during torture).

Verse 29 Brethren, I (Paul) must inform you in all seriousness as forcefully as possible. The impression is that Paul fears that people will not take seriously the tribulations before the Coming of Christ and will not apply them to their way of life and attitude.
The time is short (kairos). That does not relate to the short time that a person lives, but the time (kairos) means the Rapture of the Church (Parousia) is near. Today, 2019, it is SURE that time is short. The Rapture of the Church can happen every second. But my personal expectation is no later than 2021. That is why it is necessary to consider whether one is going to marry or devote oneself completely to the work of the Lord. The need for the gospel proclamation is more necessary than ever. As well as the money for the proclamation through television and internet. The need to speak and act (way of life, to be an image of Jesus Christ) through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The need for Biblical education, Bible teaching, and Biblical values and norms.
Finally: From now on. Given that time is running out, there is only one thing left for us to do.
Those who have a wife live as without a wife. This text is difficult to explain. And may not be seen in contradiction with verses 3-5. One explanation is that a man cannot live exclusively for his wife (her husband) and family. In this end of time there must be room where the man/wife can devote himself/herself to the work of Jesus Christ. Thereby in the first place, the education of the family and in the second place the education (proclamation) to the unbelievers. If, as a result, a family lives less prosperously, to give money to gospel Sermoning, mission, or poor, the family must come in second place. Being married or unmarried (verse 19) means nothing, but keeping God's commandments. Love your neighbour (including the unbeliever) as yourself. Freedom within marriage therefore comes when Jesus asks for something from you. Time, dedication and/or money. The necessity is great in this (end of) time. A living in the world is an evil one and wickedness. The believer must focus on the very short time remaining to Sermon the gospel to the unbeliever. But also the education of the Bible. God is our Father, but God is a HOLY GOD, and we must approach HIM with all the awe that a king and president deserve. Jesus learned to pray kneelingly (he prayed as the Son KNEELED). We must go to church in decent clothing. The unworthy wedding guest (Mat. 22:1-15), was thrown out of the wedding hall and thrown into hell. Many ministers Sermon God as Father, every child can approach his father as he/she is. But do not Sermon that God is HOLY, that God does not tolerate sin, that God is RIGHTEOUS, they forget that man is a sinner. Therefore many believers belong to the foolish virgins (Matthew 25) and stay behind on earth (Matthew 24: 40-42) and in the Great Tribulation. These Bible studies are designed to open your eyes so that through your Christian life-style you will belong to the wise virgins and you will join the Rapture of the Church into Heaven. We live in the end of times, the Rapture of the Church can happen any moment. So BE PREPARED!

Verses 30-31 Grief, sadness, rejoice and possession seem to have captivated people. It cannot be a ban, the Christian can use what the world offers. We need food, but healthy food and not junk food. Not as much food as one wishes to eat so that one becomes round and fat, a mockery for the unbeliever and for the poor. You can live in a house, but why in a villa? Why a luxury home? That will soon end (Rapture), the money can be better spent on the work for the Lord. Make use of the world, but refrain from the fatal: do not attach to what is worldly. This world is disappearing: respect for God's commandments, respect for life, respect for justice. But also the earthly possession remains on earth by Rapture of the Church. It is better to build with gold, silver and precious rocks that will remain in Heaven forever. Marriage, too, is an earthly affair and disappears into Heaven.

Verses 32-33 He who is married has anxieties. Care for the livelihood and attention for women (husband) and children. There is much less time for the Lord's work. Paul wishes people to be free from these anxieties by being unmarried. He who is unmarried can fully devote himself to the work of the Lord. No financially anxieties for the family, but can give money to the work of the Lord. Only needs the money for his own necessities. The unmarried person can devote his/her time to Sermoning, social work and prayer. The married person has the concern to find time (at night) for prayer and Bible reading. The married person is divided in attention between the Lord and marital affairs.

Verse 34 The unmarried woman or girl who has no husband: the widow (possibly also the divorced woman verse 15). See 1 Tim. 5 for the labour of widows and young daughters.

Verse 35 Paul does not want to put a snare on the Corinthians (believers). Every believer must decide for himself what suits him or her best. Through prayer, the believer examines what the Lord asks of him or her. If one has received the gift of sexual self-control, then the calling in the service of the Lord is clear. For the married, there is a dedication to the work of the Lord, as the guidance of the Holy Spirit makes clear to husband and wife. See Luke 10:38-42 Maria and Martha. Maria is seized in serving. Mary in listening to Jesus.

Verse 36 Paul returns to verse 25. Apparently, a girl staying unmarried was a serious subject in the Corinthian congregation. Who is meant by ANY ONE? One can think of the father, guardian, but also the fiancée or the espoused man. It may be that the girl, the young woman aged (a 30 years?) has belonged to a young man over a long period, but the marriage has not yet taken place to devote themselves to the work of the Lord. However, if the sexual desire begins to grow, there is nothing wrong to get married. Sexual intercourse is out of the question, people in the Corinthian congregation were very aware of this. The sexual intercourse made marriage necessary. If the marriage were to be postponed for a longer period, the danger of lack of self-control was not imaginary, and thereby the degradation of the fiancé. A good translation would be: If someone fears to be dishonourable towards his girl, because he is more than ready to marry and it really cannot be otherwise, let him do what he wants, he does not sin, let them marry.

Verse 37 But the opposite of verse 36 is also possible. Paul makes remaining unmarried (for example of an engaged couple) dependent on the condition that both are able to control their desire for sexual intercourse.

Verse 38 Paul repeats the earlier pronounced. He who marries does well, but those who refrain from marriage do better. The latter can dedicate themselves to the Lord's task.

Verse 39 A marriage is bound until one of the partners dies. Marriage is to death. Jesus excludes a ground other than this and than from adultery. The wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. After the partner's death, the living person may remarry. Provided this is a Christian partner, see 1 Cor. 6:14.

Verse 40 Paul repeated that it is better for the person from verse 39 not to remarry and better to remain single and to devote himself/herself entirely to the Lord's cause. This is certainly true in 2019. The Rapture of the Church is a matter of seconds or 2-3 years. Male and female workers are desperately needed in these last hours.
Paul appeals to have the Spirit of God in writing this chapter, thereby silencing others in the church of Corinth who have different thoughts. He is the apostle, appointed by Jesus, other leaders within the congregation of Corinth (including the current believers) have to obey what Paul is writing. Paul is very clear, serving the Lord Jesus Christ comes first, also in view of the soon Rapture. For those who cannot control themselves sexually, Paul offers the way out of a marriage. Sexual intercourse outside of marriage (including all incest, same-sex, sex with children, and sex with animals) is EXCLUDED!
One objection may be that Paul is deluding himself in the speedy Rapture, which has already been waiting for 2000 years. However, remember that Jesus told His disciples that only God the Father knows the day. Followed by the serious warning of the fig tree. Now we live in the time of the fig tree. The Jews returned to Israel in 1948. In 2018, the Jews celebrated their 70th anniversary in Israel. Jesus said that the generation does not pass before these things (is the Great Tribulation) have happened. According to Psalm 90, a generation is 70 or 80 years. The 70 years have passed (1948 + 70 = 2018). It is abundantly clear that we live today in the last days before the Rapture of the Church. Let us take the apostle's words seriously. He was the appointed apostle! So take these words seriously!

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1 Corinto 8 Ang pagkain ng mga pagkaing inihandog sa mga diyus-diyosan

Verse 1 The next question from the Corinthians concerns eating of food offered to idols. Paul elaborately discusses this. Not because of the importance, but precisely because of the great importance of Christian freedom. As well as the confrontation with paganism.
The possible question could be: Some church members believe that they can safely eat sacrificial meat, while others do not dare and refrain from what has been sacrificed and devoted to idols. What is your opinion, Paul?
Knowledge makes you puffed up and judges others. Love builds up. She seeks the interest of the other. In this chapter Paul explains what he means.

Verse 2 With any one is meant every member of the congregation, who thinks he possesses the truth and makes it the highest norm and rule for the spiritual life. Thereby everything is black and white, and one forgets love. Not acknowledge to know the purpose of God.

Verse 3 Knowledge without love has no authority in the church. Only someone who loves God can be recognized as an expert in the practical question of the Christian faith. Someone must love God to be able to express a judgment based on the love of Jesus. "But if one loves God," then one knows Jesus thoroughly, and then one is known by Him. Knowing Jesus is a reliable foundation. Jesus loved man until his own death. Jesus healed, gave God the Father the first place, trusted His Father completely, sought security with Him, lived out of His Hand, offered resistance to Satan, cast out demons. This social behaviour of Jesus is the true love and therefore Jesus is known. The knowledge is given through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who makes known the will of Jesus and God the Father.

Verse 4 There is only one real God, namely God the Father; the Trinity. All other gods are ideas of people. Idols made by human hands that do not speak and cannot do anything. However, there is a danger with worshiping and offering to these images. These idols are controlled by satan and demons. Having a Buddha image in your house hinders your spiritual life. Why? The Buddha image is an idol, and with that you acknowledge that God the Father and Jesus alone are not sufficient.
It was strictly forbidden for Jews to eat food dedicated to idols. From Antiochus is said to have forced the Jews to eat pork and idol sacrifices. With a refusal, a torture death would follow.
The Corinthians, who had no problem eating of food offered to idols, relied on the fact that there do not exist idols, so nothing could be devoted and therefore it was ordinary food. This in itself is a truth, were it not for this food to be devoted to satan and demons. Certainly there is food and medicines which are devoted to demons in satanic rites, including at full moon. As a result, the food and medicine are contaminated and demonic powers are emitted. Only through confession and deliverance from satan can the believer be freed from this satanic bond.

Verse 5 According to Paul, for the unbelieving gentiles there are gods who live on earth and in heaven. In Corinth this was a well-known fact. These idols had mysterious powers. Think of voodoo. Consider the idol of fertility. Think of people who see ghosts, speak with the dead, is in fact speaking with demons. Paul acknowledges that for the pagans these gods and lords existed, but in fact they are human thoughts.

Verse 6 It makes no impression on Paul, because the Christian KNOWS that there is only 1 Trinity. Who really has the power. This Only God speaks with man (for example with Abraham, Moses, Paul). Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Christian is capable of doing things to the glory of God.
Through the power of Jesus, the person who acknowledges being a sinner and Jesus Christ as Saviour is free. As a result, he or she has access to the One God, God the Father. Jesus is the only Lord who created earth and heaven, created man and as a Christian we are with Him and through Him.

Verse 7 The Corinthians were used eating of food offered to idols in the temple. Some Christian Corinthians were fully aware that there is only 1 God and no other gods. Their conscience allowed them to eat this food. Other Christian Corinthians were weak (as Paul calls them) and their conscience did not set them free and they refrained from eating this sacrificial food. Their conscience infected them. He is not capable to eat this food.

Verse 8 Paul makes it clear that eating or not eating this sacrificial food does not affect the relationship with God. By not eating, one does not get any closer to God, it has no beneficial influence.
Will not commend us to God. Points to a particularly high position, such as the angel Gabriel who stands before God. However, the Corinthians should not think that by eating sacrificial meat (they with a stronger faith), this would bring them closer to God and be valued higher before the judgment seat of Christ. On the contrary, one must consider the following verses.

Verse 9 Paul gives a rule of conduct. It is directed against the strong in faith. See to it that your strong faith does not become a trap (stumbling block) for the weak brothers and sisters. Brilliant that one has grown in faith and only acknowledges God the Father and does not acknowledge idols. But you are not alone in the world, there are also unbelievers and weak believers. The Gentile can point to the fact that the believer eats meat that is dedicated to idols and thereby recognizes the idols. The weak believer can lose faith by eating the sacrificial food. Because of this attitude you harm you.
For weak believers, dining in a pagan temple is equal to betraying the Christian faith, the gospel. They believe that everything that has to do with idols, you should completely restrain yourself. Your eating of food offered to idols may be a offense and their fall.

Verse 10 The weak brother sees you strong lying in the temple. He thinks you are great, he wants to come that far. You encourage him through your example. He follows your example and he eats, however his conscience denounces him and he falls.
Practical: Abroad, in the Islamic countries, people do not know whether food is dedicated to idols. Food that one eats in a restaurant or with a friend or you bought at the market or butcher. The Christian is free to eat this food. However, if one is told that this food is devoted to idols, then as a Christian it is best not to eat this food. And explain clearly why you do NOT buy or eat, because you ONLY recognize God the Father and Jesus as the Only God and no idols. Proclaim the gospel!
We can write the same about drinking alcohol. Strong believers have the control to limit themselves and do not get drunk. But it is good to abstain from alcoholic beverages because of the weaker brothers or sister in Christ.

Verse 11 A brother or sister is destroyed because of your fault. A brother or sister for whom Jesus ALSO died. Those who are weak in faith, sees in eating the food as a denial of Christ. The weak believer does not eat from his religious belief. He sees it as a sinful experience. Jesus became weak for the sinner. If you strong eat in front of the weak, remember that you will have to give an account to Jesus Christ for his or her fall or wounding their conscience. You act unloving!

Verse 12 Paul equates their strong behaviour with sinning. This sinning is not only for the weak brother or sister, but it is a sin against Jesus. Jesus did everything for sinners. By the behaviour of these strong, His Work would be in vain for the weak.

Verse 13 Paul's way of life is completely focused on his weak brothers and sisters. He leaves things and habits behind if this can lead to the fall of the weak. Here is spoken about eating sacrificial food dedicated to idols. So Paul is not saying in this verse to become a vegetarian. There is no reason why the Christian should not eat meat (which is not dedicated to idols). I also wish to give a personal note. Today there is a lot of meat that comes from hormone foods. The Christian's body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore the Christian is fully responsible for what he or she eats and drinks. Eating healthy food is therefore a CONDITION. Examples are eating less of red meat, more white meat (unfortunately chicks are treated with hormones to grow into a chicken within a few days) and fish (but due to all environmental pollution sometimes contaminated with metals such as mercury). Therefore, be aware of what people buy, eat and drink. Eating healthy also means not eating more than necessary. Eating fat and eating too much causes cardiovascular diseases. As the body of the Holy Spirit, the believer cannot be responsible for making the body consciously sick?

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1 Corinto 9 Mga karapatan ng mga apostol

Verse 1 With four questions Paul addresses the strong believers in Corinth, who raise themselves and boast of their knowledge and wisdom. Paul clearly shows that his authority and wisdom are far above them. They cannot claim that they have seen Jesus personally. That they were taught by Jesus Himself. That they were personally appointed by Jesus. Their wisdom and knowledge was brought to them by Paul. Jesus Christ personally appeared to Paul and gave him apostleship (Acts 9: 1-18). No one can object to his apostleship, for it was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who appointed him. The proof is the fruit of his work, the many who come to faith among the Jews and Gentiles in different cities, including the church at Corinth. Therefore, Corinthians, if there is someone who can teach you and correct you, then I am the designated person.

Verse 2 Apparently there are believers in the church who dispute the apostleship of Paul. We may have to think of the false apostles in 2 Cor. 10:12, 11: 4. The Sermoning of Paul and the many Corinthians who thereby came to believe are proof of his authority and authority.

Verse 3 The above is my defense against those who investigate the legitimacy of my apostleship. Such an investigation has already taken place in Jerusalem (Acts 9: 26-31, Gal. 2: 7-10) and his apostleship was confirmed by the other 11 apostles.

Verses 4-5 Another question that Paul asks: am I not entitled to be provided with food and drink? The Corinthians can only answer that Paul has this right of livelihood.
Accompanied by a wife, that is, the legal woman, who herself believes in Jesus Christ.
Apparently there were apostles who were accompanied by their wives on their mission journeys, and let provide livelihood for them and their wives. We can think of the apostle Peter, who was married, Mark 1: 29-30. But it was not just the apostles. Other brothers of the Lord and Cephas were also maintained. The brothers of the Lord can be the brothers of Jesus, the sons of Mary born after Jesus (Acts 1:14). They were highly regarded within the church. But I think, we can also explain this as the brothers in the Lords (pastors, evangelists) Sermoning the gospel. Cephas is mentioned separately, possibly because he occupied a special place within the Corinthians. Apparently he was accompanied by his wife on his travels.
And why not? After all, they were legally married and Paul had previously indicated that it was not good to be alone because of the sexual necessity. That is why men and women have the right to be supported. Today we see that both the man and woman in the mission are both active in Sermoning the gospel. There are many who have (young) children and they also need a living.

Verse 6 Do not Barnabas and I have a right to livelihood? Because we are unmarried? It is well known to the Corinthians that they themselves provided for their livelihood (making nomad tents. A tent was the home, think of Abraham). We are known that we prefer to provide for our own maintenance, rather than creating any burden on the church. However, do not let anyone distract us from the fact that they differ and that we do not have the right to subsistence. I am a full apostle.

Herd and pastorVerse 7 Paul gives three examples that it is permissible to be subsisted. No soldier in the army has the care to provide for his own food and drink. A soldier cannot fight against the enemy and also has to work for food and drink. The meals are prepared for him. Should a soldier have to provide for himself, the enemy makes a cunning attack when he is busy providing for maintenance. The same applies to the pastor, evangelist, and missionary who must provide for himself. He cannot fully dedicate himself (40 hours a week) to his task for the Lord. Satan makes clever use of this. Some work 30 hours a week to earn money and spend 20-30 hours a week working for the Lord. The result is that their wives and children suffer from the absence of husband and father. No time for quiet time and personal relationship with the Lord. A working week of 60-70 hours is too heavy. And the work for the Lord Jesus Christ is being attacked by Satan. It is the duty (tithing and sacrifices) of the congregation to provide for maintenance (food and drink, clothing, but also all the material for evangelization), so that the worker of God can fully focus on his task.
Whoever has a vineyard, reaps the fruits of the vineyard and sells the grapes and wine to support himself.
The shepherd grazes his herd and sells the goat's milk or sheep's milk (and wool) to provide for himself.

Verse 8 Every person will agree that it is a good thing that people are rewarded for their labour. But what a person finds good does not have to be good in the eyes of God. However, in this case, God states that a worker has the right to be sustained with the provision of tithes and sacrifices. The tenth that serves the livelihood of priests and levites. The tithing of the priest for the livelihood of the high priest. The offerings for the maintenance of the tabernacle and temple. It is an institution of God Himself.

Verses 9-10 Another law given by God is that a threshing ox should not be provided with a muzzle. The ox had to be able to eat from the harvest. No muzzle to prevent this, Deut. 25: 4. The oxen on their way to their own pasture wore muzzles to prevent them from eating on the way from other people's lands. The same rule applied to the harvest workers, but even more broadly. See Ruth 2: 2-9 the poor should pick up the fallen from the ground during the harvest, to provide for the living. The harvest worker was forbidden to collect and pick up the fallen. Paul applies the rule if an ox should not already be muzzled, man is more than an ox. So the believers have a duty (God's command) to provide for the maintenance of God's workers.

Verse 11 Paul has sown spiritual seed. The Corinthians have come to believe in Jesus Christ and have obtained eternal life in Heaven. Is it too much to ask that they provide for maintenance? Think of Rom. 15: 26-27 It is the duty of the congregations to support the Jerusalem congregation.

Verse 12 If others who have come after Paul are provided for their support, how much more that the father, the founder
But Paul did not make use of this right in order not to create an obstacle. Obstacle, one could think of a violent interruption, such as the demolition of a bridge to hinder the advance of the enemy. Paul saw acceptance of maintenance as an obstacle to the Sermoning of the gospel. In itself a good view. If one asks from people who have just come to faith to support the evangelist, this can be seen as exploitation and too lazy to work. The young believers must first grow in knowledge of the Christian faith and participate in the tithes freely. Without a constant Sermoning of asking for tithing. It is God Himself who puts the gift and tithing on the believer's heart. God loves the cheerful giver, and not out of obligation, as Sermoned in many churches.
Paul probably refers to 2 Cor. 6: 5 when he made tents during the day and Sermoned the gospel and taught the Bible in the evening and night. He even wanted to go hungry so as not to be accused of gain. The speaker must remain free to avoid any appearance. That is why it is necessary that the supporters provide for the maintenance of the full-time worker.

Verse 13 Num. 18:8-24 The Levites were not allowed to have an inheritance, they had to be fully cared for by the Israelites. The Levites were exempt from God to provide for themselves. Their task was to devote FULLY and full-time to the service in the tabernacle, later the temple.

Verse 14 Mat. 10:10 and Luke 10: 7-8 Jesus says the worker is worthy of clothing, food and drink. The worker does not have to provide this for himself. The church that does not provide for the maintenance of the pastor is a disgrace to Jesus. This church does not recognize Jesus Christ as Lord. An exception may be a church that consists of unemployed people. But poverty is not an excuse. The widow gave her living. God requires a tenth (given out of gratitude and voluntary) from every believer. It is God Who gives you eternal life in Heaven and the forgiveness of sin. It is God Who gives you a job. But it is YOUR duty to handle money with accountability. God asks a tenth if you are poor, but he asks more from those in the middle class. But with the latter people, God puts it on their hearts. Then it is up to the believer to respond, give or not. God does not ask from the poor to fully the income, as is demanded in some churches, because God would then give you the plural. That is NOT from God, and has brought many believers into serious trouble. God requires understanding and responsibility.
A believer who gives money (tithing, donation and visit every church service) AT THE CHARGE OF food, drink, paying rent, water and energy, does NOT meet his responsibility. The father has the duty to fulfill his earthly obligations (including paying taxes).
Everyone knows what he or she can do. God sees in your heart!

Verse 15 The Corinthians should not think that they can conclude from the foregoing that he will make use of this right. He prefers to win over unbelievers and to provide for himself, so that no one can say to Sermon the gospel for his own benefit. He is called as an evangelist among the Gentiles. He was called as the first Sermoner and one should not be able to criticize him for failing supporting himself. He would rather die of hunger than that the unbeliever might want to take advantage of him. He watches carefully that his behaviour and attitude is not a stand in the way for unbelievers and believers to the Christian faith.

Verse 16 Paul was appointed by Jesus Christ to Sermon the gospel. That was not a free choice. He was a persecutor of the Christian congregation. Jesus appeared to him personally on the road to Damascus. He became blind and Ananias through Jesus healed him and blessed him that he had become an apostle with the special task of proclaiming the Gentiles. It was imposed on Paul from Heaven. Where he could not get away with any possibility. That is why no honour can be attributed to him. Paul was nothing but a slave who could fear his LORD only if he did not fulfill the commission given.
A slave who had a hard time: 2 Cor. 11:24-27

Five times I have received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one. Three times I have been beaten with rods; once I was stoned. Three times I have been shipwrecked; a night and a day I have been adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brethren; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.

Jesus had innocently received the forty lashes less one before dying on the Cross and all for your salvation. If you are suffering, remember that your suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of Jesus and Paul. It is the job of every believer to win as many people as possible for Jesus and to build them up in Christian teaching and faith. It is the job of every believer to build up the body of Christ Jesus. Each in his or her own place within the Body of Christ.

Verse 17 Paul did not volunteer, on the contrary he was a persecutor and murderer of the first Christians. Jesus Christ in His grace had opened his eyes. As a volunteer, he should be able to expect wages for the performance of his duties. But he is a slave, subject to Jesus. One can compare it to Joseph as a slave at Potiphar. Joseph was very much entrusted to the house of Potiphar. Got a lot of freedom. However, he remained a slave without a reward. If Joseph neglected his duties, imprisonment followed.

Verse 18 The words "free of charge" is his fame, he completely waives any compensation. He deliberately renounces the right to subsistence according to God's law and Jesus' own institution. My wage is that I do not accept wages. He does this not to create a barrier for unbelievers to come to faith and gain eternal life in Heaven. No barrier to throw for young believers to live a life led by the Holy Spirit. A life based on freedom and being an example of VOLUNTARY TRANSFER to the LORD. His great example is Moses, who involuntarily went to Egypt, appointed by God for that purpose. Moses lived exclusively for the redemption of his rebellious and stubborn people. Moses has become famous for his way of life and example.
Paul's lesson in this is that the strong in Corinth become aware of the renunciation of rights and freedoms and to keep the weak brothers and sisters in the Lord from fallen. Falling to Satan.

Verses 19-21 Paul's life is entirely at the service of the Lord, with the sole purpose of saving others. He wishes to win as many souls as possible and not to lose a single person. Neither unbelievers nor weak in faith. Paul has enjoyed a strict upbringing as a Pharisee with a Jewish way of life and thinking. Jesus made him completely free and he learned and practiced the Christian pattern of life and thinking through the grace of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is no longer what others are: a philosophical, political leader or spiritual orthodox.
Paul distinguishes himself from the propagandist or salesman who wants to win as many people as possible to gain profit and advantage. Consider a soul-winning church with the aim of obtaining as many tithes as possible. With a rich predecessor in a luxury villa and Jaguar as a car.
He remains a Jew to win the Jews. He upholds Jewish law (the 10 commandments and the Torah) so as not to offend his fellow Jewish people. From the 10 commandments, Paul proves that a person is a sinner and cannot save himself. From the Torah and prophets, Paul proves the coming of the Messiah who will take the punishment of sin and deliver the sinner from God's wrath. The prophets have predicted the coming of the Messiah and His work. In Christ Jesus this coming and work is finished. An example of this is Acts 17: 1-4 where Paul treated three Sabbaths in succession to the scriptures that show the suffering of the Messiah including his resurrection from the dead. As a Jew he can feel and think like a Jew. Although he is no longer under the law, he uses the law to convince his Jewish people from the Torah of their guilt against their God. If someone from the Gentiles were to come to the Jewish people, the Jew would shun him. Now as a Pharisee and Jew, he was given the freedom to Sermon in their synagogue. In addition, he can point out that he was a persecutor of the Christians, but now freed by Jesus Himself. If the Jews continue to practice their religion and reject Jesus, they too will be lost.
To those outside the law. The Gentiles who had not received the 10 commandments and the Torah from God. They served other gods, which they have made themselves and which they themselves have attributed certain qualities and powers. Paul born in Tarsus (and with that Roman as birthright) was therefore very good knowledge of the pagan culture. For them too, if they continue to serve their gods, they will remain outside the Kingdom of God and will be lost for eternity. When Sermoning the gospel Paul had to Sermon consciously that he did not want to convert them to Judaism. He had to clearly convey the message of being a sinner, being separate from the One and Unique God, who punishes sin with death in the lake of fire. But there is salvation through the Saviour's work of Jesus, risen from the dead and eternal life in Heaven.

Verse 22 Paul had become weak to win the weak. He corrects the strong at Corinth, for they lead the weak down. Just having the goal of saving others demands complete dedication to the cause. Jesus was God Who lived in Heaven and had all power. Creator of heaven and earth. But being God and His power, he discarded and became weak as a man. On earth, He saw the suffering of man, his inability not to sin, the diseases among people and the sadness to lose a dear person (Lazarus) to death. He was sad with them and did not punish their inability. Paul came weak like Jesus. He gives no judgment to the weak Corinthian who sees the eating of sacrificial meat as sin. The result is that he managed to save some. Unfortunately, he is (and we are) aware that not all humanity (every person) can be saved. Man has his own free will, his or her choice is personal.

Crown of runnerBoxerVerses 23-27 Paul makes a comparison. There are many runners in the race. They trained a lot beforehand (in Greece, the training lasted ten months with a strict diet) with the aim of being the first and victorious to receive the wreath. Despite the fact that many people run, there is only ONE who breaks the ribbon and receives the prize. The others have to look behind. It is an incentive for church members to Sermon the gospel and gain as many unbelievers as possible. For the runner that requires training, requires control in everything! For the Sermoner (believer) requires that he resist Satan, demons and sins. Requires a life under the full control of the Holy Spirit.
The race winner received a wreath (of flowers and leaves) that decayed over time. The believer who accomplishes his or her task, however, receives a reward that never perishes, an imperishable wreath (1 Cor. 3:12 and 14 Gold, silver or precious stones). It is the task of the strong believers to help the weak in the faith.
I do not box as one beating the air. The strong can easily destroy the weak. With the small boxer the arms are too short to give the big boxer a single blow. The goal of the boxer is to act consciously in order to strike with a hit. As a believer, remember that the Holy Spirit is your strength. Satan and demons may seem great. But they have lost their power through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Matthew 28:18 Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Mark 16:17-18 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them.

That means that Satan and demons are subject to Jesus. In the name of Jesus, the believer has power over satan and demons. But here too, do not be a boxer who beats the air. The boxer also had a hard training (a life under the control of the Holy Spirit) and a strict diet (sinless life) before he entered the ring.

Verse 27 For pommel, Paul uses the word in the sense of: inflicting a hard blow below the eye. The result is that the opponent sees nothing. In this context, it has the meaning of controlling the body. The runner and boxer had to submit to a strict diet. Only eat healthy food, variation in meat, lots of fruit and food that gave healthy energy. Their bodies were slim so as not to have excess body weight. Every ounce counted in the running. For the boxer, the strong muscles that should not be hindered by fatty tissue. The lessons for the believers:

  1. The believer's body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore the believer must eat healthily and ensure good health
  2. Training requires daily reading of the Bible and Bible study
  3. Training requires a daily prayer from the believer, knowing God's Will
  4. Training means a few hours a day
  5. Training a sinless life through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit
  6. Training a life under the control of the Holy Spirit
  7. Put on the armour of Ephesians 6:10-20
  8. Not giving in to the temptations of the world, no worldly living
  9. Do not give in to the temptations of Satan and demons, do not fear them

The big specter after having Sermoned others the gospel, being disqualified yourself. No endurance until the end. The weak who came fell. The strong who came to lovelessness. Failed for the final exam.

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1 Corinto 10:1-13 Ang Israel bilang babala

The preceding warnings are confirmed from the script with Israel as a warning and example. After the many signs that God had done in Egypt, Israel was freed to go to the Promised Land. In the desert, the Israelites received the 10 commandments and statutes from God, as well as the tabernacle. In the desert, they received food and drink out of the hand of God. However, arriving at the Promised Land, people relied more on the results of the spies than on God. The result was the anger of God and the almost total destruction of the Israelites. And the penalty of 40 years in the desert and they would not inhabit the Promised Land.
The lesson for the believer. The believer who continues to live in the world and does not renounce worldly wealth and pleasure, but continues to long for a worldly life, will experience the consequences. Namely the lagging behind at the Rapture of the Church. They may again make a choice in the Great Tribulation, whether or not they accept the mark 666. With the choice to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour, the believer is born again. But born-again means new life, a life under the control of the Holy Spirit. If, like the Israelites, one does not want to submit to God's commandments, not live to the glory of God, then that believer, like the Israelite, will NOT enter the Promised Land (Heaven). But stay behind and go through the Great Tribulation with all its horrors and possibly die a horrible death there. Think of 40 years in a desert of heat during the day and cold at night.

Verses 1-2 None of the Israelites were left behind, they all left Egypt. All went through the sea opened by God. The cloud was their direction indicator. The cloud indicated the way the Israelites should go. Moses was the mediator between the Israelites and God. Jesus Christ is the Mediator between unbelievers (Jew and Gentile) and God.
The Israelites said to Moses, so to speak: We are going through the sea, surrounded on both sides by water, their baptism. Accordingly, there is complete immersion at the baptism of the adult, addressed here to the Corinthians. One MUST definitively say goodbye to the old life and move on to the new life, a life under the control of the Holy Spirit.

Verses 3-4 The spiritual food is the manna (Ex. 16:15), the food that came from God. The Israelites had to collect and prepare this food daily. It was not allowed to stay until the next day, then it was rotten. Likewise, the believer must read the Bible and pray daily. Only in this way will the commandments of God remain in your life. Only then can you stay in contact with God and can God feed you every day.
We think of the spiritual water out of the rock at Horeb (Ex. 17: 6). Moses had to hit the rock so that water came out for the Israelites. The believer must offer strong resistance to satan and worldly life. He or she should consciously drink the spiritual water, the Holy Spirit. The believer is personally responsible for not grieving or extinguishing the Holy Spirit. The rock is Jesus Christ. The believer must trust in Him. Jesus used the Scriptures to resist the temptations of satan. The rock of living water must be used by the believer to resist satan. The Israelites drank a lot of water daily in the heat of the desert. Nobody was foolish enough not to drink water many times a day. The same goes for the believer, who has to pray and speak with God several times a day. This cannot be limited to once a day, let alone Sunday (church visit) or twice a year (Easter and Christmas). The Israelite who did not drink, dried out and died. The Christian who does not read the Bible and pray daily dies spiritually. Loses joining the Rapture of the Church.

Verse 5 Some Israelites preferred to return to Egypt. They forgot about their slave labour and thought back to eating and drinking, freedom and worshiping images of idols. They refused to submit to an invisible God with strict rules of life. The result was that they died in the desert (the ground opened and they disappeared in hell) and God was not pleased with them. God does not like the believer who lives in the world. Lives not to the honour of Him, despises the working of the Holy Spirit. This believer may choose again in the Great Tribulation.
All had left Egypt, all had accepted God's grace. But only two, Joshua and Caleb, would enter the Promised Land. Baptized with the knowledge of God's commandments and nevertheless rejected. The Corinthians (believers) are baptized with knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Bible, baptism, and the holy supper. But if one leaves these things, the knowledge once adopted is no guarantee if one does not continue to live by it. It is not enough to have acquired the grace of God and Jesus Christ through faith, one must also live out of it. The example is the 10 virgins, only 5 (50% of all believers?) entered the wedding (Heaven). The other 5 were denied entry, lagging behind at the Rapture of the Church.

Verse 6 Warnings (tupos plural) is a print (of a footstep or something like that) of an image. The way of life of the Israelites in the desert is a print of the believer who lives in the world. Not wishing to submit to God, choosing to continue living in the world. In short, that believer is not really born again. God does not like him or her. That believer loves evil, like the Israelites in the desert. They are an example for the worldly believer with all consequences.

Verse 7 Refers to Exodus 32:1-6 the people sat down to eat and drink and then to dance around the golden calf. The foundation, rejecting the invisible God and worshiping an image (golden calf) made by human hands. How typical of the Corinthians. The participation of the strong Corinthians in the idol temples eating food and drink, but nevertheless say that they do not participate in the worship of the idols to whom this food and drinks were dedicated.
With the Israelites it is a joyous situation, see how much they are liberated people. But not Yahweh is the centre, but the golden calf, the idol. The Corinthians know only too well how badly they ended.
The believer who enjoys the worldly things (riches, festivals, drink, debauchery, disobedience, pride, etc.) does not live to the glory of God. The result is the following verse.

Verse 8 Refers to Numbers 25 the fornication with the daughters of Moab. The Israelites enjoyed (sexualy) the daughters of Moab and took part in the sacrificial festivals of their idols. From the one evil (fornication) came the other (sacrificial festivals). The result was the death of 23,000 Israelites.
The worldly believer begins to allow a little pleasure (for example, smoking, drink, drugs) but loses control and wants more. The result is the loss of self-control (growing to theft, murder, beating, violence). Starting by not reading the Bible and praying daily. Loses control and sin conviction by the Holy Spirit. The result is the extinction of the Holy Spirit and the (spiritual) death (and possibly the lake of fire). One indeed denies the Christian faith.

Verse 9 The behaviour of impatience. Numbers 21:4-6 The impatient people are bitten by snakes and many die. They tempted God with their impatience and listening to God's instructions. Numbers 14:22-24 None of the men ... yet have put me to the proof these ten times and have not hearkened to my voice, shall see the land which I swore to give to their fathers! Yes, none of those who have scorned me will see it. Their behaviour towards God had consequences. Their disbelief, their impatience, the lust for the worldly, the rejection of what God commands, the provocation and challenge of God, lead to an aversion by God. They want Him to do what their own heart desires and not to live to his glory. One attacks His sovereignty and tries to lower Him to a means of fulfilling one's own wishes. An example of giving tithes with the aim of obtaining a rich blessing or wealth. Not giving the tenth from a cheerful heart. Make an agreement with God to benefit from it and not for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. Among the Corinthians, may we perhaps think of their pride in the many spiritual gifts? With the believer on his or her pride of speaking in tongues or prophecy? Be strong in faith and look down on the weak in faith?

Ground opensVerse 10 Refers to Numbers 16:1-35 The revolt of Korah and their dissatisfaction with the place they occupy, directed against the authority and place of Moses and Aaron. God punishes and the ground opens and the rebels disappear alive into Sheol (hell) and others are killed by fire. Fire is a punishment from God, hence no cremation of the body of a believer. However, the people did not learn the lesson and grumbled the next day (verses 41-49) with the result that another 14,700 died.
We only know Samuel the Destroyer, but not in the desert. Rabbis do, however, attribute all kinds of judgments to the Destroyer, so that possibly Paul as a Pharisee got his information from this source. This example is given to the Corinthians for the dangerous uprising of authority and the place that Paul takes.
The believer must, in all humility, take his or her place that the Lord Jesus Christ assigns to him or her in the Body of Christ. No one is more or less than the other believer. But let everyone take the place that the LORD has assigned to him or her. Do not say I am incapable if the Lord tells you do something. With the command the LORD will also give the knowledge and power through the Holy Spirit. If the Lord commands you to pray, do not see this as unimportant. If the LORD commands you to be strong, then be powerful. Children, be submissive and obedient to your parents, and talk to them if you think they are asking you something that goes against the Will of the LORD.

Verse 11 A repeat of verse 6. These previous examples are a lesson for the children of the fathers, the Israelites. The fathers had to take care of posterity. The fathers in the era from the first Adam to the last Adam Jesus. The end of the ages has come over them. The new century has begun with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now it is individual, your personal. We do not live for posterity, with what is going to happen to each of us is personally. The decision to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is PERSONALLY. The choice to live under the control of the Holy Spirit and no longer in the world is your personally decision and daily choice. If one wants to take part, then the choice is yours not to be excluded and to stay behind.

Verse 12 The strong in Corinth think that they can handle temptations. That their faith is strong enough. Paul warns with the aforementioned thinking that you cannot fall with your fluency to enter pagan temples and eat idols. Look at the fathers, they too fell.
For the believer, do not think to be strong in your faith, satan is lurking and posing as an angel of light. Do not think that God has called you to Sermon the gospel in the prostitute neighbourhood without God giving you a solid support to pray for you. Personally, I do not think God will send you alone. The same applies to the proclamation in the drug districts. Do NOT be misled by satan or by false prophets. A prophet who says that it is God's Will for you to proclaim to the gospel in the red light district or drug district, do NOT listen! God speaks to you personally in such an assignment and ALSO take care of the christians to pray for you. He NEVER lets you do this type of work alone.

Verse 13 That they are established and have not overtaken yet, is more due to the faithfulness of God than to their strong faith. Entering an idol temple is tempting God to protect you. Look at Jesus' answer when he was tempted by satan. His answer was: You will NOT tempt God as an answer to the challenge in Scripture.
A temptation can be compared to a trap, whoever is within it, is not be capable to come out (without assistance). They are permanently caught. That is why it is important to avoid temptations. And not to challenge God to protect and save you in the event of a fall. Not every temptation can be avoided, they come on our way every day. Satan does everything to tempt the believer who serves God and lives to His glory and to make him stumble. It is thanks to God's faithfulness (and your daily prayer for God's protection) that you do not stumble and, if you have fallen, that God sets you free.
God watches over His own children. He allows temptations, He tests you. He wants to know what your reaction is at a temptation. Respond to a prophecy to Sermon alone the gospel in the red neighbourhood. Or do you resist this temptation (because it is good that prostitutes also hear the Word of God)? Abraham was tested to sacrifice his son. God provided the escape with the provision of a ram as a sacrifice. For those who live close to God, in a daily communion with God the Father, Jesus Christ as Lord and under the control of the Holy Spirit, when a believer is misled and exposed to temptation, also give the escape. However, a believer who challenges God with temptation will have to bear the consequence himself if God does not provide an escape. After all, it is a testing of God and walking in his own way.

1 Corinto 10:14-22 Ang banal na hapunan

Holy supperVerses 14-15 Participating in the sacrificial meals in the pagan temple is playing with fire. Paul does not use his apostolic authority but he appeals to the common sense of the strong Corinthians. Judge for yourself what you do or that is to the glory and grace of Jesus Christ.

Verse 16 With the rabbis, the cup of thanksgiving is called the cup of blessing. The cup that was used at the end of the meal to thank the name of the LORD. Possibly this was the third cup during the Easter meal. They took the cup and thanked God. A community with can be translated as "participating in". It then becomes a participation in the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross for the believer's sin. Jesus says in Matthew 26:27-28 Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant. It is therefore a participation in the New Covenant. In the Old Testament a shift from sin to the sacrificial animal. The blood that was shed from the animal that was sacrificed. The blood of Christ is the Lamb (Jesus) who was sacrificed as a sacrifice for our sin. This participation symbolizes the removal of the believer's sin by Jesus Christ. Christ as the risen Lord who has conquered death, and participation in the new life as a son of God and no longer a child of satan.
The possible reversal of order, first the cup and then the bread may relate that Paul refers to the customs in the pagan temple. First the cup of wine went around and then the sacrificial meat was eaten.
How can one celebrate such a holy thing as the Holy Supper which means participation in the death of Jesus and have received new life through the New Covenant and deny this by participating in the pagan temple in the meal dedicated to idols. Corinthians use your common sense to the honour of Jesus Christ.

Church is disco

We can extend this to all things and things in the Christian's life. That what the believer does, pronounces, eats and drinks, uses (think of alcohol, drugs) is that to the glory of Jesus Christ? Is visiting a disco bar, a nudist beach a place that Jesus would visit? Today, some churches are equipped with flashy disco lights and loud music without melody. People dressed as they are going to a disco. This 'church' has nothing to do anymore as a holy place where the believer meets before the Holy God (the Holy of Holies).

Verse 17 All believers together form the Body of Christ. The one bread that was broken into pieces by Jesus during the holy supper symbolizes the unity of all believers. Participating in the resurrection body of Jesus. The believer has exchanged the old body (property of satan) for the new body in the service of Jesus. After the resurrection of Jesus, He no longer had a human body, but a spiritual body. A body that could eat and drink. Thus at the Rapture of the church, will receive a similar body without sin at this Coming of Christ. With this sinless body, the believer can enter Heaven.

Verse 18 Consider the people of Israel. In the days of the Tabernacle and the Temple, in some cases the priests ate the sacrificial flesh (Lev. 6:26; 7:6, 14). Whoever eats of the sacrifice participates in the conciliatory act. The altar is the altar where the sacrifices were brought and the animal was slaughtered to work out reconciliation with God about sin.

Verses 19-20 Paul makes it clear that from these parallels, it cannot be concluded that an idol is a reality. An idol is a dead image. The offering to the idol is not to the Unique and Only God, but an offering to evil spirits, a participation in satan and demons. The opponents of God, they work destructively, they want to destroy humanity and the work of Jesus Christ. One must fight AGAINST them and not engage in eating sacrificial meat dedicated to idols. Paul qualifies the pagan sacrifice as a demon service! The question that Paul asks is Deut. 6:4 true or not? Does the god of Israel exist as ONLY or not? If so, paganism with its idols is a lie and a service to satan and demons. Therefore flees the community with evil spirits. The pagan temples and eating sacrificial meat MUST be a PAST. You no longer are allowed to participate in it, show this in your walk of life.
We must extend this to the way of life and walk of the believer. The believer must say goodbye to his old walk and way of life. Goodbye to everything that goes against God and His commandments. Adultery, drunkenness, drug use, animal sex, pedophilia, incest, sex with the same-sex, unfair behavior, false testimony, and so on. This also applies to praying to saints and images in the Catholic Church. Visit no places which God would not visit. Nor watching movies, internet and television that you would not watch if God were in the same room. The believer must lead a new life to the honour and glory of God.

Verse 21 It is true that idols do not exist as real gods, but it is devoted to satan and demons. So how can you sit at the Holy Supper of Christ AND at the table devoted to satan and demons. It is either or. Or you participate in the New Covenant in Christ and discard the old life. Either you remain the property of satan and continue to live in the world, and thus a denial of your Christian faith and thereby being the property of Jesus. The consequence, the loss of your eternal life in Heaven (you are indeed no longer a Christian).

Verse 22 The people in Israel spurred on God's zeal many times. Many times they left their God Yahweh and followed idols. As a result, among others, the Babylonian exile. But also the many diseases, leprosy, deaf, dumb, paralyzed were a result of their idolatry.
If the Corinthians (the believers) do NOT radically say goodbye to their old lives, they will not have to think that they are stronger than the people of Israel. They will also receive God's wrath and rejection.

Verse 23 All things are lawful, but not all things build up. In Christ Jesus, the believer is free, also free from satan and demons. However, those who voluntarily expose themselves to these powers will experience the consequences. Those who voluntarily do not detach themselves from living in the world, and continue to live in the world, will experience the consequences. Why? He or she grieves and eventually quenches the working of the Holy Spirit. The strong Corinthians may have the freedom to eat sacrificial meat, but with that they give a breach to satan and demons. In the whole acting of the believer, the believer must be aware, IS THIS TO THE HONOUR OF GOD? DO I GIVE A BREACH TO SATAN? What I look at, what I read, what I visit, what I buy, how I treat my body and feed.
Because not all thing builds up. Watching violence has a damaging influence. Watching films with coarse and sexual language does not build up, but harms Christian life and is a bad example for the children. Eating a lot of fries, junk food, is harmful to the body if it is used in abundance. Having many unbelieving friends and going out with them, without a continuous Christian witness, adversely affects your spiritual life.

Verses 25-26 The Jew was only allowed to buy in the meat and fish hall, after inquiring whether it had come into contact with pagan cult. All animals are creatures of God. An animal sacrificed to idols does not change this status.
Abroad, we can buy in stores without checking the origin. But in holiday countries, buying souvenirs is a conscious matter. Some souvenirs are demonically contaminated. Yes, that is serious. In Brazil we know the disinfection with myrrh oil of the houses and the removal of souvenirs. Think of the samba dolls and Bahia clothes. Believers notice that they no longer want to read the Bible and pray. The source must be traced, removed and cleaned with myrrh oil and in the name of Jesus. A Buddha image in your home, however innocent, is to give a breach to Satan.
Lead a conscious Christian life. We have had to clean the evangelical bookstore several times (ointments with oil in the name of Jesus) after a curse or macumbe (sacrificing chickens and food to demons) which overnight took place in front of the store. Our house we have anointed the walls, windows and doors with myrrh oil. Our bodies are anointed with myrrh oil. This when the Holy Spirit makes it clear to us. Yes, just laugh. Even my computers no longer work without any indication. Only after prayer do the computers work again. Be aware of demonic forces. At a Bible study in the Netherlands, an immigrant spoke about the ringing and hovering of the telephone in his house. Cleaning was needed. With the many immigrants in Europe, the forces of demons are also entering Europe and it is no more limited to Africa and Latin America.

Verses 27-29 We may calmly visit unbelievers and eat. Without first asking if the food is prepared in a special way. However, when the person indicates that it is consecrated, at that time one must give a Christian witness and not eat. The person can explain it as that you acknowledge their god exists and you recognize this god. One can eat with a Muslim, but as soon as the Muslim announces that it is special food, explain that ALLAH does not exist, a fiction of the prophet Mohammed. Do this in love and not as a punishment.

Verse 30 If the opportunity arises, give thanks to God and the Lord Jesus Christ before and after eating. Sanctifying the food through prayer. Before and after a visit to the home of a Muslim, Buddha or other unbeliever it is good to place yourself (and family) under the protective blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit to show you things.

Verse 31 Paul agrees with the strong Corinthians that there is nothing wrong with visiting and eating with unbelievers. One must do everything to the glory of God. After all, it is about the preservation of man, including the unbeliever, Muslim, Buddhist.

Verses 32-33 Ensure that your walk and lifestyle does not give offense to unbelievers. Do not speak negatively. Be a testimony with Biblical substantiation. Visiting a Muslim while improperly dressed (shorts, female breasts visible, etc.) is a bad testimony. First inquire about the Muslim custom and rules. Outsiders can turn away before the gospel has been Sermoned to them.
But also think of smoking, drunkenness and adultery of believers, which hinder the Sermoning of the gospel.
The goal is not to please yourself but to be a testimony of Jesus in all your actions. Even if it does not harm your own conscience. Your behaviour and doing certain things can be misinterpreted and damage your Christian testimony. The goal is to "please" people through a good Christian lifestyle. Many come to believe in Jesus or to ask questions as a result of the Christian walk.
In 1 Thess. 1:6 Paul praises the Thessalonians because they have become imitators of Jesus. Let yourself be praised for the judgement seat of Jesus Christ for your example in Christian lifestyle.

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1 Corinto 11:1-16 Ang palamuti sa ulo ng babae

Verse 1 Again Paul calls the Corinthians to become imitators of Jesus Christ, as he is. It is an introduction to the following verses, in which he deals with a misunderstanding in the church in Corinth.
The commentaries have many different views, and certainly in our time, Paul's statement is difficult to understand.

Verse 2 Apparently Paul is generally satisfied with the several churches that he founded and how they follow Paul's teaching. The Corinthians in their spiritual life take into account what they have been told orally or in writing. That is how it should be. Through his teaching, they learn how they can receive eternal salvation and how to keep their salvation. After all, Paul received his teachings directly from Christ Jesus personally, so who can argue with him? His rules are indisputable. There may be strong and weak believers, circumcised Jews and uncircumcised Gentiles, married and unmarried, office holders and church members, but they are all one in the body of Christ. All will have to answer individually in front of the judgment seat of Christ.
Paul also learned through the tradition of the apostles and the first Christians about the life of Jesus on earth and His teaching and statements. That is why they should pay attention to the traditions of the other apostols, such as John and Peter. But the main part of teaching of Paul is through Christ Jesus Himself during three years, Galatians 1:12 and 18.
However, there may be cases where no statements have been made as a result of the traditions, such as in 7:12, 25, 39-40. Now their question about the behaviour of the female church members who participate in prophecy and prayer. Logically, they put this question to Paul, their spiritual father.

Verse 3 Paul goes back to creation. God the Father is the head of Christ Jesus. First the man was created and then the woman, that determines their ranking. This makes the woman submissive to the (her) husband. The head of every (believing) man is Christ Jesus.
The Old Testament word HEAD has three words that are closely related: head, beginning and firstborn. In Hebrew, the words "head" and "beginnings" are derived from the same verb stem, while the firstborn is the beginning. Therefore the most important in highness. The beginning of the month or year. The chief of guests, the chief of the family, the chief of the priest: the high priest. He is not so much the ruler but the predecessor, the example. He comes FIRST and determines the quality of those who come after him. He lives up to his attitude and behaviour, which will characterize the followers.
If we apply this to Jesus, He is the FIRST of the Church, the firstborn. He is the HEAD of His Church. He has given the example of how a Christian should live. In Him the example is visible how God the Father pictured Adam (and Eve), absolute obedience. Christ Jesus is the head of every believing man (the man is the descendant). The man is the head of the woman (the descendant from the rib of Adam). Christ Jesus provides His Church with support (the Holy Spirit), so the man must provide for support (food, drink, clothing and SPIRITUAL FOOD = education) to his wife.
Christ Jesus recognizes God the Father as His Head. The man must acknowledge Christ Jesus as his head and be obedient. For example, the wife must acknowledge her husband and be obedient.

Verse 4 The man should pray or prophesy with uncovered head. Moses came with uncovered face and head to the face of God on the mountain where he received the Ten Commandments. The glory of God covered him, and before the Israelites he had to cover this radiance of glory, because the Israelites could not bear it. The uncovered head in prayer and prophecy is a picture of the future status of the man in the Kingdom of God. A covering would be a shame.

Verse 5 That women in the church participate in prayer and prophecy is not a topic of discussion. They are perfectly allowed to do so. However, the question is how do they behave in this regard? Do they occupy the same place as the man (and thereby forget the order as determined by God), or do they show that the man is the head? From the order of creation, therefore she is not the head, she will have to cover her head. The covered head confirms her being a woman, taking the place that God has set for her, obedience to her husband.

Verse 6 We must now consider the meaning of this verse, for Paul is an apostle taught by Christ Jesus. We cannot think lightly of his statements as not of our time. What is the idea behind the woman's covering of the head? A recognition of submission and obedience to men, as DETERMINED by GOD.
A shaved head is a shame for a woman. No woman in the Corinth congregation would think about shaving her hair. The (long) hair was to her honour and glory of herself and to Christ Jesus. If the woman does not want to take her place (as determined by God) and not to cover, it were better that she shaved her head.
In short, what Paul wants to say: the woman MUST clearly show that the man takes the first place. How should we translate this to our time? Worthy clothing, not in a short skirt, with half-naked breasts, in torn jeans. PRAYING IS APPEARING FOR GOD. A GOD THAT IS VERY HOLY. The woman who prays or prophesies in the church does this in public, in the presence of other men and women. It is her public attitude towards a very HOLY GOD. Moses left God with a radiant face. That says enough about God. Do not start saying, but God is Father. At home, a child can wear any clothing that he or she wants. That may be true where the child is at home. But in the church, Bible study, prayer service, the child must be dressed with dignity because he or she appears before a Holy God. Similarly, the believing man and woman should be dressed with dignity when one appears in public before God. Personally, I prefer that the woman goes to the meetings in a skirt or dress. Why? Deut. 22:5 A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God. That is why we have to respect God's Words.
Here Paul deduces that there must be concern, as in any way, the woman does not want to take her place and function clearly in the plan of salvation.
I personally think it is a shame for a church if only the women pray and not a single man.

Verse 7 The external signs may differ per culture. Think of Papuans, Indian tribes. Even there are cultures within a country. But what MUST be preserved is that the man is the image and glory of God. The woman is the glory of the man. A woman who dresses unworthily in the meetings is a bad example and poor glance of her husband. Will frown her husband. Should I give an example? A woman and mother came to church with a mini-skirt, while sitting down her slip was visible! Is that a worthy way for the man? I really do not understand how her husband allows this. Does not she (and her husband) risk their salvation? OK, I may not judge, that is up to Christ.

Verses 8-9 Paul recalls creation. First Adam was created by God in God's image. It was up to Adam to be obedient to God and to be the glory of God. When God saw that Adam was struggling with being alone, God took a rib from Adam and created the woman as his help. Although God's plan of salvation provides that men and women receive forgiveness of sin through faith, the hierarchy remains, he is the woman's head. Like God is the head of Christ Jesus.
But how about the unmarried woman? She will have to behave with dignity during the meetings. Do not wish to take the place of a man or official.

Verse 10 This means that God's angels and the fallen angels (including Satan) are or may be present in the meetings. Angels are God's messengers. God's angels carry prayers to God in Heaven. The fallen angels and satan sue the believers with God in Heaven Job 1:6-10. The way the man and woman are dressed can be a reason for the angels for accusation by God. A woman who shows in the meeting that she does NOT want to take her place determined by God, and puts herself above the man, will be accused of angels to God. The power on her head is to clearly show that she acknowledges being a woman, with the man as head. In the culture in Corinth by means of a headscarf or veil as an outward sign.
"Because of the angels" can mean: what should the angels of God think of when the woman removes her head covering and thereby openly shows that she does not want to take the place assigned to her in the plan of salvation? And that while she has just come to see God's plan of salvation. To be present in a meeting where God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is receiving all honour and the recognition that They are the Head of the Church of Christ.

Verse 11 It cannot be concluded from the foregoing that everyone has their own authority. Husbands and wives must each have their faith in order to participate in the plan of salvation of sin. Both receive it by the grace of God. Both become children of God and are part of the Body of Christ. Galatians 3:26-28 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. That is why there should not be two groups in the church, but there is nothing wrong with male meetings and women's meetings. After all, we have child and youth services. They both work together to build up the Body of Christ, prayer for salvation of the unbelievers. The tenth to support the congregation, evangelism and mission. Prophecy to build up the unbelievers (revelation of certain sins).

Verse 12 Paul goes back to creation. The man cannot be born himself. The woman is needed to give birth to the man. Without her he is nothing. However, what applies to men also applies to women. Without fertilization by the male seed, there is no new life! Who respects God will see that man and woman are needed to create a child. Not a gay couple, they cannot create children naturally! God has DETERMINED: male seed and female egg, the marriage between one MAN AND one WOMAN. Both are created from and by GOD. So it is to the glory and honour of GOD!

Verses 13-15 Paul appeals to his own culture. Jewish, Greek and Roman men had their hair cut short, while the women wore long hair. It had become a second nature/habit. In their culture, it was a shame when the man behaved as a woman and had long hair. Nevertheless, I believe that this also applies in our time. A man with long hair (up to his hips) is not a sign of masculinity, but of femininity. Also in this respect it holds that the hair of the man and the woman must be to the honour and glory of God.

Verse 16 Paul concludes with a clear explanation. If someone disagrees above, we (apostles) are not in the habit of discussing, we have received authority from Jesus to teach. We reject the custom of unworthy prayer by men and women which occurs in your church.

1 Corinto 12:17-34 Mga hindi pagkakaunawaan sa banal na hapunan

Verse 17 In the foregoing, the apostle has made a binding statement. Now comes a statement about the second misunderstanding, about which I (ouk epainoo) have to express my disapproval. Your gatherings are contrary to the very purpose of gathering together, resulting in big shame. The aim is to build up the church, but in your church people do things to break down.

Verses 18-19 It is wrong that groups are present with you, that is splitting/divisions under you. I partly believe it, with which Paul wants to indicate that this may only concern part of the church and not the entire church. Everyone examines for themselves whether they can stand the test of the Lord Jesus Christ; loving your neighbour as yourself.

Verses 20-21 You may sit together at the Lord's Supper, but it is not in unity. No unity in the body of Christ, as Jesus intended during His last supper with His disciples. How to explain verse 21 remains obscure. It is possible that every member of the congregation contributed in the form of bread and wine. But soon ate and drank themselves, so that nothing was left for those who were unable to do so. The question that remains unanswered is how often was the joint meal held? Daily as in Acts 6:1, weekly or at larger intervals? There it was the custom that a complete supper was held, followed at the end of the breaking of bread and the wine cup.

Verse 22 Apparently there are those who fully consumed what they brought with them so that nothing remained for the late arrivals. They had already consumed everything and left nothing for the still absent brothers and sisters. Yes worse there were those who were even drunk of wine. A very selfish behaviour, which had absolutely nothing to do with the sacrament as intended by Jesus. Paul clearly expresses his disapproval of this.
Paul clearly shows his anger: Do you not have your own house where you can eat and drink beforehand? Do you have to openly demonstrate your wealth by eating and drinking while not sharing with the poor? Do you thus so despise the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ? The collective use of the meal is not to fill one's own stomach, but to have fellowship in the Lord. The Body of Christ, all church members as a whole, must be nourished by this meal.
Paul continues with: What can I say? Can I praise you? His answer is clear: No, I will not! The praise in verse 2 was justified, but this point deserves my disapproval.

Verse 23 This can be explained in two ways. Or from the mouth of the 11 disciples, Paul learned about the Last Supper with Jesus, so by tradition. Or, I prefer this explanation, through the personal teaching of Christ Jesus, after His appearance on the road to Damascus, he has received the instructions about the sacrament. That is why Paul's authority is incontrovertible. The origin lies in the sacrament with the 12 disciples prior to the imprisonment and death on the cross of Jesus. There Jesus took 1 bread and gived it to EVERY disciple (including the traitor Judas) and took 1 cup from which EVERY disciple drank. NO ONE was excluded, it was common. That is what should be commemorated. In that night Jesus, how heavily too (let this cup pass by Me), showed how much Jesus loved the sinful man until His own death. Absolutely no selfishness. The indelible sign of the sacrifice to the good of the other.

Verse 24 Mat. 26-26-29, Mark 14: 22-25 and Luke 22: 15-20 contain the description of the Last Supper with Jesus. Jesus took a loaf of bread. No ordinary bread, but the unleavened bread from the exodus from Egypt, from the Easter meal. It bears witness to the deliverance from Egypt, this sacrament bears witness to the deliverance of sinful man by the breaking (death) of Jesus on the Cross.
Jesus gives thanks to this unleavened bread. This is my body which is for you. Here Jesus unites with the individual sinner. Then Jesus broke the bread and handed it to the disciples. Each of the disciples, personally participated in this one loaf. Everyone personally ate from this one loaf of bread.
This is my body which is for you. With that Jesus breaks with the Jewish Easter meal, the commemoration of the exodus of the Israeli people from Egypt. This is a new Easter, a new supper, a new fact. Several lambs were slaughtered during the exodus from Egypt (1 lamb for at least 10 people). This Lamb Jesus is One and once only, who definitively ends and dies for man's sin. In the sequel, His Body will be at the center.
"For you" emphasizes the personal character. It is the Christian's personal faith in Jesus Christ.
It is a memory, a lasting reminder of the suffering and death of Jesus at the cross. So it is not that this piece of bread transforms into the body of Jesus (as the Catholic Church claims) Jesus clearly says that it is a remembrance.

Verse 25 If we go back to the Jewish tradition how they kept the meal, then the Easter meal was concluded with a prayer of thanks at the fourth and final cup, which was held a hand's heigth above the table. Among the Jews, the third cup was called "the cup of thanksgiving." Now the problem is the third and fourth cup. That is why we take the liberty of calling the fourth cup the cup of thanksgiving. It is unimportant whether Jesus grants the third or fourth cup as "the new covenant of My blood." The statement of the NEW COVENANT is important. The old covenant consisted of keeping the law (the Torah, the commandments in the first five Bible books), which no man was able to accomplish, and thus no access to eternal life in Heaven. The new covenant gives through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ access to eternal life in Heaven. Not through man's work, but through faith in the Work of Jesus Christ.
The blood of the slaughtered Easter lamb (Ex. 24: 8) sealed the old covenant. The blood of Jesus (water and blood came from the body of Jesus when the soldier stung His side) sealed the new covenant. Every disciple had to drink from this one cup, it is personal. It is 1 cup, the unity within the Body of Christ.
Do this to My remembrance. It is the cup that goes around during the sacrament, the expression of being 1. In it all who participate will see the finished work and the forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. Wait one not for each other during the sacrament celebration, then you will break the unity, and it is no celebration of the sacred supper.

Verses 26-27 In this way Paul explained the meaning of the sacrament. This using of this sacrament lasts until the Rapture of the Church. Then one is for eternity with Jesus Christ and ends this celebration.
If you do not wait for each other and the one fills his stomach and leaves the other hungry, it is an insult to Jesus Christ, an unworthy participation. Paul calls it sin, guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Eating and drinking is in the principal of the Corinthians, not the memory of the dying and suffering of Jesus, the unity within the church. Such a sin that consequences (verse 30) do not desist.

Verses 28-29 Each of the Corinthians investigates how he or she is guilty of this sin. Now they have the opportunity to exam themselves and possibly correct themselves. If not, Jesus Himself will pronounce judgment. He will not let this abuse happen with impunity. That judgment may not be an eternal destruction, but a punishment in verse 30.

Verse 30 The first signs of punishment are already clearly visible in the congregation of Corinth: weak and death (some have died). Weak and ill in the form of (serious and long-term) weakness and illness. The judgment of the Lord. Now it is the abundance in the church that is the indication of the judgment of the Lord. Illness occurs to every person, that is a consequence of the fall. Paul carried a thorn in the flesh to keep him from being too elated. But from James 5:14 we also know the sickness caused by sin. With a perseverance in sin, it leads to a physical death. Refusal of the believer, not wishing to recognize sin, not living under the control of the Holy Spirit has consequences. First of all, grieving the Holy Spirit, with persistence to extinction. Since the believer has a free will, depending on the type of sin, there will be direct punishment or not. Not every believer (belonging to the five foolish virgins) will be taken at the Coming of Christ, see Matthew 24:40-41. An example a person who has a relationship with an unbeliever or has sex before marriage will extinguish the working of the Holy Spirit, that is a free choice of the believer. Rarely does one see a judgment of the Lord upon this sin. The believer will not read the Bible or pray less or not at all. The consequence, however, is left behind at the Rapture of the Church and possibly a loss of eternal life in Heaven.

Verses 31-32 The judgment of the Lord is visible. It is up to each individual believer to test himself, what is my spiritual life alike. Do I live to the honour and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do I read the Bible daily and wish to understand what the Bible tells me? Do I pray daily? Do I take enough quiet time, am I working on my relationship with the Lord? Is my behaviour consistent with what the Bible teaches?
God tolerated the idols among the nations to some extent (when the degree of sin was full, Sodom and Gomorrah, the punishment came). With his Israelite people, God was not tolerant and followed exile. I cannot explain how we see God's current tolerance towards gay churches, Sermoners who have no objection to abortion and euthanasia, Sermoners themselves with or tolerance to tattooing, etc. But possibly because in Matthew 24 Jesus says that many false Christs will come in the end of times ('I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray). We live in the end of times and have another 2-3 years (2019) until the Rapture of the Church? Possibly their fullness have to be reached first, before the Rapture occurs.

Verses 33-34 Paul's advice, put an end to the presence of weakness, illness and death through your sins and unworthy participation in the sacrament. Wait for each other. First have everyone present before you participate in the meal and at the end celebrate the sacrament. If someone thinks this takes too long, let them eat at home first. But take enough food and drink along with you to distribute to the poor. So here we are talking about celebrating a meal like Jesus did on his last night. Jesus together with his disciples first ate the meal, AFTER the meal at which the stomach was fulfilled, followed the breaking of the bread and tour of the wine with thanksgiving. So that is a different celebration than in most churches, where only a piece of bread is consumed and a cup of wine is drunk.

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1 Corinto 12:1-11 Ang mga espirituwal na kaloob

1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You know that when you were heathen, you were led astray to dumb idols, however you may have been moved. 3 Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says "Jesus be cursed!" and no one can say "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit. 4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one.7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are inspired by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills.

What does this mean?

Paul knew that there was a lot of discussion was among the Corinthians, therefore he begins to explain what are the spiritual gifts. When the Corinthians were gentiles, they worshipped idols, which could not speak. Now I proclaim you the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, these are Gods Who speak to you. By the Holy Spirit, you are unable to curse Jesus, and without the Holy Spirit one is unable to say: Jesus Christ is my Lord.

There are many gifts, but all the gifts are of one spirit: the Holy Spirit. There are several ways to serve Jesus, there are no services for Peter or John, or for me, all services are for the Lord Jesus Christ. These services are only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit, through the power of our Almighty God, the Father.

To all believers is giving the knowledge of the Holy Spirit Who lives in every believer, and He is the One Who works within every believer, if the believer permits Him to work within and with the believer.
When one receives the gift to speak with wisdom (He who guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. Proverbs 13:3). Another receives the gift of speaking with knowledge, explaining the word of God. Another person has a lot of faith, without faith it is impossible to do the work of God, one must believe that God can do miracles. Another receives the gift of healing of diseases (such as cancer) and handicaps.
One of the greatest gifts is the gift of prophecy (1 Co. 14) and the gift of discerning of spirits. The gift of discerning of spirits is essential for every believer. Because how do you know it is the Holy Spirit, which speaks to you, and not a demon or satan? When you speaks in tongues, are you sure it is the Holy Spirit? Are you sure your work is for Jesus and commissioned by means of the Holy Spirit? Are you sure you gift of healing is of the Holy Spirit? Satan imitates the gifts, so be on your guard. By many prays, the source is pure. The ability to distinguish between spirits is very important for every believer to differentiate if a thought is of yourself, if it is of satan, or it really is of the Holy Spirit. You should be able to distinguish whether people tell the truth, or try to work on your feelings and compassion, or they cheat you and tell lies. Trying to make you weak and concerned so that they obtain what they desire. And look to their personal lifes.
We have to ask with zeal for one or more gifts. This question should be made in all sincerity, and the gift has to be necessary for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not to show to other believers that you have a gift. Let others judge which gift(s) you have. Unfortunately a demon can give you gift(s) (for example if you insist to receive a gift and you pray loudly). Real gifts are of the Holy Spirit, which he dispenses to each that HE wills.

1 Corinto 12:12-31 Ang katawan ni Kristo ay may maraming mga miyembro

12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--Jews or Greeks, slaves or free--and all were made to drink of one Spirit. 14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged the organs in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single organ, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you," nor again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you." 22 On the contrary, the parts of the body which seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and those parts of the body which we think less honorable we invest with the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, 24 which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving the greater honor to the inferior part, 25 that there may be no discord in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 28 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, speakers in various kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.

What does this mean?

SkeletonBody of ChristThe body of Christ has many members: pastors, elders, deacons, mother, father, doctors, missionaries, evangelists, shopkeepers, office workers, mechanics, construction workers, teachers, you name it. Every believer has its own place within the body of Christ. No man is insignificant, one cannot be without the other. The hand needs the eye to see where it moves to. The foot needs the leg to be able to walk.
There is no difference between Gentile and Jew. If one is free (a business owner, owner of a shop, independent without boss) or staff (=slave) (employed by a company, in civil service, etc.), still we all are servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. Before Him we do our work. Each has a function, as He wills. We all have a responsibility to contribute. Without money, the work stops for the Lord Jesus Christ. If a member does not contribute, this impairs the body, the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. A pastor, a missionary, an evangelist they all depend on the prayers of believers who pray against the powers of darkness, they need money, they need food. The eye does not say against the hand, I have no need of you. Every believer has his/her function. The mother teaches the children about Jesus Christ, what are the Christian values. A believer who only pray and give tithes, is nothing less than the evangelist. The evangelist, Sunday school teacher all depend on prayer (breaking the powers of darkness, the power of satan within an unbeliever (child). That the Holy Spirit works within the unbeliever and convinces of sin, protection against the dark forces, etc.). And salaries, evangelism, evangelism materials (projector, computer) cost money. In short, if one member suffers, all the members suffer (damage to the body of Christ occurs). The believers are the members and equipment of the body of Christ.

And God determines the place of every believer within the body of Christ. Yes, the believer can refuse, can say no. God knows the heart of every believer.
First God has appointed the apostles: the twelve apostles who were with Jesus during His life on earth. Judas betrayed Jesus and this led to his death. God appointed the Apostle Paul to take the place of Judas and during three years Paul received directly education from Jesus Christ (Gal 1:12 and 18). Therefore there are no others than these 12 Apostles. Today no longer are appointed apostles. Because the title apostle is reserved for those who lived with Jesusand received education directly by Jesus Christ. Today, no one is directly taught by Jesus Christ and Jesus is no longer on earth. Today we receive our education from the Bible. Apostle Paul had all the gifts, he wrote 13 books of the New Testament, while the other Apostles together only wrote 10 books of the New Testament. Paul as given the prophecy about the Coming of Christ, he educates the Christians with great wisdom. He teaches the Christian values and standards, the Christian spiritual life. So no one has the right to call himself an apostle too.
Secondly, there are the prophets, who explain (1 Co. 14), these are people who reveal the Will of God. Reveals the secret (hidden) things of a person (believer and unbeliever) without he/she told previously. The prophet shows the power of God, and encourages the person.
Thirdly, teachers who teach (to believer and unbeliever), explain what the Bible means, explains the text/verse on the Word of Gods, he gives Bible studies, he writes Bible commentaries, he Sermones.
Others have the gift of healing. But we have to note that this gift usually is used to demonstrate the power of God, to unbelievers. The healing of a believer happens more in agreement of James 5:14-16 with the confession of sin.
Others have the gift of support: support and visit in jail and hospital, help the sick and disabled, financial assistance handing out food parcels to families in poverty. Support street children. Build houses for homeless families, supporting internates for street children, assistance to drug addicts, etc.
Wisdom to administrate: managing finances, managing to evangelism, leadership in youth work, organizing events (Christmas, Easter), etc.
The gifts of tongues, if here Paul refers to speaking in tongues or the gift to speak foreign languages (Portuguese, German, English, Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, etc.) I do not know, verse 30 refers to speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues, explains Paul better in 1 Cor. 14.
Paul ends this chapter, that not all every believer receives all the gifts, every believer can receive one or more gift for every believer has his/her place within the body of Christ. Together we form the body and together we have all the gifts. But Paul wishes that we search for the best gifts with zeal. Why? In order to build up the Church (in knowledge) and increases with unbelievers. So the unbeliever will accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. This is the way the Apostle Paul teaches us.

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1 Corinto 13 Ang Pag-ibig

Verse 1 To write about love without loving and to read about love without wanting to love is vanity. Christian love can be classified as follows:
Verses 1-3  If love is lacking, the Christian life is without content,
Verses 4-7  Love determines the quality of life,
Verses 8-13 Love has the quality of eternity.

For the Corinthians, speaking in tongues was the highest revelation of the Holy Spirit. Paul has already shown in his letter that this was the LOWEST gift. According to the Corinthians who spoke in tongues, the inadequate way of speaking on earth was beyond and spoke in heavenly language. The angels spoke to God, nobody knows what language that is. In any case, we know that God's angels (and perhaps also the fallen angels) master all languages of people. The angel Gabriel spoke with Daniel and with the priest Zachariah. However, Paul points out that speaking in tongues or even speaking the language of angels, this has no meaning whatsoever when love is lacking. The Corinthian who spoke in tongues rose himslef above the brother or sister who did not speak in tongues, completely unloving. Quite apart from the fact that this brother or sister had the gift of prophecy or master which gift was above the gift of speaking in tongues.
The Corinthians are mainly focused on obtaining the Spirital gift for themselves and not the purpose of building up the church. Speaking in tongues is also a noisy gong (wind instrument) or a clanging cymbal (percussion instrument) if the explanation of speaking in tongues is missing. It then only remains racket and noise if there is no understanding (melody).
The Corinthians are mistaken when they think they have received an optimum from the Spirit when the love is lacking. It is the way of the love (Jesus gave his life at the cross for the sinful man) that is much higher and leads to eternal life in Heaven.
Practically speaking, God only knows 1 love, AGAPE. The love of God, an infinite love in words but especially in actual deeds. God gave His Son Jesus for deliverance of man's sin. He gives life through food and drink, a job for the believer. Free from exile and the power of demons and satan.
Christian love shows itself in word and deed to the neighbour (the Good Samaritan). The love of the man and the woman to leave their parents (parental home) and start a new independent life together. The man's care for his wife and children. The Love is all ears for the other.

Verse 2 Prophecy, understanding mysteries, knowledge and faith (move mountains Matthew 17:20) are among the spiritual gifts. Paul denies that these gifts are an expression of the level of spiritual life of a believer or the place within the church. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit, as HE wants, with the purpose of using this in love to BUILD UP the Body of Christ. And NOT for the purpose that the believer rises himself above the other believer, that is unloving. If the love for the neighbour is missing (but have not love) then these gifts are useless (I am nothing).

Verse 3 Two things are added, though I gave away all my possessions (all I have), or burn my body (be killed) for the Christian faith, these two have no value if it is not from love. Love for the neighbour. Testimony and love for Jesus. Being burned so as not to lose eternal life in Heaven should not be the ground, but the love for Jesus. The monk who burns himself, and acquires fame with it, has absolutely no value and is useless.

Verse 4 Patient is not to respond immediately. God is angry with man's sin. Nevertheless, people get a lifelong opportunity to repent and to believe in Jesus Christ. The believer who lives in the world and not to the glory of God, gets the chance to repent and live under the guidance of the Spirit. God does NOT intervene directly, does not punish directly, God restrained his wrath. He wants to give the other person the space to come to recognition of the crime. That is love.
But the anger and punishment remain if one does not repent. The criminal, thief and murderer MUST be punished. The person who does not believe in Jesus as Saviour from sin will have to bear the punishment of God. The believer who goes his or her own way will have to bear the consequences, perhaps even to the loss of eternal life in Heaven (denial of Jesus Christ).

Kind fills with good things. Does not repay injustice, but rewards evil with good. She continues to do well in the relationship. God continues to care for the believer who lives in the world through food and drink. But that is NOT a sign that God accepts this life. Sometimes God will intervene by means of discipline of loosing work, hunger and thirst, illness. But life is preserved (and sometimes not in case of serious sin) and people have the chance to repent and leave the sinful way.

Not jealous, she leaves the other room for peace and prosperity. Rejoices if the other person is fine.

Not boastful, she does not show off with the gifts received from God. Acquired goods through hard labour, prosperity, knowledge, intelligence. It is aimed at keeping herself small and giving all glory to God. She does not call for jealousy. Does not go public with "see how well I'm doing". Helps the other (in secret) in his or her shortcomings. Let the other share in his or her wealth (possession, knowledge, work).

Not arrogant, rises herself above the other. Paul observes that some Corinthians have succumbed to this, they elevate themselves above the other, praise their gifts. Show their gifts openly and consider themselves higher than the other.

Not insist on its own way, she respects the other, takes into account the weakness of the other. Whoever loves the other speaks words of constructive, constructive criticism. Does not speak words that bring someone down. No rude and inappropriate word in public. No inappropriate acts (adultery, unfair behavior, indecent acts by a fiancé, drunkenness, violence, etc.). Whoever loves the other, knows how to behave and shows that in his of her manners.

Resentful or translates better: she does not seek things for herself. It does not stand up for OWN interests, OWN powers and objectives if the other person suffers. She also helps the other out of love when this does not benefit your personal life. The purpose is to help the other person, as Jesus gave his life to give you forgiveness of sin. So you do not have to receive the punishment from God the Father.

Resentful, do not reject or dislike. An example is Paul in Athens, a city full of idols. That had his disapproval and resent. His reaction was not to break the idols, but to Sermon the gospel with love. To proclaim the good news of the unknown god (image) who brings salvation and life. Addressing their ignorance.
When you see a brother or sister living in sin, something that evokes your (personal) resent, addresses him or her (in private) motivated with Biblical texts (not pulled out of context). This is especially the task of the pastor who sees abuses or sins in his church.

Not rejoice at wrong. Love does not keep accounts of evil done. Settlement do not occur. But I wish to make a comment on this. Evil must be confessed. God holds the believer liable, sin must be confessed by name. A murderer must repent and offer his apology to the relatives and accept the punishment. God's wrath for man's sin is lawful, but there is no question of abolition, but for the unbeliever delays until the day of judgment.

Verse 6 Unjust when someone does not fulfill his or her obligations, he or she appears unreliable. Righteous or just is when someone keeps his or her word and fulfills it. Doing what he or she volunteered, does not disappoint. A child who experiences that his father or mother does not do what has been promised, will be disappointed. If this happens frequently, the child loses faith in his father or mother. While if honoured, the child is happy. People are happy when the truth is spoken.

Verse 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
She believes all things, she trusts people to speak the truth, she is not initially suspicious. Only when proven unreliability does she no longer believe. Believing all things do not mean to simply accept all things. God has given man common sense and the believer the Holy Spirit as additional help. The mind warns man against danger, against wrong things (theft, murder, driving through red light), the Holy Spirit warns with yoga and sin.
Hopes all thing. Hope for the good things based on facts, the salvation through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, eternal life in Heaven without sickness and sorrow. She looks forward to the new creation where God rules and satan and demons are in the lake of fire.
Endures all things. She knows what prosperity is and what adversity is. A persistent life in the power of the Holy Spirit. Continue to show the love of God under all circumstances, even under torture.

Verse 8 Love never ends just as God is eternal. The believer will live in Heaven forever, there is no hatred only love. Prophecy, education, sickness, speaking in various languages, it will all have come to an end and terminated in Heaven.

Verses 9-10 Our knowledge on earth is very limited. We only have (imperfect) knowledge of what is happening on earth. We have absolutely no knowledge of space, what is happening in other solar systems. We have absolutely no knowledge of the battle in the heavenly places, the battle between satan and the fallen angels with the angels of God. Our knowledge is imperfect with regard to the micro-world of viruses and bacteria. But when in Heaven, we will receive perfect knowledge.
Just as nobody thinks it is strange that a child speaks in childish language and thinks and acts with childish sense, so does the believer. The unbeliever thinks with his unbelieving mind. The believer who grows in Bible knowledge, in knowledge of God, grows from child to adult man. The mature man discards sinful life, lives to the glory and honour of God, wishes to do the will of God. No longer lives in the world, but all doing and thinking is in agreement with God.
Shortly in Heaven, we will see God face to face. Our knowledge will be complete, without question marks. And to fully understand the things that are now darkness to us.
Now I know in part; then ... God knows Paul completely, knows perfectly what is in him. God knows me, but as He knows me, I do not know God. Often my knowledge of God is still incomplete and in riddles. When in Heaven, I get to know God.

Verse 13 In this era faith, hope and love apply. Through faith in Jesus Christ there is the prospect of the remission of sin: receiving a new sinless body at the Rapture of the Church and eternal life in Heaven. The hope that this is really a fact and will happen. Therefor received the Holy Spirit who gives the believer power and faith, but above all LOVE for God and the neighbour (especially in difficult circumstances). Faith and hope pass when the believers are in Heaven and only the perfect love remains.

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1 Corinto 14:1-25 Nagsasalita ng mga wika. Nagsasalita sa hangin?

1 Make love your aim, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. 2 For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit. 3 On the other hand, he who prophesies speaks to men for their up building and encouragement and consolation. 4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. 5 Now I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues, unless some one interprets, so that the church may be edified. 6 Now, brethren, if I come to you speaking in tongues, how shall I benefit you unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching? 7 If even lifeless instruments, such as the flute or the harp, do not give distinct notes, how will any one know what is played? 8 And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle? 9 So with yourselves; if you in a tongue utter speech that is not intelligible, how will any one know what is said? For you will be speaking into the air. 10  There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning. 11  but if I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me. 12 So with yourselves; since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. 13 Therefore, he who speaks in a tongue should pray for the power to interpret.14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. 15 What am I to do? I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the mind also; I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also. 16 Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how can any one in the position of an outsider say the "Amen" to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you are saying? 17 For you may give thanks well enough, but the other man is not edified. 18  I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all: 19 nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind, in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue. 20 Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; be babes in evil, but in thinking be mature. 21 In the law it is written, "By men of strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will I speak to this people, and even then they will not listen to me, says the Lord." 22 Thus, tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers, while prophecy is not for unbelievers but for believers. 23 If, therefore, the whole church assembles and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad? 24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all: 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.

What does this mean?

The Apostle Paul begins this chapter with the subject of the chapter before: LOVE. Love is the greatest gift of a believer, a gift above all gifts. Secondly, there is the gift of prophecy. Paul says that we have search for the spiritual gifts with zeal. This does not mean passive, but an active search. Though he himself writes in 1 Co. 12:11 that the Holy Spirit is the One Who divides gift as He wants.
Who is speaks in tongues, speaks to God, not to people. Today in churches you hear many people speak in tongues, without explanation. That is wrong. Paul says in 14:2, who "speaks in tongues, does not speak to men but to God, because no one understands. No one understands without explanation. It is therefore a personal conversation with God and not for people. Not an attempt to impress other believers in the Church. That is wrong. When you ask a in tongue-speaking believer, what he says, he has no explanation. How do you know that you do not swear, when you talk in tongues? You need to be sure, when you speaks in tongues that you glorify Jesus Christ and God, the Father. Knowing what you speak.
The gift of speaking in tongues is one of the lowest gifts, others have much greater value: first gift is the gift of love, second (here) the gift of prophecy. Who prophesies, edifies the believers and unbelievers. Who prophesies reveals secret things of believers and unbelievers, secret sins, secrets in the life of the infidel, without this person has told previously. That is a sign that God speaks. So unbeliever can accept Jesus Christ as Saviour. The believer receives a disclosure of his sin, a command of God, a revelation of God. The goal is to edify or to console.
The one who speaks in tongues, without interpretation, speaks with God at his home, edifies himself, not other people. It is your direct relationship with God. Who prophesies: explains it and builds the church people. The purpose of prophecy is clear, the edifying of unbelievers (church growth) and the believer to grow in faith.
Why does the Apostle Paul wish that everyone speaks in tongues? Note that he says it in plural. The Apostle Paul had to speak many languages because he travelled much, visiting different countries, each with their own language. Please bear in mind when his boat shipwrecked on this island and there he proclaimed the Gospel (Acts 28:1-10). I do not think the people spoke Greek or Aramaic on this island. Paul must have spoken in the foreign language of this island. Here is the desire of Paul, he wishes somewhere else in the Bible that every one is like him: bachelor. Imagine if we all remain single? Then no more children and mankind dies. Note that he is in the Church of the Corinthians, speaking to believers, and there not all speak in tongues. Evenly today, not all believers speak in tongues and it is one of the smallest gifts and Paul recommends to request for the higher gifts with zeal. In addition he desires that everyone speaks in tongues, however he especially wishes people has the gift of explanation and the higher gift of prophesy. Because who prophesies, is higher than who speaks in tongues. Here is also an important condition, who speaks in tongues in the Church, there ALSO must be an explanation. If there is no EXPLANATION, then this person must remain silent (1 Co. 2:28)!!!
The Apostle Paul continues with an example, if he speaks in tongues in the church, what good is this? No one understands him. The church have no advantage. They have only advantage when he comes with a revelation, prophecy, science, or education.
Paul refers to the instruments of his time: citer, flute and trumpet. Translated to our time: guitar and drum kit. When in many churches, the singers stop singing, you hear only very much noise (which are often damaging to the ears of people in the Church). You are not able to hear the melody, it is just noise. While when you hear a violin or orchestra, you can hear the melody. That is the same with speaking in tongues, without explanation, is the folly, no one understands what is being said! They talk in the air, without meaning.
There are many languages in the world, but if I do not understand/know the language of the country, then speaks the person of that country, speaks for me in the air, I do not understand anything. His words have no meaning for me. The same is with speaking in tongues in the church, without explanation, it means nothing. So do not be barbaric to speak in tongues, without explanation.
But look for gifts which build the church and which convict the unbeliever.
Moreover, in verse 5, Paul continues that we must pray for the gift of the explanation.
When I pray in tongues, my mind remains infertile. So it helps me not. It is important that you understand what you say/pray, understand because you also have to honor and sing with your mind.
Now follows a very serious warning: do not say: "Amen" about what the person speaks in tongues when you do not know what this person says. You do not know if what he/she says, or he/she glorifies God or pronounces a curse (on the church) or glorifies Satan.
The Apostle Paul is serious, he thanks God that he speaks in tongues more than all, but he prefers to, to speak five words (in the church) then with a thousand words speaking in tongues that nobody understands and builds nobody up.
He goes on to say, be no children. Do not speak in tongues to show others that you speaks in tongues, just to show others that you have this gift (if it is really of God and not of Satan). Grow up.
He quotes Isaiah 28:11-12 Nay, but by men of strange lips and with an alien tongue the LORD will speak to this people, to whom he has said, 'This is rest; give rest to the weary; and this is repose'; yet they would not hear. And Paul explains that talking in tongues is not a sign for believers but for unbelievers; and the prophecy is not the sign for unbelievers, but for believers.
When an unbeliever enters the Church and he/she hears speaking in tongues, then he/she says: "these people are barbarians". While when he hears reveal the things of him or the secrets of his heart, then he/she will say these are people of God. He/she will fall down and worship God, and hopefully he/she accepts Jesus Christ as personal Saviour.

1 Corinto 14:26-40 Ang pagsasalita ng mga wika, kailangan ng paliwanag

26 What then, brethren? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. 27 If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn; and let one interpret. 28 But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silence in church and speak to himself and to God. 29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said 30 If a revelation is made to another sitting by, let the first be silent. 31 For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged. 32 And the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets.33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints. 34 The women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. 35 If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. 36 What! Did the word of God originate with you, or are you the only ones it has reached? 37 If any one thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that what I am writing to you is a command of the Lord. 38 If any one does not recognize this, he is not recognized. 39 So, my brethren, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues;40 but all things should be done decently and in order.

What does this mean?

The Apostle Paul talked about the disputes at the Corinthians. There was a big disorder in this church. Paul warns what order should be there when there are people who speak in tongues, only a maximum of three believers to speak and each in turn. BUT this must be accompanied by EXPLANATION by the person himself or only if someone can explain. When there is no one who can explain, then that person (persons) must stop and be quiet!!!

Up to two or three persons may prophesy, BUT this prophecy must be proven/reviewed. The church may not accept this prophecy without testing to the Word of God, and this prophecy must (all) be fulfilled. If this prophecy does not come true (all), all this person said, then he/she should be silent in the future, he/she is a false prophet, or the access to the Church be denied (even if he is an elder or pastor).
When God gives a revelation, then all others must be silent. Because God teaches the complete church. Because God is a God of order, not of confusion. It is also impossible that God contradict Himself in prophecies. God speaks clear, accurate and not sloppy. There is nothing vague, for example: "A person is present who has a problem" or "There is a person who would like to be pregnant, she will soon get a baby". God speaks exactly, with the name of the person, or there is a person present who has cancer of the ... (specifically what part of the body). And nothing from "there is a person who has doubts about the upcoming marriage, this is the will of God". Clearly not, when there are doubts about an upcoming marriage, then it is clear that there are problems in your relationship. And you can better declines to marry.

Now we arrive at the part of the Bible verses 34-36, over which is many struggle and violently debated. Some theologians and commentaries do not agree with the Word of God, they say "This is not from our time". But the Bible is very clear, worse in verse 37 (it seems that God already knew this debate): "that what I am writing to you is a command of the Lord" (Jesus Christ). Please bear in mind that Paul has been in the third heaven 1 Co. 12:1-5. Paul is very clearly when he speaks the words of Jesus (1 Co. 7:10) and when its are his words (1 Co. 7:12), but this is the Bible, and continues to be the Word of God. Galatians 1:17-18, Paul has had three years of direct training from the Lord Jesus Christ (as the other 11 Apostles during Jesus' life on Earth). Therefore, we (believers) CANNOT say: "these words are not of our time".

The woman should remain silent in the church, she should remain subordinate in the church. The woman is not allowed to Sermon, no reverend, this work is for the man. We believers of the 21 century have to respect the Word of God, Jesus is the alpha and the Omega (the beginning (creation) and the end (eternal government)), He knows our times and thoughts. It is God's will that the woman is subject to man. Therefore, a woman may not lead a church, she may not Sermon/teach. When the woman does not understand the things in the Bible, then she asks for explanations to her husband at HOME. But what if the woman is single, then she asks at the Bible study. Yes, there are women's specific questions, and when only women are present (women meetings), the woman speak. But she teaches not the men! Because it is indecent for women to speak in the church. That is the way it is set up by God Himself.
But, but ... women who prophesy (the sister of Moses in the Old Testament, prophets). Yes, they prophesied, but did not teach.

Verse 38 is seriously: If you do not agree to the words that are written here, so, no account shall be taken of this person (ignore this person)
Verse 39 Summarized: Covet the gift of prophecy, but Paul does not prohibit to speak in tongues. So believers can speak in tongues in the church? No, this is not what the Apostle Paul says, in the earlier verses, he laid out the conditions very well. Speaking in tongues in the church should be orderly (only 2 or 3) and only provided that there is explanation.

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1 Corinto 15:1-11 Ang muling pagkabuhay ni Hesus

Verses 1-2 Possibly due to verse 12, Paul starts with this introduction. It is known to the Corinthians that Paul Sermoned the gospel in Corinth as he personally received it by Christ Jesus. The believers in Corinth accepted this message of salvation. It is the basis on which they stand that they are saved by faith and are free from the wrath of God PROVIDED THAT they hold this faith. If they let go of this faith, then his Sermoning has been in vain and they have come to faith in vain.

Verses 3-6 Of first importance, that is, the most important thing that I have proclaimed to you is not mine. I personally received the message of salvation out of the mouth of Christ Jesus. Not through the 11 apostles, who merely confirmed this, but through the teaching of Christ Jesus Himself. Through my knowledge as a Pharisee I know that this is completely in accordance with what has been written about the Messiah Jesus in the Scriptures (The Old Testament) and is fulfilled by Jesus. He died for the sins of man on the cursed wood (the cross).
He died. The blood and water came out of His body when the soldier stuck his spear in his side, see Did Jesus really die? that proved his death. He spent three days and nights in the grave, see the text preceding "Did Jesus really die". All this is in accordance with the Old Testament, it refers to the prophet Jonah who spent three days and nights in the belly of the marine animal. On the third day, God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. Christ Jesus became alive. Proof that God the Father had accepted the sin offering of Jesus and thereby anyone who believes in Christ Jesus receives forgiveness of sin.
After His resurrection from the dead, He appeared to the women, to Simon Peter (Cephas in Aramaic), to the twelve and more than five hundred others. Of these five hundred, some have already died, but the majority are still alive to whom you can go, to convince yourself that Christ Jesus has truly risen from the dead. But there is a big difference. Lazarus died again after being resurrected from his death during three days. Christ Jesus, however, ascended to Heaven, where now He sits at the right hand of God. The disciples have witnessed the Ascension of Christ Jesus.

Verses 7-8 Then He appeared to James, the son of the mother of Jesus, the "brother" of Jesus after the flesh. Finally, Christ Jesus appeared to me Paul after His Ascension. As an untimely (too late) born. As a child born in the late 40s of a woman whose children are already 20 years old. The apostle Paul was added in the nick of time. That is why his name is at the bottom and Peter as the rock at the top.

Verse 9 Unfit (hikanos) not suitable for a certain function, because one does not meet the requirements. Paul had severely persecuted and murdered the first Christians, the church of God. He was absolutely unfit to become an apostle and Sermoner of the gospel.

Verse 10 see 1 Tim. 1:12-16 for an explanation. The grace of God is more abundant than sin. He was appointed as an apostle by Christ Jesus to the church and to the world. His letters are full of the Christian life as God desires. His authority does not stem from his human knowledge of the Old Testament as a Pharisee, but through personal teaching out of the mouth of Christ Jesus Himself. No one can undo that. That is purely God's grace.
This grace is not without fruit, Paul has devoted himself more than the other apostles to Sermon the gospel. He has Sermoned the gospel in several countries. He has been persecuted more than the other apostles, received the 40-min-one beats, suffered hunger and thirst. He has written more letters, taught more about the Christian life. The other apostles have written the gospel and short letters. While Paul's letters deal with current affairs as God desires.
He does not need to fear any contradiction when he writes to be the least of the apostles, but also the one who surpasses them in achievement. None of them can match him. But he does not praise himself, it is pure grace of God. This grace has proved extremely fruitful.

Verse 11 It is this one only gospel Sermoned by the apostles or by Paul that the Corinthians should believe and hold onto for their salvation.

Verse 12 Paul gives a sharp rebuke for their unbelief about the resurrection from the dead. Possibly this was due to their Greek philosophy: Only by living perfectly perfect one can achieve eternal life through much suffering from hunger, pain, pain and sorrow. Through many lives in which one always becomes a better person (reincarnation). The own human ability to attain perfection. For these Corinthians, the gospel of Paul would then only be a different and better way of philosophy for salvation. Life is found through death, they will have understood from this conception. The cross and resurrection as confirmation of what they knew: the higher spiritual life is beyond the lower physical existence.

Verses 13-14 The Christian faith is worth nothing if there is no resurrection from the dead. Because then it is useless to believe. Faith in Christ Jesus brings a gospel of a life after death on earth. After living on earth in sin, a new life without death follows, an eternal life in a sinless body.
In vain: empty, powerless, without effect, foolish, worthless, lied. An example might be Isaiah 29: 8 in which a hungry or thirsty person dreams of receiving food or drink. When awakened it is only an illusion, not truth but deception. If Jesus was not raised from the dead and there is no resurrection for the believers after his or her death, then the gospel is only a deception. Your faith is in vain.

Verses 15-18 Then the apostles are deceivers proclaiming a false hope. Then they are not witnesses of God. He who Sermones his own fabrications is a scammer who tells good believing people things that are untrue, and thus he testifies against God.
If you do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus, you are in a very serious situation. Then Jesus did not die for your sin and we are still under God's wrath and our judgment is the lake of fire. That means that the already deceased believers from Corinth are now in the lake of fire, not free from God's wrath. They have believed in vain, they still remain in sin.

Verses 19-21 Hope is to realize what is expected in the future. The Christian faith is the hope for eternal life in Heaven. An end to all sorrow, hunger and thirst, an end to sin, an end to the power of satan and demons. A new life under the guidance of God, without diseases, sorrow and misery.
But what if this expectation falls away, then we are the most pitiful of all people. Then all our suffering of torture and persecution is for nothing.
But since the fact that Jesus IS the first raised from the dead, there is real hope. There are many witnesses who saw Christ Jesus alive after his death. Sin and death came into the world through one person, Adam. Through one person, Jesus, there is an end to the final death and sin. Jesus died AND rose again. Through this one man Jesus, the believers in Him will die in the human body and be raised with Him (at the Rapture of the Church) in an eternally incorruptible and sinless body. As He received a new body, so the believer will receive a new body.

1 Corinto 15:22-24, 38-45, 50-53; 1 Tesalonica 4:13-17 Ang pagsundo sa Simbahan

1 Corinthians 15
22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. 24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.
38 But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body. 39 For not all flesh is alike, but there is one kind for men, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish. 40 There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory. 42 So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. 43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 Thus it is written, "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
50 I tell you this, brethren: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Lo! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 53 For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature must put on immortality.
13 But we would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 15 For this we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first; 17 then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we shall always be with the Lord.

Ano ang ibig sabihin ng 1 Cor. 15:22-23?

With the sin of Adam, sin entered into the world which is passed to each person, therefore every person dies. As we know this, every man dies sooner or later, you cannot escape death. But in Christ all people become alive, simply because every man has eternal life. After death, and this depends on your lifestyle on earth, whether you have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour or not, you will receive eternal life of death (you have not accepted Jesus) or eternal life in Heaven (you accepted Jesus as Saviour). First the believers belonging to Jesus Christ, when He comes at the Coming of Christ, will rise from the dead. Then the infidels after the Great Tribulation, after the battle of Armageddon, and the 1000-year of Kingdom, will rise from the dead and appear in the Court of God (the Father). They will all be judged because they rejected the redemption and salvation through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. They are lost and receives the judgment of God, the Father.

The question is, is there still a third group? With the word 'tagma' one can think of a fixed plan of successive events, then after the resurrection of Christians (Parousia) a number of events will take place. The word "eta" translated with 'Then comes the end', indicates this.

Verse 24 Opinions vary greatly upon the interpretation of this verse. Here I will give my personal explanation. The end, I think, indicates the end of the 1000-year Kingdom. First the battle of Armageddon passes and all worldly powers are defeated and brought upon subject to the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan and demons have been thrown into the abyss (Revelation 20) where satan will reside for 1000 years. Then the Lord Jesus Christ will reign for 1000 years (with the believers) in His 1000-year Kingdom. After these 1000 years, satan will be released one more time and then it will become clear who the people who lived in this kingdom will choose for or against the King Jesus. Under the guidance of satan, those who choose against Jesus and do not wish Him as King will fight one more time. Then they will be definitively defeated and, together with satan, condemned forever to the lake of fire. I think the end in this verse 24 indicates this final end. Then the Lord Jesus Christ transfers all power to God the Father after all human enemies and satan have been defeated.

Verse 25 Because He, Jesus Christ, must reign as king. Man resists that the world must think and live accordingly to God's way. They wish to live according to their own (human) laws and rules. They resist the legitimacy of God's laws and authority. They try to maintain their regime by all means. They reject the Christian norms, reject the Biblical laws. They want freedom in everything, freedom from sex, with whom one can have sex (including with babies, adolescents and animals), freedom from drugs, only your own self sets the rules of life. The militia of Christians on earth is small, the churches are chaos and do not have a strong attitude, are little resilient, little resistance to governments, demons and satan. The battle led by the Lord Jesus Christ (Armageddon and end of the 1000-year Kingdom) will be completely different, there the battle is focused on victory. Then the enemies will be defeated and placed at the feet of God the Father.

Verse 26 Death is the last enemy. A clear explanation cannot be given. The believers who have ascended the Parousia have received eternal life in Heaven (and New Heaven?) with a sinless body. The question is what happens to those who refuse the 666 mark in the Great Tribulation, do they enter the 1000-year Kingdom? Those who do not choose Satan at the end of this Kingdom will they live forever on the New Earth (Revelation 21)? In this verse, it refers to the final judgment in Revelation 21:11-15. Whose names are in the Book of Life will live on the New Earth. Whose names are not in this Book, an eternal "life" in the lake of fire. Then death is dethroned.

Verses 27-28 After this judgment everything is subject. The judgment was made upon each individual person. Then the Lord Jesus Christ hands everything over to God the Father and submits Himself to God the Father. We have to see these topics in its context. At the time of creation, God had placed mankind to rule over the animal kingdom and nature (trees, crops for eating, plants). Man chose against God and thereby voluntarily surrendered to satan and demons, who began to rule the world. The order established by God in which man was king over the earth (not over his fellow man) became a disorder, chaos and environmental pollution, in which man started to follow more and more satan and opposed God's laws. By everything, we must understand all powers of men, satan and demons (fallen angels), but I think including God's angels. Jesus received this authority from God the Father to fight this battle and end it. When this is completed, the Son hands over everything to His Father.

Verse 29 Volumes are written about the meaning of this verse. Since Paul was familiar with this event and did not write his opinion about it, and in the context of this chapter only points out that this event is thereby meaningless. Mention only three views: 1. Baptizing relatives who died before the gospel was Sermoned at Corinth. 2. Unbelievers who were baptized for the sake of Christian relatives. 3. On their graves. All this with the aim of participating in the resurrection of the dead (Rapture of the Church).

Verse 30 What good is the suffering of Paul and the apostles if there is no resurrection from the dead. Everyone dies sooner or later. Why would torture and premature death be tolerated if there is no life after this earthly life? Then the gospel is completely powerless.

Verse 31 Paul emphasizes that his life full of torture and in prison is not an exaggeration, it is real and every day he dies more and more. Every day he is in danger of death, he knows that he can die any moment.

Verse 32 Opinions differ if this text must be taken literally. There is no mentioning of this fact in Acts. According to Roman civil law, which Paul had, a fight with wild animals was excluded. However in 2 Tim. 4:17 Paul writes that he is delivered from the mouth of the lion. And in the Bible we often come across Paul being abused despite his Roman civil rights. "Humanly speaking" in Greek text is at the front, so as an emphasis. He as a human being had to compete with wild animal violence, a not very enviable position. "What do I gain?" What will it all benefit me if I proclaim a gospel that brings me torture, hunger and thirst, prison, and a possible premature death if this gospel does not bring eternal life? Nothing! Then it is better to live merrily, enjoy food and drink and get the most out of this earthly life.

Verse 33 Do not deceive yourself with the pleasure of earthly life, because that is a gross error. This bad talk about there is no resurrection, has serious consequences. This behavior of life in the world leads to immorality and loss of being a Christian (and eternal life in Heaven).

Verse 34 Wake up from your worldly life and deny that there is no resurrection. Come to your right mind and KEEP FAR AWAY FROM THIS SINFUL CONDUCT AND INCREDIBILITY, you are going against what God has promised. The church should not be misled by these false teachers. It is a shame that you let yourself be misled, you must be rich in knowledge of the Old Testament (its fulfillments, the New Testament did not yet exist) and the knowledge that I have conveyed from the Lord Jesus Christ. You are believing human talk and not the things of God!

Seed grows into a plantVerses 35-37 A dual question. How are the dead raised? A person can hardly imagine it. No one was present and saw with eyes how Jesus was raised from the dead. Paul refers to a seed (grain). The seed is sown in the soil and germinated and the plant appears. Nothing remains of the seed (the grain) and is no longer visible. It grows with roots and the plant (the grain). Similar to the earthly human body, it dies and returns to dust and is buried in the earth (not cremation, no ashes), nothing remains of this human body as with the seed. At the resurrection, the believer receives a completely sinless, imperishable body. God created the first man from dust from the earth, and man returns to that dust. At the resurrection (Rapture of the Church, Parousia) God creates a new heavenly body similar to that of Jesus after His resurrection. The seed must die first, so the believer must die before the new heavenly body can be received.
The second question is With what kind of body do they come? It is a TOTALLY different body, such as the seeds of appearance completely different from the appearance of the plant (the corn).

What does 1 Cor. 15:38-45 mean?

When the hour has come of the Coming of Christ, the dead in Christ (held in Paradise) become alive and together with the believers who are still alive, go with the Lord Jesus Christ to Heaven. BUT when you die, your body dies in sin. And a sinner is not able to enter into to Heaven, where there is no sin. Therefore, the body of believers, a body of flesh, have to change, change into a spiritual imperishable body. Such as the human flesh differs from animal flesh, so also the body of believers on earth (with SIN), is different from the body of believers in Heaven (without sin). Now the big debate, here in verse 44: a spiritual body will resurrect. Some people say: so spirit, without form, without a body. However that is not written here. It says: the believer will receive a body similar to that of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has a spiritual/earthly body after His resurrection. He appears in the body to the disciples (Matthew 28:9-10, Mark 16:14, Luke 24:13-43). Luke 24:39 Jesus has flesh and bones, 24:43 Jesus eats. So the believers in Heaven have a body of flesh and bones, and eat food! We receive a uniform body of Jesus Christ (Fil. 3:21).
Verse 42 The resurrection from the dead. There is sown in perishable and dishonor. First, every man is born with a body of sin, and he/she dies. But also every man will be in eternity arise up. First the believers who go to Heaven, in the end the non-believers excited to to eternal death. Verse 43, on earth, we have a body in shame and weakness, we can only sin. Believers resurrected, receive a sinless body, which glorify God and a body with power (think of the power of Angels).
Verse 45: With the sin of Adam, Adam and Eve lost their spirit (and therefore the ability to communicate with God). They were created in the image of God: Trinity: spirit, soul and body. After Sin they lost their spirit and Adam became a living soul. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead with a new spiritual body Trinity: spirit, soul and body, of eternity. The same is true, first the body from the dust of the earth, then the Heavenly body.

Ano ang ibig sabihin ng 1 Cor. 15:50-52?

Flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God, nor unbelievers, because they have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and they get no spirit, no new body. The Kingdom of God is the place without sin! A very holy place! The place, Heaven, where God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Angels live.
Now Paul reveals the mystery: the Coming of Christ. How does Paul know this? By the direct teachings of Jesus for three years (Galatians 1:5 and 18). The mystery that we all die, and some still will be alive at the Coming of Christ. Paul explains this better in 1 Thessalonians 4. Here he only says: in a moment, within a second, we believers in Jesus leave this sinful body and received an imperishable body.
When will this come to pass? With the last trumpet. But when? Hereupon the opinions are divided. Some say before the Great Tribulation, others half way after 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation and again others at the end of the Great Tribulation, based on the last trumpet, the trumpet of Revelation 11:15. I think the Coming is before the Great Tribulation. On the base of Revelation. Revelation is a book in chronological order, tells an event and followed by another event, in short it is written in the order of time. Apocalypse 4 begins with:

3 And he who sat there appeared like jasper and carnelian, and round the throne was a rainbow that looked like an emerald. 4 Round the throne were twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones were twenty-four elders, clad in white garments, with golden crowns upon their heads. 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever; they cast their crowns before the throne, singing, 11 "Worthy art thou, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for thou didst create all things, and by thy will they existed and were created."

The 24 elders represent the 12 Israelite tribes (all believers of the Old Testament) and the 12 Apostles (believers of the New Testament). So all believers in Heaven worship the Lord Jesus Christ. This is before the trumpets and the bowls that are to be poured out on the earth. So before the Great Tribulation. But pay attention to what is written in Matthew 25:1-13: the believers who are ready, expecting the Coming of Christ ... And ... are full of the Holy Spirit (adequate oil) (the fruits of the Holy Spirit practicing). They are ready and they are taken up to Heaven. Those who are not ready (not practicing the fruits of the Holy Spirit), they stay behind on Earth and are not taken up to Heaven (Matthew 24:39-42).

Rapture/Parousia Duration: 1 minute. At the sign of the trumpet, Jesus leaves Heaven and goes to the clouds around the earth. First the dead are raised and then the living (two will be in the field, one is taken and one is left) the raised dead and the living together with Jesus go to Heaven.

The great mystery: the Rapture of the church in 1 Cor. 15-50-52 is better explained here. What happens during the Coming of Christ? What we call the first coming of Christ. There is also a second coming of Jesus Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation to save Israel (Zech. 14:1-7, Matt. 24:30). Here is the Coming of Christ for the believers in Jesus Christ to be taken up into Heaven. Paul explains what is going to happen. First the Lord Jesus Christ leaves Heaven and goes to the sky (clouds) of our earth. HE will stay here for some time, invisible for people on earth. The dead in Jesus who sleep (those who live in Paradise) be made alive (leaving paradise) and first they will receive a new imperishable body. First they rise to the sky to meet Jesus Christ in the clouds. Then the believers, still alive on earth rise to heaven, to the clouds where Jesus Christ is waiting. And all together with the Lord Jesus Christ with new imperishable bodies without sin, we left the sky (the clouds) and go into Heaven where God the Father lives.
And every believer will stand for the judgment seat of Christ, to be judged according to his/her way of living on Earth and receive reward or not (2 Cor. 5:10, 1 Cor. 3:12-15).
2 Cor. 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.
When will be the Coming of Christ? On the sign, on the call of an Archangel, the sound of a trumpet of God. This sign is of God, the Father. The exact time, we do not know, because only God the Father knows when He will give this sign (Matthew 24:36): but of that day and hour knows no man, neither the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only My father. Please note that Jesus says of that day and that hour knows no man, means that we can know the year?
Matt. 24:43-44, 32-34. The Lord Jesus gives an indication: 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place. A generation is 70-80 years (Psalm 90:10). The people of God returned to the State of Israel in 1948. 1948 + 70=2018 (already passed) or 1948 + 80=2028 (min 7 years of tribulation=2021). Jesus gives a very serious warning: learn this lesson of this parable of the fig tree that is springing up: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near (verse 32).

Conclusion: our remaining time is short: in the year 2019 only REST two-three years and a maximum of 11 years. Are you ready???

Are you ready: you proclaim the gospel? Do you do anything to bring the unbelievers to the Lord Jesus Christ? Declare the Gospel? Do you help with tithes and offerings for evangelism and missionaries??????

32 "From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 34 Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 43 But know this, that if the householder had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have watched and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

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Verse 46 Nobody imagines that he has already received a spiritual body. Some Corinthians boast of their speaking in tongues and their spiritual gifts as if they had already received a spiritual body. What an error. First the believer must die and JUST at the Coming of Christ, the rapture Parousia, then first the already deceased (who now live in paradise) and then the believers on earth will be changed and receive a new incorruptible, sinless body.

Verse 47 The present man is formed from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2: 7) and man shall return to dust (Gen. 3:19). Man from dust and returns to dust, it is temporary, it is perishable, there is a beginning and an END.
The believer who goes to Heaven leaves this earthly body and receives a heavenly body without end, imperishable, forever. The two cannot be compared. Man cannot walk through a wall. Jesus had a heavenly body after his resurrection. Appeared to the disciples without being admitted through the door. But ate fish and drank.

Verses 48-49 The first human is material and his descendants come from the dust. They carry the image of transience and sin. Nobody can change anything about that, it is an established fact. No human being is able to turn a human body into a divine body.
The believer who believes in Christ Jesus, in the forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus, who puts his or her life under the control of the Holy Spirit, will receive a new heavenly body from God. A body without end, without sin forever.

Verse 50 Lo! But what about the believers who are alive at the Parousia? They did not die and returned to dust. Paul is clear, a sinful body cannot enter into Heaven. God is sinless, there can be no sin in His presence. He is holy. Man cannot enter into Heaven with the sinful body (the five wise virgins enter the Wedding Hall), that body must get (inherit) a Heavenly body.

Verse 51 See here the teaching of Jesus to Paul. Jesus taught Paul the mystery of the Parousia. There is a group of believers who will NOT die (sleep), but will be changed in an instant. Paul expected to belong to that group here, but left it open, and in 1 Thes. 4:15 he renounces this possibility. Given the signs of the times, we can be sure that this moment of Parousia can happen any moment (within a second, day, week, month or at most 11 years (currently written in 2019)). All of us, that is the already deceased and the still alive. The change of the living will not differ from the ones that have already died. The result of verse 52 is the same.

Verse 52 In the twinkling of an eye, (atomo), our time indication is insufficient to measure the moment, it goes that fast. The moment is indivisible (think of an atom, so very small, invisible to the eye). It is the speed of God's actions. The people on earth will not see the rapture, it goes that fast. They will be surprised that they are missing persons.
In Israel a battle was announced by a trumpet blast
When God the Father gives the signal to Jesus Christ that He can go and get the church, this will be done at the sound of a trumpet. Then Jesus will leave Heaven and go to the clouds of the earth, invisible to the people on the earth. Then those who are already dead will leave paradise and will be raised imperishable. After this, the living believers (the five wise virgins) of the earth are taken up into the air, their bodies transformed into imperishable, and together with Jesus all go to Heaven.

Is there a purpose for the Church to go to Heaven? Here I am going to write my personal opinion until verse 53.
Yes, I think there is a goal. Let me start with the five foolish virgins who are a representation of the believer in Jesus who do not put his or her life under the direction of the Holy Spirit, the characteristics:

  1. Lives not to the honour and glory of God,
  2. Wish to lead one's own will and life,
  3. Selfish, only thinking about one's own pleasure and not caring about others,
  4. No gaining knowledge of the Bible, acquiring God's will,
  5. Do not resist satan and demons,
  6. And with these five, he or she has made himself unsuitable to reign as king.

The wise virgin has the following characteristics:

  1. Lives to the glory and honour of God, his or her life is focused on God,
  2. His or her will is subordinate to God and sets aside their own will,
  3. Is focused on the interests of other people, believers and unbelievers,
  4. Has knowledge of God's will (Bible reading and Bible study), so that as king (queen) can carry out the will of God in His kingdom,
  5. Has learned to resist satan and demons,
  6. Through evangelism, tithes and sacrifices, he has demonstrated that he wishes to build the Kingdom of God,
  7. And with these six, has made himself fit to rule as king and represent God.

So what will possibly happen when the Church, the believer, is in Heaven during the seven years of Great Tribulation on earth?
First there will be the Wedding of the Bride (that is the Church) with the Bridegroom Jesus Christ.
Second, there will be the judgment of every individual believer before the judgment seat of Christ.
This may take a year.
Paul received a three-year training from Jesus and that gave an enormous knowledge of the Christian life.
Possibly the believer receives a training of 2 x 3 = 6 years:

  1. To learn to fight against satan and demons, possibly trained by God's angels who already know this battle,
  2. Learn to fight against people and their human weapons,
  3. An education to rule as king in the 1000-year Kingdom of Christ and possibly after that forever (on earth or perhaps other solar systems).

Why the first two points? In preparation for the battle of Armageddon, when the Church returns to earth with Jesus and the nations on earth go up to destroy Israel. Then there will be a very big battle against satan and demons, but also against the nations and their weapons. This requires training, which I suspect believers will receive in Heaven for six years. Since the believer received an eternal body, satan and demons are incapaz this imperishable body, therefore the victory is certain.
Whether the believer who refuses the mark 666 will rule as king, I do not dare to make a statement, nether if he or she will receive a sinless body. The apostle Paul is clear that this new body is being received at the Parousia and we do not find it again in the Bible. But not everything is described in Revelation, which is also not important to know, but let it be a lesson. Life here on earth has a purpose: A preparation for what kind of life we ​​will lead after the resurrection from the dead! Whether or not to reign as king and carry out God's Will in the Kingdom of God. If the believer is not already voluntarily putting his or her life on earth at the service of God, then he or she is unsuitable to represent God in the future!

Verse 53 The emphasis in Greek is on "must". The perishable must change into an imperishable, an eternal one.

Verse 54 Death is swallowed up in victory, a quote from Isaiah 25: 8. Swallow: drink to the bottom. A definitive victory over death. Death has disappeared forever. Eternity has taken its place.

Verse 55 Satan seduced Eve and through Adam sin entered the world and with it death. Paul mockery writes, satan where has your victory over Eve and Adam gone? Jesus conquered death and put an end to death on the Cross. Now with the Parousia it is FINAL, the followers of Jesus are given eternal life in Heaven.

Verses 56-57 The sting is any object that can be stuck with. A sting of a bee, sting of a mosquito, sting of a scorpion, a point of a scourge, nail of a board, a spear. The thoughts of very severe pain (Zika virus), severe fever associated with paralysis and death. Here an sting (kentron) of an insect. When the insect loses the sting, it can no longer cause damage (death), it is powerless. The law made it clear that man is a sinner. Jesus fulfilled the law, took the punishment of transgressing the law. At the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for the transgression. Through His resurrection of the dead, was the victory. At the Parousia, those who are asleep and those who are still alive are changed into an eternal body likewise Christ Jesus. The power of sin is definitively destroyed.

Verses 57-58 God gives this victory, but through the mediator the Lord Jesus Christ. God the Father does not act outside of Him. If a person refuses to acknowledge Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD, the punishment remains on him or her and is excluded from receiving an eternal body without sin in Heaven.
That is why it is necessary to live steadfast and immovable to the glory and honour of God the Father. Not to participate in the lusts of the world, a worldly life. An unworthy dressing to church, no tithing, no love for the neighbour, a selfish life, no life according to God's Will, etc. At all times abundant in the work for the Lord, that can be achieved through actual work as pastor, evangelist, missionary, Sunday school. But also through financial contribution to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, through prayer and visit to the sick and in prison, attention for the poor. Because that is not work in vain, but building on the foundation of Christ, building up the church, and receiving salary with gold, silver and precious rock.

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1 Corinto 16 Ang koleksyon, mga ikapu at mga regalo

Verses 1-2 Paul has set up rules about how to collect within the churches. Not only in Galatia, but also in Macedonia and Achaia. He now passes on this rule to Corinth. It is Paul who gives a prescription about how to collect tithes and gifts.
Possibly at that time, there were many week workers who received their wages at the end of the week. The first day (Sabbath or Sunday) would then be the day on which the worker had an overview of his (or her) wages received. Which could vary according to the labour and amount of working hours. So that the tenth could be given with good sense PLUS (if circumstances allowed) giving gifts (donations). One should not keep this tithe at home until Paul or a representative of Paul comes to collect it to bring it to the poor within the church at Jerusalem. Paul is aware that when waiting until he comes to Corinth, an inevitably lower gift will be given. That is why he appeals to the church to give every week (and in our case where we receive a monthly wage, every month). An evangelist, pastor and missionary needs a monthly salary and there are the monthly costs of church building, church and evangelistic expenses.

Verses 3-4 With this sentence, he explicitly excludes that he wishes to act as treasurer. The Corinthians will have to choose a reliable believer who is well regarded as a manager (treasurer). He also rules out that he wishes to be honoured as a giver at Jerusalem. The Corinthians must accompany the gift with their letter and/or let Corinthians travel with Paul to bring their gifts to Jerusalem. They themselves must choose those representatives.
At the time of writing this letter, Paul does not yet know whether it is Gods Will that he will travel to Jerusalem. In any case, if the need in Jerusalem becomes high, the Corinthians will have to bring their gifts, whether or not accompanied by Paul.

Verses 5-8 Paul is planning to visit Corinth. But no sooner than Pentecost, until that time he will stay in Ephesus for the reason in verse 9. Paul wants to visit the churches in Macedonia, but gives the indication that he may be staying in Corinth for a longer period of time, namely hibernation. Winter can come, because then shipping had practically come to a hold and further travelling to Jerusalem was out of the question. Paul thereby assumes that the Corinthians will help him with this: finding ships, determining of routes, intercession, financially, who will accompany him. All this with reservation, it must have the permission of the Lord Jesus. He is not the boss of his time.

Verse 9 For now, he has a lot to do in Ephesus. Firstly, the tremendous growth and interest in the gospel. But the amazing growth also brings fierce resistance (from Jews and Gentiles?). That is why Paul's teaching for the newly born-again in Christian life is a necessity. So that they will not belong to the seed sown upon the rocks or on the road, but grow into mature Christians who stand firm in faith and live to the honour and glory of God. The fierce resistance will have to be fought by Paul with facts and Sermoning so that those who have just come to faith will not fall.

Verse 10 Presumably this letter arrives at Corinth earlier than Timothy. Possibly Timothy was already en route and sent by Paul. The Corinthians must receive him cordially and abstain with sharp attacks and insults (2 Cor. 7:12, 12:20). There were opponents in their church who dispute Paul's authority. However, the church as a whole is responsible for the climate in which Timothy had to perform his work.

Verse 11 Timothy was a young man, possibly 30-40 years old. Paul asks the Corinthians to listen to him and to respect him as if it were that Paul himself spoke and not to disagree because of his age. Timothy was appointed by Paul and the elders by the laying on of hands.

Verse 12 The reason why Apollos, a highly rated Corinthian (3:4-6) does not want to return to Corinth, is not given. However, it is himself who says it was not at all his will to come now. He will come when he has opportunity. Despite Paul's repeated strongly requests.

Verses 13-14 Paul calls upon the believers at Corinth to stand firm in faith, to behave in adulthood and not to be misled by false teachers and, above all, to love each other, to respect each other and not to stand above or to raise above the (weaker) brother or sister. Be vigilant for deception and half-truths by satan who walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour.

Verses 15-16 The house of Stephanas was the first family in Corinth that came to faith through the gospel Sermoning of Paul. In addition to their labour to provide for their livelihood, they devoted their remaining time entirely to the Sermoning and teaching after Paul's departure. Honour them and show respect. Put yourself under their authority.

Verses 17-18 Paul is pleased with the three brothers (verse 11), mentioned here by names, who have reported to Paul about the church life in Corinth. They have rejoiced him. Probably they faithfully conveyed the questions that lived within the congregation at Corinth. Paul sends back (with this letter with answers) and asks these brothers to be treated with respect.

Verses 19-21 The church members in Asia greet you brothers in Corinth. With its own written greeting at the end. Possibly because of Paul's poor vision due to the light on the road to Damascus, Paul dictated his letters.

Verse 22 Is a strange end. Did Paul restrain himself and politely dictate this letter and now at the end he must still add a serious warning?
If any one has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed.
This is NOT addressed to those who are unbelievers, but to believing brothers and sisters who have received the gospel. It is an expulsion and surrender of these believers to satan and demons. Those who teach false and do not love the Lord. To love the Lord is to live to the glory and glory of the Jesus Christ and to acknowledge Him as the Lord.
Our Lord, come! (Greek μαραν αθα ma’ran a’tha) is of Aramean origin. The correct meaning of the expression is not certain: "Our Lord, come!" or "Our Lord has come". The textual context and the strong expectation regarding Christ's return plead for the first meaning: "Our Lord, come!" Compare "Come, Lord Jesus!" in Revelation 22:20.

Verses 23-24 Paul closes the letter with a wish of grace from the Lord Jesus Christ and a greeting of love to all in CHRIST JESUS ​​(and therefore excludes those who do not love the Lord).

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Matthew 21:1-2

And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, "Go into the villageopposite you, and immediately you will find an ass tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me.


1 Corinthians 6:16

Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, "The two shall become one flesh."


Romans 1:24-28

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations forunnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct.


Romans 6

1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? 3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. 7 For he who has died is freed from sin. 8 But if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. 9 For we know that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. 10 The death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. 11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions. 13 Do not yield your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but yield yourselves to God as men who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments of righteousness.14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. 15 What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16 Do you not know that if you yield yourselves to any one as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18 and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. 19 I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once yielded your members to impurity and to greater and greater iniquity, so now yield your members to righteousness for sanctification. 20 When you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21 But then what return did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? The end of those things is death. 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the return you get is sanctification and its end, eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Romans 8:1-17

1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do: sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. 6 To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, indeed it cannot; 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. 9 But you are not in the flesh, you are in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Any one who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.10 But if Christ is in you, although your bodies are dead because of sin, your spirits are alive because of righteousness. 11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit which dwells in you. 12 So then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh-- 13 for if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship. When we cry, "Abba! Father!" 16 it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
