Biblical Text of the Day, Explanation and Encouragement - Acts

Acts 1:4

Acts 1:4

Jesus told the disciples in Acts 1:4 to wait for what the Father had promised them. He was referring to the power they would receive "when the Holy Spirit comes upon you" Acts 1:8. It was as if Jesus were saying, "Do not try to do any powerful work after you have received this power from on high." The disciples knew that if they did not wait, they would have no power. They did as Jesus had instructed and waited for the Holy Spirit to come.

Jesus' recommendation to wait is not just for the disciples of that time. It is a truth that applies to us today. I encourage you to "actively" wait for God's promises by listening to what He is saying to do instead of running ahead of the Lord and doing something after the flesh. Wait for God's word and his promises.

Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8

This makes the matter a little more personal. Our witness to Christ is both subjective, based on experience, and objective, based on observation.

The apostles were to be witnesses for Christ, first of all, in Jerusalem, as soon as they received the Holy Spirit there. Then they were to leave the capital and confine themselves throughout Judea - Directly north of Jerusalem is Samaria, inhabited by people who were part Jew and part Gentile. The Samaritans were a type of mixed race, looked down upon by the Jews. But Jesus commanded the serious Jewish disciples to evangelize them.

The final limit of the task was to the ends of the earth. Can a church, which remains in its place and is content to minister simply to those who come to it, claim to be true to its command?

Acts 2:2

Acts 2:2

Verse 3 continued. Then something like flames or tongues of fire came up and rested on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues.

The importance of these two symbols - wind and fire - is too obvious to be missed. Fire, like the wind, was symbolic of the divine presence (Ex 3:2) and of the Spirit that purifies and sanctifies (Ezek 1:13, Mal 3:2-3). Wind and fire were an accepted symbology of the powerful and purifying operation of the Spirit of God. That is, when the Holy Spirit fills the believer's heart, He imparts both power and purity. No one can have one thing without having the other. To receive the Holy Spirit in its entirety is to experience both things simultaneously.

Acts 2:4

Acts 2:4

In the Old Testament, only those called or anointed by God received the Holy Spirit.

But according to the New Covenant, every believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and it is up to the believer to make active use of the Holy Spirit.

It is through this activity of the fullness of the Spirit in the life of every believer that Christ's ministry continues in his Church.
But you will receive POWER, when the Holy Spirit descends upon you, and you will be MY WITNESSES both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth Acts 1:8.

  1. BELIEVE that the power of God comes only through the Holy Spirit. Do nOt try to live without the Holy Spirit or ignore it.
  2. SEARCH and RECEIVE the activity in the Holy Spirit. Be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit to regularly renew your life and ministry.
  4. Expect your Spirit-filled relationship to help you speak with confidence, courage, and spiritual understanding.

Acts 2:21

Acts 2:21

I want to share with you a story about the power of the name of Jesus (see Acts 2:21). One day a man was driving through an intersection, and his three or four year old son was in the car with him. Not noticing that the passenger-side vehicle door had not been closed properly, he made a sharp turn. This was before the seat belt laws were passed, and the child was not wearing a seat belt at the time. The car door opened all the way and the little boy rolled out, right into the middle of cars coming from four directions! The last thing this man saw was a pair of wheels that were about to run over his son. This car was going at high speed. All the man could do was scream, "JESUS!"

As soon as he managed to stop the car, he jumped out of the vehicle and ran to his son, who was perfectly fine. But the man driving the car that almost hit the child, was absolutely hysterical. The man went to him and started trying to comfort him.

Do not be like that, my friend! he said. "Everything is fine with my son. He is fine. Do not worry about ithim anymore. Just thank God you were able to stop!"

"You do not understand!" The man replied, "I did not touch the brake!"

There was a crisis situation. There was no time for anyone to do anything, not even to think or plan or reason. Though none of the men could stop any action, the name of Jesus prevailed. The power to work miracles came into play and the boy's life was spared.

We need to have more confidence in the name of Jesus and less confidence in ourselves or anyone else to solve our problems.

There is power in the name of Jesus!

Acts 2:40

Acts 2:40

Save yourselves - This expression here denotes, preserve yourselves from the influence, opinions, and fate of this generation. It implies that they should use diligence and effort to deliver. God deals with people as free agents. He invites them to put forth their own power and effort to be saved. Unless they develop their own strength, they will never be saved. When they are saved, they ascribe to God the praise for having inclined them to seek him, and for the grace by which they are saved.
They were not to apprehend the danger of theirs which they were to free themselves from; but they should apprehend the danger of being with them, united in their plans; drawings and feelings. From the influence of their opinions, etc., they were to escape. That generation was significantly corrupt and perverse. See Matthew 12:39; Matthew 16:4; Mark 8:38. They crucified the Messiah; and they were, for their sins, soon destroyed.
Corrupted generation. They were soft, cunning, plausible; but they were corrupt in principle and perverse in conduct. The Pharisees had great control over the people. To depart from them was to defy all their power and doctrine; alienating yourself from your teachers and friends; to face the authority of those in office and those who had long claimed the right to teach and guide the nation. The main danger of those who were now awakened was from that generation; that they would mock, denounce, or persecute them, and induce them to forsake their seriousness, and return to their sins. And therefore Peter immediately exhorted them to separate themselves from them, and to give themselves to Christ.

Acts 2:42-45

Acts 2:42-45

This last paragraph of chapter 2 seems, at first glance, to describe a community of goods in the Early Church in Jerusalem. But the original Greek text gives a somewhat different impression than that resulting from the English translation. The imperfect tense, which means continuous or repeated action, appears no fewer than eight times in these five verses (43-47). Believers "had everything in common"; that is, they left all their possessions at the disposal of the church, to be used as needed.

Verse 45 can be paraphrased like this: "And from time to time, they sold their possessions and their goods, and divided them among all, according to the needs that each one had from time to time". The implication is that when special needs arose, some believer or believers would sell property and make the proceeds of the sale available to meet the emergency. The same thing still happens today among consecrated Christians. Do not confuse it with some false teachings that say the first Christians were socialists.

Acts 2:47

Acts 2:47

This was the first formation of the church. We read this passage and our hearts are happy and moved. This harmony was perfect! The brothers achieved such an impactful life transformation that the people around them had sympathy for the members of the newly born church. Of course, this did not last long, later on we have Ananias and Sapphire. They were not changed to that extent but they wanted to pretend they were.

The true church of the Lord remains firm and outstanding. We know that many times, countless times, the church goes where the public power does not go.

But nowadays, much because of the Internet, negative propaganda has been made of the church, many videos are taken out of context and shown only the part that interests the accuser to dirty the church's image. And one thing that makes very sad are people who call themselves Christians and open gossip channels just to announce mistakes that happen in the church. And you ask: "Ah! So you think it should be stuffy?" No! But do not see it as right to make a living out of speaking ill of the church either. The step by step that Jesus taught for the rebuke of a brother in sin does not pass by publishing the error to the four corners of the world.

But there is a sad moment when people do not like believers and they have a reason. How many believers belch holiness but the neighborhood or co-workers realize there is more hypocrisy. In evangelizing one often hears that if you were to be a believer like the person who did this and the other one who did that. They preferred to stay as they are. There are so many bad examples. It is pitiful.

And in the end. And we are already close. The Lord Jesus said that we would be hated by all because of his name. But let us see that we are hated for being faithful servants and not for being hypocrites, pretenders, false Christians.

Acts 3:19-20

Acts 3:19-20

Times of rest come when we turn to God and spend time in His presence. Until we get to the point where we want God's presence more than anything else, the devil will have the upper hand. When we see God's truth, the devil loses ground, and we begin to make radical progress in our relationship and communion with God.

Most of us try almost anything before they finally learn that what they need is not what God can give us, but God Himself. These are times that usually represent years of frustration and unhappiness. But, thank God, His holy Spirit lives in us, teaches us and reveals the truth to us as we continue to study, read and listen to the Word of the Lord.

Acts 4:12

Acts 4:12

This is one of the greatest emphases of the New Testament: SALVATION IS ONLY GIVEN THROUGH CHRIST ALONE. The last word, saved, is the same Greek verb that is translated healed in verse 9. It is 'sozo', used in the Gospels mainly of physical healing, and in the Epistles of spiritual salvation. Its use here in verse 9 and 12 indicates the transition. Healing the body is symbolic of healing the soul.

- The name of Jesus is incomparable.
- The name of Jesus is Savior.
- This name is unique.
- His name is sovereign.
- He is Lord.

Imagine the courage of the disciples! Today we have to pray for the same courage. Right now the world is pressuring Christians to shut up. Laws are beginning to appear in all countries that want to silence Christians. You cannot say certain things because you "offend" other religions. And as it happened to the disciples, it is already happening to Christians all over the world. Note that here and there we are seeing in the newspapers and the internet that a Christian had to go to a police station to provide "clarifications" about something he said. The Public Ministry no longer cares about bandits and outlaws, but is constantly offering complaints against Christians, churches, pastors in general.
So let us pray, the point will come when we must choose between obeying God or men.

Acts 4:13

Acts 4:13

The Jewish authorities, when questioning Peter and John, realized from their speeches that they had been with Jesus. And you? Can your neighbors, friends at work or school see that you walk with Jesus? If following Jesus was a crime, would the authorities have enough evidence to arrest you?

Well, at that moment they had no way of arresting Peter and John, but they threatened them not to talk about Jesus anymore. They were released, and when they met with the community, they told everything that happened, in verse 24 it says: WHEN HEARING THEIR REPORT, ALL PRESENT LIFTED THEIR VOICE TOGETHER TO GOD AND PRAYED. In prayer they asked (v29) - AND NOW, LORD, LOOK UPON THEIR THREATS AND GRANT YOUR SERVANTS TO SPEAK WITH ALL BOLDNESS. The amazing thing about this prayer is that they did nOt pray for protection, but for power to go on preaching!

Their prayer was literally answered. The place they were praying moved, thus manifesting the power of God. And, what is even more important, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit in a fresh outpouring of the divine presence that would empower them for their task. The consequence was that they BOLDLY spoke the Word of God. This passage teaches about the power of prayer.

Acts 4:19-20

Acts 4:19-20

Peter and John healed the lame man at the temple gate. That is why they were arrested and interrogated and in the end threatened so that they would not speak or teach anymore in the name of Jesus.

With divine wisdom and direct frankness, Peter and John asked the Jewish leaders to judge whether it was right for the apostles to obey God or to the Sanhedrin. This exposed the judges. Obviously, there was only one answer that could be given. Then the two disciples made a moving statement: WE CANNOT STOP SPEAKING WHAT WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD. This is the testimony of anyone who has found reality in Jesus Christ.

They were even threatened more - Threatening is the way some people end an argument when they have no reasonable response.

We may not fear threats, that given an opportunity we may present Christ and show His power to those in need.

Acts 4:33

Acts 4:33

A more significant description of those early believers is that grace abounded in all of them. This divine grace, present in abundant quantity, made them gracious in attitude and deed, in word and deed.

SHARED EVERYTHING THEY HAD - Why? As explained in chapter 2:44-45 what happens is that when a need arises, someone would sell some good and bring the money to solve the emergency. This is what the original Greek text indicates, by the imperfect usage here in this passage which is the same. Which is not to say that everyone sold their homes and possessions at the same time and put the money in a common vault. The early church did not practice communism, but genuine and consecrated administration. This is still Christ's requirement of those who would be his.

Acts 5:9

Acts 5:9

In chapter 5 of Acts we see the story of Ananias and sapphire who sold a property and when delivering their donation to the apostles they lied about the value of the sale.
Peter probably received special discernment given by the Holy Spirit - although some understand that the account does not rule out the possibility that he was informed by some human individual of the price for the sale of the land. Anyway he challenged Ananias. Why had this church member allowed Satan to get into his heart and cause him to lie to the Holy Spirit? In verse 4, Peter says: YOU HAVE NOT LIED TO MEN (ie, not only to men) BUT TO GOD.

Ananias could not have sold the land, or if he did he could do whatever he wanted, it was his! In the Primitive church YOU HAD NO OBLIGATION TO SELL YOUR GOODS, this was never required.

Beware the price of hypocrisy. You can fool people and keep fooling them for a while, but not your whole life. Discovery will come, know that. And with the discovery comes the consequence that in some cases can be yes, eternal spiritual death.

Acts 5:29

Acts 5:29

But it is more important to obey God than men. Strive to live the principles and values of the Holy Bible, whatever the cost. Announce all the Word of Jesus Christ, even if some reject it or try to stop it. No human institution will fulfill this task that belongs to the Church of God. Therefore, in the power of the Holy Spirit, put on the weapons that God gives and witness the Salvation of Jesus to the world.

But it is more important to obey God than men. Strive to live the principles and values of the Holy Bible, whatever the cost. Announce all the Word of Jesus Christ, even if some reject it or try to stop it. No human institution will fulfill this task that belongs to the Church of God. Therefore, in the power of the Holy Spirit, put on the weapons that God gives and witness the Salvation of Jesus to the world.

Obeying God first!

  • Reflect: Do you agree or lean favorably on current issues that the Bible does not support? Are you ashamed to say you are an evangelical Christian to non-believing acquaintances?
  • Assume a Christian conduct, inside and outside the church. The world needs to see the character of Christ mirrored in His people.
  • Listen to God's voice (His Word) and faithfully obey His commandments.
  • Pray and share what Christ has done in your life. Speak and live the love of God.
  • Do not miss out. Make a difference by maintaining a Christian, stable and wise attitude.
  • But be obedient to the government (Romans 13:1-2) as long as they do not go against God's commandments. Pray for them.

Acts 5:38

Acts 5:38

This was Gamalieu's advice to the Sanhedrin when they gathered to judge the apostles, in fact the group of Jewish leaders wanted to kill the apostles as they did Jesus, but Gamaliel thought it was too much.

And why did they heed that advice? Because Gamaliel was held in high esteem by them, he was a descendant of the great Hillel, who was famous for his liberal views and tolerant attitude. Gamaliel was a doctor of the law (teacher of the Law). He was the teacher of Saul of Tarsus.

The plan that God forms "must" be fulfilled. All man's devices are weak when opposed to Him, and He can tear them to pieces in an instant. Gamaliel's prediction was fulfilled. People opposed Christianity in every way, but in vain. They insulted Him; Chase Him; resorted to argumentation and ridicule; shoot, bassoon and sword; they asked for the help of science; but all is in vain. The more it is crushed, the more it grows and still exists with as much life and power as ever. The "preservation" of this religion amid so many and varied opposition proves that it is of God. No more severe judgment "can" await one than has already been experienced; and as He has survived so many storms and trials, we have every evidence that, according to predictions, He is destined to live and fill the world. See Matthew 16:18; Isaiah 54:17; Isaiah 55:11; Daniel 4:35.

Acts 6:2-4

Acts 6:2-4

This passage teaches us that it is not wise to get involved with everything that happens around us.

If you are trying to do something and you do not have the help you need, maybe you need to ask yourself if you are doing it right. Why would God ask you to do something and then sit back and watch your frustration and unhappiness because the burden is too heavy? God meets our needs, including providing the people we need to work alongside us.

Acts 7:42-43

Acts 7:42-43

Unfortunately, this behavior of the Israelites of the past, in the time of Moses and in the Old Testament, is still repeated today constantly among Christians of our time. In a country where the gospel is prohibited, the person needs to be very aware of the choice to follow Jesus, it is very risky. However, in free countries the gospel is quite accessible and many go but without having a real commitment to Christ. Knowing people who, in times of crisis, go to church, participate in campaigns, and when their problem is solved, they go back to living their daily lives far from God.
But the bad thing about it is, God Himself does not puts an end to it and hands the person over to live the way he/she wishes. God withdraws and gives up to the own desires... "go, do what you will" as Paul also teaches, that those who did not glory to God when He showed Himself to them, were, by the righteous judgment of God, given over to blindness. and blockade, and shameful lusts (Romans 1:28.)

So let us take stock of our lives, our worship, are you being sincere? Or have we here and there worshiped other gods? For ourselves, while there is still time, let us walk in a straight path to the glory of God.

Acts 7:51

Acts 7:51

Have you ever wondered what it is like to have a stubborn heart? The word "stubborn " comes from the Greek and means uncircumcised. "Circumcise" is to cut off. When a person has an uncircumcised heart and something evil gets into it, he does not cut it out. Instead, let the evil remain there. But the person who has his heart circumcised will immediately cast out any wrong attitude that comes into his/her mind and heart.

Remember, the devil will come at us with wrong feelings at every opportunity, but taking his bait will never help us. It will only impede our growth and development. If we want to have circumcised hearts, we need to immediately get rid of anger, hatred, jealousy, envy and any other kind of wrong inner attitude when it comes to our mind. If we allow such things to remain in our hearts, we are not being what God has called us to be. We will be living our lives before Him with uncircumcised hearts.

A victorious Christian keeps his/her heart circumcised by saying no to anything that would keep him/her from being a person whose heart is right with God.

Acts 7:59-60

Acts 7:59-60


HUMAN REVENGE - As the members of the Sanhedrin heard Stephen's denunciation of his stubborn rebellion, they raged in their hearts. Their teeth ground against him.

THE CELESTIAL VISION - What was Stephen's reaction to this outburst of hatred? Being filled with the Holy Spirit and fixing his eyes on Heaven, he saw the glory of God - a sensible manifestation of his presence. He also saw Jesus, Who was at the right hand of God - "the position of equal honor and power". Stephen bore witness to what he was seeing. The expression Son of Man occurs only here in the New Testament outside of the Gospels.

THE HORRIBLE EVIL- The scene that followed is a sad commentary on the Judaism of those days. Stephen's hearers shouted with a loud voice, covered their ears - as to not hear any more of his words - and unanimously rushed against him. They drove him out of the city - so that he would no longer corrupt the holy place! - and stoned him.

THE DIVINE FORGIVENESS - This prayer of the first martyr at the hour of death - LORD, DO NOT CHARGE THIS SIN TO THEM was an echo of the Lord's prayer on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing". Stephen had his Master's Spirit.

Brothers and sisters, let us seek from God this courage, faith and intrepidity to defend what we believe in until the end. Times like this are coming for every Christian on earth. Let us pray for the strength and courage of our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church.

Acts 8:1

Acts 8:1

After Stephen's death, a great persecution began that very day. Verse 3 says that Saul sought to destroy the church. He went from house to house, dragged out men and women and threw them into prison. "Drag" is an old form of a word meaning "to tow, to pull violently". Beloved brethren and sisters, I think the Lord's church is very close to experiencing this persecution again. Meaning the church all over the world, we know that persecution has always existed in the world in some countries, but not in the whole world at the same time.

Reading some news and there was a report by a Brazilian politician saying that enough of these pastors and believers in general have so much power over the decisions of a society just because the Bible says, we have to vote on a law that take the Bible out of circulation. Well, soon we shall be criminals for carrying a Bible.

There are also movements with advertisements saying that it is offensive to say the phrase: "You need Jesus". And each day more and more we see an increase in the number of rejection of Christians and the Word of God.

The text says that Christians left Jerusalem and spread out and took the word with them and shared wherever they went and the church grew a lot. The apostles stayed in Jerusalem, we do not know the main reason, but the fact is that they stayed. In Brazil we see a different movement, after this change of government many christian leaders were the first to leave the country. But God is the one who never leaves us.

Quickly the events of the end time are precipitating, stay tuned and do not be made of fools, democracy is for others to do what they want, not for us Christians. For us, the path is persecution. Being called bigots, fundamentalists, etc. But when these things begin to happen let us lift our eyes up, our redemption draws near..

Acts 8:15-17

Acts 8:15-17

This passage in the book of Acts is very significant. The Samaritans were converted to Christ through the preaching of Philip and, on a later occasion, were filled with the Holy Spirit under the ministry of Peter and John. For them, no doubt, the reception of the Holy Spirit was a fact subsequent to conversion.

It may be asked why Philip, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, could not complete this work without the coming of Peter and John. The answer probably is, that it was necessary to establish the unity of the church of Jesus Christ in the beginning by this act of apostolic authority. There should not be separate movements springing up here and there, but a united church, founded by the men Jesus put in charge of this task.

Acts 8:30

Acts 8:30

Philip was a versatile evangelist, filled with the Holy Spirit and led by the Spirit. He could preach to large crowds as well as do personal work with a single individual on a deserted road. The essential lesson to be learned is that when the Holy Spirit prompts us to carry some ministry to others, He gives us the necessary power to carry out the mission. Where God guides, God provides. Another lesson is that no Spirit-led task is small. Only God can foresee the results of a few moments of testimony given to a person whose heart the Holy Spirit has prepared to receive this testimony.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ? This is a pertinent question at any time. Understands literally means "Do you know"? HOW CAN I UNDERSTAND IF SOMEONE DOES NOT TEACH ME? Teach is the same verb used by Jesus in John 16:13 as "guide". Then Philip, opening his mouth, began to announce Jesus and then the Eunuch himself, seeing some water, asked to be baptized. After that, the Eunuch joyfully went on his way and Felipe, in a fantastic way, was raptured and found himself in another location and continued evangelizing all the way.

Atos 9:4-5

Atos 9:4-5

This passage recounts Saul's encounter with Jesus when he went in pursuit of the Christians in Damascus.

When Saul (Paul) went out to chastise the church, he was persecuting the Head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. This is a solemn warning not only to outsiders who may attack the church, but also to church members if they deliberately act against any fellow member. By doing this, they are acting against Christ. Understand: the evil that is done against the church here on earth is momentary, if these people do not repent, God's answer to them will be eternal.

Acts 9:17

Acts 9:17

Some people say, believers receive everything what they need when they accept Jesus as Savior. This may be the case of some, but it is certainly not for everyone. Different people have different experiences.

This seems to be very clear. Saul converted first; Then, three days later, he was full of the Holy Spirit and baptized in the waters. If Saul, who became the apostle Paul, needed to be totally full of the Holy Spirit, surely we need also it. When we are born again (we accept Jesus as our Savior), we receive the Holy Spirit, but we need to be completely full of Him. As said, this occurs at different times for different people. As a believer in Jesus, do you have the Holy Spirit, but does the Holy Spirit have you? And if He has, how much of you does He have? Maybe it is time to make a complete delivery. Ask God to completely fill you with His Spirit and that you may be "filled with the Spirit," as Ephesians 5:18 teaches.

Acts 10:34-35

Acts 10:34-35

Acts 10:34 states that God is impartial, that is, He has no favorites. If we want to love as God loves, we should not treat people with partiality either.

That does not mean we cannot have special friends or get more involved with certain people than others. It means that we cannot treat some people one way and others differently. We cannot be kind to those who are good friends and not appreciate the way we treat those who are of no importance or no interest to us.

Our walk of love is immediately seen by the way we treat people who cannot do us any good. If we really want to love as God loves, we will treat everyone impartially, with the same honor and respect.

Acts 10:44

Acts 10:44

God's word teaches that although some people received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, other times He was simply poured out on people. Acts 10:44 says that while Peter was preaching in the house of Cornelius, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard. The next verses in Acts 10 say that the believers accompanying Peter were impressed because they witnessed how freely the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles who were there, as evidenced by their speaking in unknown tongues.

You can ask God to fill you and baptize you with the Holy Spirit right now where you are, just by praying. Here is a prayer you can say:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You would baptize me with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Grant me boldness like those who were filled on the day of Pentecost, and give me any other spiritual gifts that You want to give me.

If you prayed this prayer, wait on God silently and believe that you received what he asked for.

Acts 10:44-45

Acts 10:44-45

In the OT only those called or anointed by God received the Holy Spirit. But according to the new covenant the promise of the Father is offered to every believer (Luke 24:49), the active presence of the Holy Spirit.

  • It is through this activity of the fullness of the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer that Christ's ministry continues in His church.
  • But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8.
  1. BELIEVE that the POWER of God comes only by the Holy Spirit. Do not try to minister without the Holy Spirit.
  2. Look for and receive the Holy Spirit. Be continually filled with the Holy Spirit to regularly renew your life and ministry.
  4. HOPE that your Holy Spirit-filled relationship with Jesus will help you speak with confidence, COURAGE AND SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING.

Acts 11:20-21

Acts 11:20-21

The scattered Christians traveled as far north as Phoenicia (the cities of Tire and Sidon), modern Lebanon, Cyprus - the largest island at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea - and Antioch. This city had become the third largest city in the Roman Empire, surpassed only by Rome and Alexandria. Eight kilometers from the city, was the wood of Daphne, an important center of worship for Apollo and Artemis (or Artemis). As a partial result of this, Antioch was famous for its immorality. Still, many Jewish proselytes lived there. They were evangelized first. This probably happened before Peter's experience in Caesarea.

Fortunately, there were some more enlightened Jews who preached Jesus to the Greeks. The result was that a large number believed and turned to the Lord. Antioch in a short time became the main center of Christianity.

Therefore, while the church is on earth, the order is to share the love of God, even in the worst mud and zone of sin, because our job is to announce that there is a light, a way out, and the work of transformation that operates is God through of your Holy Spirit.

Acts 11:25-26

Acts 11:25-26

Happy is the man who realizes his limitations, and who is willing to bring a assistant to the task. The selfless Barnabas wanted only what was best for the Kingdom. So he went to fetch Paul, the brilliant and highly educated Jewish rabbi who had been converted a few years earlier. Paul got off to a good start in his ministry, and then he had been sent home by the Jerusalem church when his life was in danger.

Barnabas rejoiced at the growth of the church, he was not jealous or envious and took a stand to control everything himself. He saw that the work was big and shared the load with Paul, it was good for everyone. Barnabas was generous he rejoiced to see people working - even Gentiles accepting Christ. He did not criticize, he gave his blessing. One get sad when one see the brothers fighting in the local churches, sowing discord because of offices and positions, so that others see that one is in charge, that one lead but the work will not be blessed! One´s work, no matter how beautiful it may be, will not stand, and sow discord to take someone's place, another will come who will do the same to you. Look. Watch the whole story in the book of Acts, God operates where there is UNITY, where the brothers work together with love for the same Lord, who is Jesus! Where there is no disagreement. Let us put vanity aside. Let us work without wanting to receive the glory, the pat on the back, the thanks here on earth.

Acts 12:5

Acts 12:5

Peter was in prison and the church offered continual prayers for him. Finally, the next day, Herod was going to have him appear in court. But on this very night - right at the "last hour" - God intervened in answer to prayers. We always need to be persevering in prayer sometimes God acts in the last hour. But let us be firm until the last minute.

The angel went into prison, Peter was ordered to get dressed immediately and tie his sandals. GOD DOES NOT DO FOR US WHAT WE CAN DO OURSELVES. See, if you pray asking God for a trip abroad, you need to go to get your passport. If you pray asking to pass a contest, study and register. If you want people to come to faith, you evangelize. If you want love, marriage, go out, get ready, meet people, go places. Only at home you will not meet anyone.

When they were far from prison, the angel departed from him. His wonderful intervention was no longer needed. Peter could now continue alone. IT IS FANATICISM TO EXPECT GOD TO DO FOR US WHAT WE CAN DO OURSELVES. See what happened, prayer, action and the miracle.

Acts 12:24

Acts 12:24

Despite all of Satan's efforts to hinder the church's work, the Word of God grew and multiplied. This is the third progress of this kind recorded in the book of Acts. Despite opposition, the work progressed.

In the previous verse it talks about the death of Herod. Herod had murdered James and intended to kill Peter. The divine retribution for it, and the acceptance of the blasphemous worship, decreed his death. People can rise up against God's work, it is possible... but they forget that they are fighting not against people, but against God Himself and at the right time, because God has the right time to act, they will be punished. Sometimes it even seems that God accepts it quietly, but make no mistake! God does not hold the guilty for innocent.

Acts 13:2

Acts 13:2


  1. Waiting on God - They were fasting and praying and seeking God's will. Which a lot of people do not do. People want to know God's will for their lives but they do not want to pray and fast so it is not even told.
  2. Hear the voice of God - It is part of a sequence, first, through fasting and prayer you prepare your life and position yourself so that God opens your spiritual senses to get in touch with you and be heard.
  3. Obey his call - See, so far it has worked, you managed to know God's will, but … sometimes it was not quite what you imagined … but, even so, obey! God's will is good, perfect and pleasant according to His Word.
  4. Cooperate in church activities - While your answer does not arrive, you continue serving in the church, doing the Lord's work while waiting for a new direction.

Acts 13:48

Acts 13:48

The Gentiles rejoiced at the good news and glorified the word of the Lord, which would now be preached to them. The text does not say a word that would lead us to think that from then on anyone could change sides. Jews and Gentiles had been arrayed on opposite sides in the matter of apostolic preaching, but this did not unalterably define their destiny.

Not only did many Gentiles accept Christ, but the Word of the Lord spread - it was propagated throughout that province. Paul's policy was to concentrate on the big cities and let the work of evangelism radiate from these centers. The disciples were filled with joy precisely because they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 14:3

Acts 14:3
  • Acts enjoins us to have a CONFIDENT FAITH, which may not be familiar to many of us.

  • It is refreshing to read about MEN and WOMEN who believe that OUR GREAT GOD DOES GREAT THINGS IN A GREAT WAY.

  • Let us have the courage to do the same! We have great accounts that invite us to the kinds of risks associated with confident faith.

  • Firmly believe that God will fulfill all that He has promised in his Word!

  • HUMBLY CALL ON THE LORD to perform signs and wonders to confirm with power the message of the Gospel of His Son.

  • And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it. Amen Mark 16:20.

Acts 15:8-9

Acts 15:8-9

Peter stated that two things happened to both the Jews at Pentecost and the Gentiles in Caesarea: they were filled with the Holy Spirit and their hearts were purified. Therefore, we can say with Peter that when a person receives the Holy Spirit, he not only receives power but also cleanses from sin. These two verses form an essential passage for preaching and teaching all sanctification. When the Holy Spirit enters a man's heart, He will necessarily purify him; for He is the Holy Spirit, the sanctifying Spirit. The water baptism is an outward act, but the baptism with the Holy Spirit is an inward act which takes place at the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Savior.

Acts 16:6-7

Acts 16:6-7

This incident provides a valuable lesson in divine guidance. Paulo felt, somehow, in the position of a man walking down a corridor. He wants to enter the doors on the right or the left, but they all have a sign: "Do not enter."
So he keeps walking, feeling tempted by frustration. Then he approaches what appears to be a blank wall. However, upon arriving, suddenly large doors open and he enters a large auditorium full of people.

Paul must have wondered why he had been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go to the left (Asia) or to the right (Bithynia). But as he walked in a straight line to the end of the earth, suddenly a great door opened and he found himself face to face with a great field to cultivate in Europe. God had closed the lesser doors because he had a greater task in store for his apostle. This sometimes also happens in our life. Like Paul, we should just obey, even without knowing the destination.

Acts 16:14

Acts 16:14

Like Lydia, we need to open our hearts to the things of God. The reason an open heart is so important is because without it, we would not hear anything new - We are not talking about strange or unusual things, but different things that God wants to do in our lives. It is amazing the number of great Biblical promises that we refuse to believe because they are not part of what we were previously taught. Why cannot our journey of faith be progressive? Why cannot we accept that there may be some things we do not know? THE HEART OF THE HUMBLE BELIEVER IS OPEN TO THE TRUTH.

We need to have an accessible heart. God's word and our hearts will testify of the truth when we hear it. OUR HEART NEEDS TO BE AVAILABLE TO GOD so that He can do new things in our lives.

Acts 16:25

Acts 16:25

The story which follows represents one of the glorious memorials of the triumph of Christianity in the human spirit. Instead of murmuring and complaining because they could not sleep due to the pain, CLOSE TO MIDNIGHT, PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED AND SUNG HYMS TO GOD. As they prayed, they felt joy rising within them and this led them to sing. Sincere prayer always leads to glorification, and glorification dispels sadness. In that dark dungeon, a light shone in the hearts of the two missionaries. They prayed and sang loudly so that the other prisoners could hear.

AND SUDDENLY THERE WAS SUCH A BIG EARTHQUAKE. God could not let His servants suffer while they sang praises to Him. So He shook and opened the prison doors, and loosened the chains that bound the prisoners' hands and feet.
Dear brothers, we know that the temptation to complain is great. But let us make an effort and try to worship God in the midst of the struggle, God is a loving Father Who does not leave us and generally comes to our rescue.

Acts 16:31

Acts 16:31

Paul and Silas were in prison praying and singing hymns to God. There was an earthquake, the prison doors opened. The jailer was desperate to the point of taking his own life. But Paul stopped him and then the man asked: SIR, WHAT MUST I DO TO SAVE MYSELF?

The missionaries' answer was: BELIEVE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND YOU WILL BE SAVED, YOU AND YOUR HOME. Nothing is mentioned about repentance, the reason probably being that Paul sensed a real repentance already present in the jailer's attitude. He was ready to believe. Here the word house means "home" and may have included this man's servants as well as his entire family.

The word of God in the Bible is faithful and true. Jesus came to destroy the works of darkness. Believe in the Lord Jesus! Seek to know God's plan for humanity! The devil is also real, he is the source of evil on earth. And he wants to drag as many as he can into an eternity of torment. Jesus loves you! Believe in Him and you will be saved!

Acts 17:11

Acts 17:11

Receiving good teachings from pastors, teachers and ministers is a blessing, but it is equally important and a duty to study the Scriptures for yourself. Do you regularly set aside time to read God's Word every day? If not, ask Him to help you hunger to read and study His Word, and make every effort to make that a daily reality.

Acts 17:30

Acts 17:30

The ancient times of ignorance, God overlooked - or "disregarded" - but the Lord now bids all men everywhere to repent. Paul is now reaching his evangelistic conclusion.

Why do men need to repent? BECAUSE HE HAS DETERMINED A DAY WHEN HE SHALL JUDGE THE WORLD WITH JUSTICE, THROUGH THE MAN WHO HE DESTINED, JESUS CHRIST. Of this God gave certainty - or rather, "gave proof" - to all, by raising him from the dead. This is part of the Easter message that is rarely announced. The resurrection is the proof of men, God guarantees that there will be a day of judgment, when all mankind will be judged. This is a solemn thought.

Acts 18:9-10

Acts 18:9-10


The apostle Paul had already suffered a lot, he was arrested, flogged, in Iconico the crowd tried to stone him, in Lystra he was even stoned and almost killed, there were many afflictions so far. Then in Corinth there was new opposition, insults from the Jews and Paul was perhaps afraid of being hurt, arrested or attacked again with violence.

God who is so wonderful and understands us, through his Holy Spirit spoke to Paul comforting and encouraging. And so it is with us, our spirit can be strengthened by the word of the Lord.

  1. By divine consolation: "DO NOT FEAR BECAUSE I AM WITH YOU" God does not forget us for a single moment, He knows everything we are going through and understands us when no one else understands.
  2. For the divine commission- "SPEAK AND DO NOT BE QUIET" He reminds us that things are not part of a "chance" but have a divine purpose and we are part of it. God counts on you and me. Enemy uprisings are part of this mission.
  3. By divine care - "I HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE IN THIS CITY" God takes care of everything, both those He wants to save by sending Paul to announce and Paul himself when he says: "NO ONE WILL ATTACK HIM NOR WILL HURT HIM" . It is so good when we are comforted by the Lord. Do not be discouraged!

Acts 19:15

Acts 19:15

Some Jewish exorcists decided to capitalize on the situation to gain some publicity, and perhaps a financial reward. Therefore, they tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying: I BLESS YOU BY JESUS WHOM PAUL PREACHES. This group was made up of the sons of Sceva, a Jew, chief of priests or a high priest.

Continuing... the evil spirit replied (using the man's vocal cords): I know Jesus and I know who Paul is; but you, who are you? Then the demons of the possessed man attacked them. This episode caused fear to fall on the residents of Ephesus and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. Fear often creates conviction and produces sincerity.

Today we see something similar when people who have channels on YouTube and talk about any and all subjects to generate content, speak and give their opinions about facts that they are unaware of in practice. To capitalize on gossip and judgments etc. And it is complicated to talk about something you do not master because it can turn against you. May God give us wisdom.

Acts 20:24

Acts 20:24

Regardless of your current position and regardless of what you have been called to do and where you have been called to go, enjoy the journey so that you can do as much as Acts 20:24 encourages us to - finish your race and complete the ministry that Jesus entrusted to him. Do not waste a single day of the precious life God has given you!

Acts 20:30

Acts 20:30
  • What is apostasy? It is the abandonment of faith.
  • Where will the apostates come from?
    From the church. Among us, men will arise and distort the truth to attract disciples who will go after them.
  • What do apostates look like?
    With servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:15).
  • What are apostates "inclined" to?
    Not atheism, but false Christianity with false teaching and distortion of the Bible (different Bible explanation)(Matthew 7).
  • People should study the Bible and compare what they hear with what it says. By the Bible, they are to determine who is telling the truth and who they are not to believe.
  • Who will fall?
    Professed Christians who went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out, that it might be plain that they all are not of us (1 John 2:19).
  • What will the great apostasy be like?
    A revival “having the appearance of godliness”, but denying its power (2 Timothy 3: 5).
  • What is the main cause of apostasy?
    The time will come when men will not endure sound doctrine. They will refuse to listen to the truth, turning to myths. (2 Timothy 4: 3,4).

Acts 23:11

Acts 23:11

No doubt Paul was deeply disturbed by the turmoil and enormously concerned for his personal safety. But before the worst news reached him, the Lord prepared him for the shock, ministering to him in comfort and confidence. That same night, after the unpleasant experience before the council, the Lord presented Himself to him (Jesus appeared to Paul). In this hour of extreme tension and trial, the Lord was beside His servant and strengthened him.

To his troubled apostle, Jesus said: TAKE CARE - Take courage! Do not be afraid! Then the promise was made: For as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou also testify in Rome. This represented a double consolation. First, Paul had the divine assurance that he would not die in Jerusalem. This must have been a great comfort, especially in view of the information he was soon to receive about the plot against his life. Second, he knew that his desire to go to Rome would be fulfilled.

This verse shows how Jesus gave to Paul:
1- Consolation - Be cheerful.
2- Compliment - as you testified of me in Jerusalem.
3- Confirmation - so it matters that you also testify in Rome.

Acts 26:14

Acts 26:14

Recalcitrate - fight against

Goad - pointed rod, or a piece of wood with a pointed metal end, with which a man could prod his ox to walk.

The image is that of a stubborn ox kicking against the goad, and thus only succeeding in hurting itself.

Saul was kicking the stings of:

  1. A decent human conscience, which every time must have told him that cruel treatment of Christians was wrong.
  2. The devoted lives of Christians, which would not fail to impress him.
  3. Stephen's face (6:5) and his prayer for the forgiveness of his persecutors. It is possible to believe that the memory of this scene haunted him throughout his journey to Damascus.

This word is also for you who, in the depths of your soul, have already been touched by the love of Christ and know that the right thing to do is to follow Him, but for some reasons you have resisted. Careful! The more you fight it, the more you get hurt. See - YOU ARE THE HURT ONE - God has a great work to do through you. Meditate on it.

Acts 26:18

Acts 26:18

Continued 26:18 that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.

  1. Salvation opens the spiritual eyes of those who have been blinded by sin.
  2. Conversion is turning from the darkness of sin to the light of God's presence.
  3. Salvation brings a person from the power (Greek, authority) of Satan to the freedom that God gives.
  4. Forgiveness of sins comes to those who turn from Satan to God.
  5. Those who are forgiven can receive an inheritance among the sanctified.

It must be emphasized that sanctification comes through faith in Christ and not our own works. A person does not become sanctified by fighting and struggling, but by surrendering to Christ. So it's an instant experience. When one surrenders COMPLETELY, he will be completely sanctified.

Acts 27:25

Acts 27:25

What was the basis of Paul's confident assurance? This very night, last night - there had been with him the angel of God - rather "an angel of God, whose I am and whom I serve." This angel said, "Paul, fear not!" It is important that you shall be presented to Caesar - God had so ordered - and He would not fail to reach Rome alive.

And what is the lesson here? The true servant of God is not shaken by the storms of life because he is firm on the rock that is Christ. You see, many Christians like to lean on the prayers of others. It is like "pray for me" guys … but we should all seek intimacy with God. Hearing God's voice in the storms of life:

  1. God can be found by those who serve Him - how? In times of prayer. There are people who, instead of talking to God, seek help from relatives, neighbors, lose their confidence and panic.
  2. Listening to God brings confidence and personal strength - through prayer God comforts us, reassures us, calms us down and fills us with hope.
  3. Listening to God brings certainty and courage and reflects them in those around us. You start to have courage, get up, God guides you and you can see a way out, draw up a plan or, as in the case of Paulo, sit down and calmly wait, because you are sure that this is not the end.

Acts 27:33-34

Acts 27:33-34

With Paul's encouragement and example, everyone now being in good spirits, they also began to eat (v.36). This would later prove to be important, due to the unexpected difficulty of having to swim to shore.

During all the time of these severe trials, the apostle had shown himself AN EXAMPLE TO ALL CHRISTIANS in three ways:

  1. Courage in the midst of danger. Beginning of the storm. He was always calm and peaceful. And encouraging others.
  2. Trust in God. The angel of the Lord spoke to Paul and he trusted that everything he said was what would happen. That despite material losses, no life would be lost and everyone would reach their final destination.
  3. Command and authority in the midst of the crisis. And finally, Paul takes the lead and encourages the people to eat, strengthen the body and expect that not a single hair would be lost, and so he spoke with the authority of a servant of God and who knows and is intimate with God.

Acts 28:24

Acts 28:24

Even today, the gospel preacher experiences the same twofold reaction from his hearers. Each of us belongs to one or the other of these two classes. The same fire melts wax and hardens clay; the same light is joy to healthy eyes and agony to sick ones; the same word savors of life for life, and savors of death for death; the same Jesus exists for the fall and for the resurrection of men, and is to some the sure foundation on which they safely build - but to others the stone over which they stumble and bruise themselves, and which, when it falls on them, reduce them to dust.

Acts 28:30-31

Acts 28:30-31

From this final scene in the book of Acts, two significant points are suggested:

  1. GOD'S UNEXPECTED AND NOT ALWAYS WELCOME WAYS to fulfill our desires, and His purposes. Paul had long wanted to preach in Rome (Rom 15:23), but he would not have chosen to go there that way - as a prisoner in chains. Jewish fury and the wiles of the state and the permanence of Roman law, two years in prison, a voyage in a storm, a shipwreck, eventually led him to his long-desired goal.
  2. The misguided estimation of world magnitudes. "Who was greater in Rome at that time? Not Caesar, but the poor Jewish prisoner." Luke's purpose was to describe the spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Rome, so he ends with a brief summary of Paul's ministry in this imperial city. We need not be nominal believers and without proximity to our God, otherwise we will never bury God's work in our lives. We are going to live suffering, hitting our heads because without trusting and being intimate with the Lord, we are left without understanding and full of "whys". The apostle Paul just trusted and followed step by step the path that God guided him.