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Bible Comments and Books to Read

These are indications. It does not mean that EZBB agrees with the writings. Therefore the contents is too much.

Old Testament Beacon Commentary

Comentário Beacon AT

The Biblical Commentary Beacon provides a comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Bible by 40 conservative evangelical theologians. There are 10 volumes, five for the Old Testament and five for the New. In each biblical book, verses are commented in an expository, exegetical way and always with a homiletical suggestion, which makes the Beacon particularly useful for Sunday School teachers and teachers. But it also has a devotional characteristic that makes it a captivating and indispensable work for all believers who wish to study the Word of God. Beacon has theological scholarship, yet in a balanced tone in his interpretation and in his inspirational goal. Its format is attractive and practical. Its commentators and editors believe that this work is of great value to all who seek to discover the profound truths of the Word of God, which "endures forever".

New Testament Beacon Commentary

Comentário Beacon NT

The New Beacon Bible Commentary is an engaging, indispensable reference tool that equips you to study and meditate on God’s Word. Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, it offers insightful scholarship to help you unlock Scripture’s deeper truths and garner an awareness of the history, culture, and context attributed to each book studied. Readable, relevant, and academically thorough, it offers a new standard for understanding and interpreting the Bible in the twenty-first century.

Henry Matthew Commentary

Comentário Henry Matthew

Baixar o commentário de Henry Matthew in english, gratis.

Matthew Henry was born near Wales on October 18, 1662.

Henry was primarily home-educated by his father, Rev. Philip Henry, and also at the Thomas Doolittle academy from 1680-1682. Henry first started studying law in 1686, but instead of pursuing a career in law he began to preach in his neighborhood.
After the declaration of liberty of conscience by James II in 1687, he was privately ordained in London, and on June 2, 1687, he began his regular ministry as non-conformist pastor of a Presbyterian congregation at Chester. He remained in this position for 25 years. After declining several times offers from London congregations, he finally accepted a call to Hackney, London, and began his ministry there May 18, 1712, shortly before his death.

Henry's reputation rests upon his renowned commentary, An Exposition of the Old and New Testaments (1708-10, known also as Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible). He lived to complete it only as far as to the end of the Acts, but after his death other like-minded authors prepared the remainder from Henry's manuscripts. This work was long celebrated as the best English commentary for devotional purposes and the expanded edition was initially published in 1896. Instead of critical exposition, Henry focuses on practical suggestion, and his commentaries contains rich stores of truths. There is also a smaller devotional commentary on the Bible from Henry known as Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary.

Spurgeon used Henry's commentary and commended it heartily, saying: "Every minister ought to read it entirely and carefully through once at least."

Matthew Henry died in Cheshire due to a stroke, on June 22, 1714.

The Moody Bible Commentary

Comentário Bíblico Moody

Imagine having a team of 30 Moody Bible Institute professors helping you study the Bible. Now you can with this in-depth, user-friendly, one-volume commentary.

General editors Michael Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham have led a team of contributors whose academic training, practical church experience, and teaching competency make this commentary excellent for anyone who needs help understanding the Scriptures.

This comprehensive and reliable reference work should be the first place Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, missionaries, and pastors turn to for biblical insight. Scripture being commented on is shown in bold print for easy reference, and maps and charts provide visual aids for learning. Additional study helps include bibliographies for further reading and a subject and Scripture index.

The Moody Bible Commentary is an all-in-one Bible study resource that will help you better understand and apply God's written revelation to all of life.

>The Wycliffe Bible Commentary

Wycliffe Bible Commentary

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary PDF, free

You love God. You long to know Him more intimately, to see Him face to face. Now is the time to dig deeper into the Scriptures, to see the Bible come alive for you: chapter by chapter, sentence by sentence, word by word. Written by forty-eight leading Bible scholars, this powerful handbook walks you through the entire text of the Old and New Testaments (primarily in the KJV). From the majestic Genesis account of all the Creator brought into being to Christ's words at the end of Revelation ('Yea, I come quickly...'), you'll find insights to help you wrap your heart and mind around God's Word in the pages of The Wycliffe Bible Commentary.

Wycliffe Bible Dictionary

Wycliffe Dicionário Bíblico

The Wycliffe Bible Dictionary PDF, free

The Wycliffe Bible Dictionary provides a vast network of information on names and places mentioned in the Bible as well as doctrinal, historical, and important points in the biblical setting. Articles are written by more than 200 conservative leaders, evangelical scholars.

- A comprehensive Bible dictionary available to students, scholars and lay people.
- Extensive coverage is given to the main topics and contributors are highlighted at the end of each article.
- Muitos tópicos incluem bibliografia para pesquisa adicional.
- Over 900 (black / white) photos, maps, charts and sketches illustrate the text.

The Spiritual Man

O Homem Espiritual

The Spiritual ManPDF, free

Volume 1
Book The Spiritual Man, was the only book that Watchman Nee wrote with his own hand exposes the path of spiritual life and spiritual battle, examined in the light of the Bible and experience, the book The spiritual man deserves to be read.
Watchman Nee's book has become well known through many books that are the transcript of the messages he delivered. Some are the result of special conferences on specific topics, others are the compilation of several messages announced at different times and grouped by subject.
The Spiritual Man, however, was the only one written by Watchman Nee himself, being the urgent message about the path of the spiritual life and the stratagem of the spiritual battle, examined deeply in the light of the Word of God and the experience of Watchman Nee.

Volume 2
Spiritual man book, Watchman Nee in this second volume of the spirituality trilogy exposes the subject of man's regeneration, revealing how the Christian can experience the riches of life in the evangelical spirit.
In the book Spiritual Man, Watchman Nee exposes man's regeneration, revealing how the Christian can experience the riches of life in the spirit. The spiritual man Watchman Nee presents practices for a full relationship with the Holy Spirit of God.
The author also shows how to deal with emotions, affection, desires, so that the life of the soul does not take the place of the life of faith, which would be detrimental to the Christian journey. Watchman Nee became well known through his messages compiled and published in the form of books.
Book The Spiritual Man, is the only one he wrote in his own hand, at a time when he was facing a serious illness. Some topics covered in the book spiritual man volume two:
* The characteristics of the spiritual man
* How the Holy Spirit dwells in us
* What is spiritual work
* The constitution of the human spirit and related laws
* The mind principle assisting the spirit
* The believer and the emotion
* How to live a life of faith
Read this book and appropriate the great truths that have brought edification and deliverance to the children of God

Volume 03
Book The spiritual man deals with issues such as the renewal of the mind by God, experiencing the will of God, life that glorifies God and the exercise of faith in the cure of illnesses, a book that challenges us to be a spiritual person.

Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee Collection

Books of Watchman Nee. Download in PDF.

Watchman Nee was born in 1903 in Swatow, China as an answer to his mother’s prayer. Having already borne two daughters, she prayed that if God should give her a son, she would give him back to God. As the boy grew up, he showed every sign of promise except he had no interest in things spiritual. It was not till he was seventeen years of age that he was met by the Lord. He knew at that time that he must accept Christ Jesus as his Savior, yet he struggled over the necessity of surrendering his life to the Lord. The love of Christ finally overwhelmed him and he capitulated to Christ. This was on April 29, 1920. He had such a love for the Word of God that he studied it almost incessantly, so within a very short period he had read the whole Bible several times. He began to witness for Christ to his school mates and soon earned the nickname of “the preacher”. In searching the Scripture, he (with a few other believers) discovered ‘the simplicity and purity that is towards Christ.’ He determined to follow the Word of God explicitly and nothing but the Word.

In 1927 he began his life work in Shanghai, where he was able to practice the vision which the Lord had shown him in the Word. He understood that the eternal purpose of God is Christ and His Church. Through the mighty working of the Holy Spirit and the faithful ministry of this servant of God, this testimony spread over the vast land of China.

In 1949 the Communists took over China. Knowing what would be waiting for him back home, he nonetheless felt strongly his responsibility toward God and His Church. So he returned to China from Hong Kong in 1950. In April of 1952 he was seized and put in prison. He was later falsely accused as a master spy and was sentenced to twenty years of imprisonment. In prison he was not allowed to do anything but what was assigned him by prison authority. At the expiration of his sentence term, he was not released, and the news arrived quickly that he died faithful to the Lord.

Rebecca Brwon

Prepare for War

Do you know how Satan can use "doorways" including yoga, role-playing games, and meditation, to bring demonic destruction into your home? In this spiritual warfare manual, Rebecca Brown writes from seven years experience helping deliver many people out of hardcore satanism. In this sequel to her best-selling book He Came to Set the Captives Free, you will learn to stand victoriously against Satan, deal with the dangerous New Age teachings, recognize and deal with satanic ritualistic abuse of children, minister in the area of deliverance, and handle the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance. Satan hates you and wants to destroy you. To be victorious you must Prepare for War.