What is Accountable?


Accounting is the science that aims to study the quantitative and qualitative variations occurred in the assets (set of assets, rights and obligations) of the entities (any natural or legal person that owns an asset).

Through it, the most useful information is provided for decision making, both inside and outside the company, studying, recording and controlling assets.

In summary, Accounting covers a set of techniques to control the assets of organizations through the application of its own set of principles, techniques, rules and procedures, measuring, interpreting and informing the accounting facts to the owners of the companies.

Its purpose is to record facts and produce information that enable the owner of the property to control (make sure that the organization is acting in accordance with the plans and policies outlined) and planning (deciding which course to take to achieve it more quickly, efficiently and proposed objective) of how to act on its assets.

What is an asset or liability in accounting?

Assets and Liabilities are fundamental numbers for the accounting of a company, besides being also useful in the management of the organization. This is because they reflect your equity situation and help with current and future financial analyzes.

In general, a company's accounting operations can be classified into assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Thus, each movement carried out is named and organized.

Assets are the accounts that contain the registration of assets, credits and property rights of a company. They can include inventory numbers (whether of finished products or raw materials), goods (such as equipment and real estate) and also financial assets, such as investments or accounts receivable.

ASSETS can also cover assets. For example, the company's silk, if it is its own property, can be counted as an asset. In addition, real estate funds, consortia and investments that aim to add to the organization's equity can be counted as equity.

All of these are considered assets that the company owns.

Liabilities are the numbers that record the company's debts and obligations to third parties, whether they are business partners, banks or the government. Payment of suppliers, loans, financing and tax and social obligations are examples of liabilities.

They represent the items that generate costs for the company, be they maintenance or general expenses, such as debts, employee salaries, electricity, water, among others. Liabilities are usually long-term records, that is, commitments that are assumed for a longer period of time.

Liabilities also include shareholders' equity, which is the result of assets less liabilities. It is, in fact, a positive result. However, it must be included among the liability obligations, as it is an obligation that the company has when launching accounts with the partners.

Why is it important not to have debts?

In our society, it is normal to have debts. Generally, debts are used to leverage consumption power and to anticipate the consumption of goods or services that we do not yet have money to acquire. Most people are unable to postpone their desires and use debt as a lever for life. But I would like to show you why it is important not to have debts, or to have as little as possible.

Below are the main benefits of not having debt.

Having no debt brings freedom. If you have no debt, you can more easily quit a job you do not like and even switch to a job that pays less but makes you more fulfilled.

When you have debts, you need to swallow some frogs, since you need to honor the payments.

Smaller emergency reserve
The emergency reserve is most often calculated on the basis of expenses. Generally the value is 6 to 12 times the monthly expenses.

If you have a debt of $ 1,000.00 and have an emergency reserve of 6 months, you need $ 6,000.00 more in comparison if you did not have the same debt.

The tranquility comes from not seeing that giant booklet or knowing that it is in parcel 10 of 320. In addition to the tranquility of knowing that if something happens to work, for example, being fired, it is easier to survive when you have no debts.

Have more money left
The less you spend, the more you can save and invest with. Having no debt is allowing me to contribute more than 50% of my net salary.

Faster financial independence is achieved
Financial independence is a factor in your expenses. The lower the expenses, the lower the amount you will need to save and invest for your financial independence.

A thumb rule to find out how much it takes to be financially independent is to multiply your monthly expenses by 300. This will give you the necessary amount (it is a thumb rule, so there are limitations).

For example, if you have a total expense of $ 1,800.00 per month, you will need $ 540,000 ($ 1,800 x 300).

How can you avoid debt?

  1. Write down everything
    To keep track of your accounts, remember to write down all expenses. This way, you will know exactly where your money is going. Another point is not to get lost in the middle of several payments that need to be made. Example:
    DateExpenditureValue in $
    28-June-2021Mineral water16,00
    28-June-2021Books, Enrollment100,00
    28-June-2021Home maintenance50,00
    28-June-2021Home Tax80,00
    28-June-2021Road tax75,00
    28-June-2021Car maintenance60,00
    28-June-2021Health insurance200,00
    28-June-2021Car insurance15,00
  2. Crear objetivos
    Uno de sus objetivos para 2021 puede ser salir de la deuda antes de fin de año. Con ese objetivo en mente, puede separar las deudas prioritarias y crear estrategias, como pagar las facturas más caras en la primera mitad. Además, también puedes dividir tus objetivos mes a mes, y darlo un paso a la vez.
  3. Organizar el presupuesto
    Una actitud fundamental para salir de la roja y salir de la deuda es organizar su presupuesto. Puede utilizar una aplicación móvil, una hoja de cálculo de computadora o incluso un bloc de notas. Lo importante es que anotes todo el dinero que recibes en el mes y todos los gastos.

    El recibido puede ser salario, bonificaciones, jubilación, dinero de facturas, etc. Y los gastos deben ser detallados, para que pueda reducir lo que es innecesario.
  4. Hable con su familia
    Es muy importante involucrar a toda la familia en la organización del presupuesto y en el proceso de poner fin a las deudas. Cada miembro de su hogar puede ayudar con ideas para reducir sus cuentas o obtener más dinero, con trabajo adicional o vendiendo artículos que ya no usa.
  5. Corte gastos innecesarios
    Mientras estás endeudado, se hace difícil hacer realidad sueños más grandes. Luego, durante un período será necesario apretar el cinturón y reducir algunos gastos. Recuerde pequeños ahorros, tales como:
    Apague la luz de la habitación cuando se vaya;
    Poner la ducha en la posición de verano en el período de calor;
    Añada la ropa para usar la lavadora en la capacidad máxima.
  6. Buscar y comparar antes de comprar
    Este es un consejo que funciona para todos los consumidores, pero para aquellos que están endeudados es esencial! Investigar antes de comprar cualquier producto es la garantía de que encontrarás el mejor precio y, por supuesto, ahorra.

    Incluso si lo que quieres adquirir es un préstamo para pagar una deuda, necesitas investigar.

¿O que a Bíblia fala sobre Contabilidade?

Fue verificado en los informes bíblicos sobre los controles contables, uno de los cuales Jesús informó en Lucas capítulo 16, versos 1 a 7: el administrador que defraudó a su amo, cambiando los registros de montos por cobrar de los deudores.
En la época de José, en Egipto, había tal acumulación de bienes, que perdieron la noción de lo que tenían! (Génesis 41.49).
Había un hombre muy rico, llamado Job, cuya herencia se detallaba en el libro de Job, capítulo 1, versículo 3. Después de perderlo todo, recupera los activos, y se presenta un nuevo inventario en Job, capítulo 42, verso 12.

Los bienes y alquileres de Salomón también fueron inventariados en 1 Reyes 4:22-26 y 10:14-17.
En otra parábola de Jesús, hay una cita de un constructor, que hace las cuentas para ver si lo que tenía era suficiente para construir una torre (Lucas 14:28-30).
Sin embargo, cuenta la historia de un deudor, que fue perdonado de su deuda registrada (Mateo 18:23-27).

Tales informes demuestran que, en tiempos bíblicos, el control de activos era una práctica común.

Job tenía una lista de sus activos, y esto muestra un cuidado en el control de sus bienes personales. Por cuestiones espirituales, un día, Job pierde toda su fortuna al convertirse en un hombre pobre sin bien. Pero al final del libro de Job algo sorprendente sucede. También por razones espirituales, recupera su fortuna y no deja de encontrar un contador que, en un momento determinado, presente un informe sorprendente: su riqueza se duplicó en relación con el primer inventario: "Y así el Señor bendijo el último estado de Job, más que el primero, porque tenía catorce mil ovejas, y seis mil camellos, y mil juegos de bueyes y mil burros." Estos y varios ejemplos muestran que la contabilidad ya existía con el primitivismo de los pueblos, a pesar de que el conocimiento de las matemáticas, las letras, los negocios e incluso la riqueza era limitado.