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Gender Ideology


Ideologia Genero ou Gênero

Gender ideology is denying the differences between men and women based on biological structure. Instead, its thinking proposes that these differences are the result of a social and cultural construction. It claims that society and culture impose on men and women their respective roles, none of which correspond to natural differences between the sexes. Allows all sex, same-sex, transgender, bisexual and with animals. It is against marriage. The person has the right, or the parents have the right, to choose the sex, and changing the sex is allowed. It absolutely denies the creation of male and female by God the Creator.
In several countries, such as Sweden, this teaching is mandatory from kindergarten onwards. Parents, who contradict this at home, are removed from their parenthood. The president of Brazil banned this teaching, but it was overruled by the high court.

Is gender ideology innocent?

It is not an innocent ideology like boys playing with dolls and girls playing with cars, like dressing boys in skirts. For Deuteronomy 22:5 plainly says:

A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

So this is already against the Will of God. But what is more innocent? The fact that already at the age of 6-7 at school children must take off their clothes and boys and girls are obliged to feel each other's genitals. At this age, that's too young! It is also taught that sexual relations with adults (pedophilia) and animals are not abnormal.

Gender ideology denies creation biology

It is denying the FACT that there are ONLY two chromosomes: X and Y. At the fertilization of the X and X chromosomes a girl will be born. On fertilization of the X and Y chromosomes, a boy will be born. This is a BIOLOGICAL FACT. With this difference, the girl develops the genitals and female hormones. The boy develops the male's genitals and hormones.

Consequences of sex change

The consequences of changing sex are great. With the boy/man, the penis is removed and through the operation a vagina is made. However, there is only artificial. A child can never be born, because there are no female genitals. With the girl/female, the vagina and female parts are removed and a penis is provided. However, this penis does not have a natural erection. The erection is by pump. Also without ejaculation, because there are no male genitals to produce seeds.
Unfortunately, a parent may allow this operation to be performed on their child. The worst case was when the father refused and the mother insisted in court. And the court allowed it. The child (4 years old) did not know what was happening.
Medicines and strong hormones are needed to maintain sex change, some with various diseases. Since there are no ovaries in a man, heavy female hormones must be ingested for the rest of his life. Since no seed balls are present in the female, heavy male hormones must be ingested for the rest of her life. It is not always successful in giving the necessary voice changes. If they already started when the sex change is made before puberty, it also has consequences in becoming adults.
Needless to say, the consequence is that they will never naturally produce children.
Many adults regret the sex change and reverse it. But the damage is done and no children can be had, nor a normal sex life.

Dangers of gender ideology

When at adult years and not satisfied with the sex change, the change is irreversible. The sex life is destroyed. Many take refuge in alcohol and drugs. But worst of all, they are not able to face and commit suicide. Some have their sex changed to their original sex. But a normal sex life is impossible, the sexual organs are removed and the penis has to be pumped in order to be erected. Having children is only possible through adoption.

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